I want to become dragonkin

56  2018-01-10 by wazzupnerds


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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an expansive ornate building?

that's... remarkable

It hadn't occured to me that someone could identify as an inanimate object.

Who's going to throw the hotdog down the hallway on that one?

She’s built like a steakhouse but handles like a bistro

have u not seen that extremely tired pasta about the apache copter

Right, but it did not occur to me that someone could unironically think they're an inanimate object

I sexually Identify as an Expansive Ornate Building. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of standing on the corner of Oxford and Piccadilly making disgusting foreigners jealous of my expanses and ornamentation. People say to me that a person being a building is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install gambrel roofs, balconies, and Ionic columns with ornate friese and stylobate on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Edifice” and respect my right to loom imposingly and needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a buildingphobe and need to check your architectural privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

I thought you of all people would know , being a piece of shit and all.

no u

fuck you got (((me)))

Can't cuck the tuck

sorry bud I already started this convo in the other thread and stole yo thunder

here it is if you wanna read what us autists said


Lmao who are you? Your not a drama autist, your a newfangled pretending to be one. Your like Trump trying to best Clinton. (Spoiler alert, Clinton is better)

u mad bro?

No, I'm just not a trumptard

who gives a fuck? this is about laffin at google's crazies

also yes, u mad. not hiding it well lol

Lmao, just shut up kid, I think your mad

just shut up kid


your mad


and just to increase the madness

South Korea's Moon credits Trump with 'huge' contribution to North Korea talks

daddy bringing peace to the koreas in 2018, while mommy burns down her third house in 3 years in a satanic ritual.

you chose wisely!

Hey u/Ed_ButteredToast I found a good lolcow

hahahahahaha imagine thinking anyone reading this conversation would see your posts in a positive way, to the point of actively linking it to others.

go ahead and embarrass yourself, dude. Hi Ed!

sexually identifies



attack helicoptor identity is SAVED

i have a suspicion an intern showed carlson the apache helicopter pasta once while trying to explain memes to him and now he just thinks every time a liberal uses the word "identify" its a sex thing

Isn't it?

It is

Legit questions: how is this kinda shit not a joke? Like it has to be, right ? And how does this shit not get deemed offensive when all kinds of other shit does ?

There's a sample slide from "Living as a plural beging" here, appendix page 87. Even though it's the kind of thing you'd expect to see written in human feces on an asylum wall, someone went to the trouble of making a nice looking presentation and it does look kinda real.

Because they use the NAMBLA tactic.

It piggybacks off Transgender rhetoric, which makes it part of the packaged deal.

If you question it, you become the bad guy questioning all of LGBT.

Its also deeply tied to SJW culture. The "plural" thing was part of the Tumblr fandom/snowflake culture that was intermixing with the Tumblr SJW culture pre-2011 (before the Tumblr SJ boom where they all invaded twitter and SJWs became a big thing.)

The short non-autistic version is that if you look at the SJW crowd on Tumblr you'll see these plural people everywhere, along with a lot of other weird shit that they don't carry to Twitter.

I was told tumblr style bullshit never affected real life. How does this shit fly in an office? I'm just so confused

When the whole company culture is obsessed with not being a stuffy corporate office (which is rampant in Silicon Valley), worthwhile shit like mature, professional behavior and boundaries get thrown out along with the dress codes and time reporting sheets.

It's tied to LGBT rhetoric, so first guess is no one at Google wanted to be the one to deny or reject it.

The Tumblr intermixing of hardcore fandoms and SJ is why LGBT believes in 900 or so genders now, along with the plural stuff and otherkin,

never affects real life

Have you ever ran into HR outside of work