Oprah spread the blood libel

8  2018-01-10 by SlavophilesAnonymous


Cool story, bro


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Dare I say it?


mfw the NYT calls jewish blood-drinking "libel"

I hope she primaries Trump then. Imagine the drama.

The main problem in "journalism" today is that they are all pussies. Sure let your interviewee spout crazy shit all you want, but you got to at least follow up with a "this person is full of shit incase my viewers were actually doubting"

Billionaire, antisemite, stupid? What more do you need to be the next POUTS?

Genuinely curious how trump is an anti Semite. I’ll give you billionaire and stupid though.

He is everything bad in the world. I learned it on Reddit.

His son in law is Jewish, I bet he hates his son in law because the president use to sleep with Ivanka, or so Reddit told me

Never ever make fun of or criticize (((them)))

How does the blood of Christian babies affect the taste of matzoh anyway?

It improves it dramatically.