Two survived abortions argue about whether facts are good or bad

52  2018-01-10 by lmao_how_old_are_you


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Really activates the almonds.

That's pretty radical! Have you seen this one?

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thomas the tank engine speaking blackly about internet browsing trepidation

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/u/Che_Gueporna I'm fairly confident you're not even following the original line of discussion.

I'm also not confident in why I'm pinging you as opposed to just going into that thread but this is seems just...right.

new drama sub counter "abortion survivors'' mods do it now.

for fucks sake you autistic motherfucker.

The important bit is the part afterward. "In these situations, determining the exact truth can often be counterproductive because it is situationally inappropriate"

Which, to anyone who isn't functionally illiterate when it comes to human interaction means "sometimes, being right is less important than getting along with others."

Ergo, his entire point is, "dude, just shut the fuck up about this shit at work, your pedantry helps nobody."

this guy is right if you disagree you’re dumb

Nah. His argument isn't even consistent.