"Single Mother with a BA in English and a Master's in Education doesn't like teaching, so becomes a <$35K/yr Children's Librarian and buys a 100K house while her student loans balloon from 60K to 69K" Washington Post reports. ~3000 Commentors discuss who or what is to blame.

113  2018-01-10 by itsnotmyfault


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Most replied:

Life is about making decisions and taking responsibility. She chose to get pregnant without the benefit of marriage. She chose to go back to school and incur debt. She chose to forgo teaching and better pay (there is big demand for teachers) because she did not like it. She chose the boyfriend that evidently is not holding up his end of the child care.

Liberal journalists do these stories as if the loan itself is the problem. This woman is living the life she chose. No one forced her into any of these circumstances.

Most liked:

Where is Max’s father and why isn’t he paying child support? There is no reason that she should be solely supporting her son.

Special for dramalovers:

This young woman's situation is difficult and illustrates some basic inequities in our society. Mostly, however, I'm astounded by the viciousness of so many commenters. What a bunch of nasty, vituperative, judgmental and unsympathetic folks hover r0und the fringes here. I need to stay away from the comments sections - they just remind me how shriveled in spirit and profoundly miserable so many are. Really. After reading a number of your awful responses, I just despair of the human race. My new year's resolution: from now on, I'll try and stay away from comments sections where so many irretrievably horrible people lurk and troll. Shame on you all, bitter and merciless creeps!

and another

Seeing the amount of bile in some of these comments explains why the US is such a dreadful society to live in. Go to Europe and you receive healthcare and education that is subsidized by the state. Yes, you pay for it in taxes, but at least the foundations for a stable society are being provided. I do not understand why Americans want to live in fear of a major illness that will leave them and their loved-one bankrupted. Americans work for a lousy two weeks of vacation, struggle to obtain education (unless you're a deplorable) and struggle to maintain access to health care - it's a brutal society and getting worse with each round of republican wins.

Excellent summary OP

This is how I like my drama. In the missionary position and solely for recreation.

It's called open tab in incognito mode you plebes



I haven't had to look up a word in years, and it just means bitter and abusive. Nice job thesaurus-boy.

I noticed whores who get themselves knocked up tend to be too stupid to get child support from the guy. Maybe they don't want to go to court, but it's a few days of your life to get a stream of income that will help you with your kid every month.

I also note that she's living in a 100k house with no roommates. And she wants to adopt a kid? WTF?! Rent that room out.

Literally every problem this woman has is solvable.

That being said, if she needs the money that badly she could always sell her ass.

seriously though where the fuck is the kid's father? is she pulling that dumbass millennial "i don't want to ruin our friendship" act or something, because i can't think of any other reason for her to throw her son's wellbeing away.

note though that she doesn't want to adopt, she wants to be a foster parent. which means $$$ per each kid. in five years this chick will be miss hannigan.

Maybe the dad is broke as shit too? Can't pay child support with no money.

btw i checked and found her on fb, kid's dad isn't black so this really doesn't make sense

And in ten, she'll be Miss Havisham.

struggle to obtain education (unless you're a deplorable)


The last comment you have listed is right though.

Ily OP, every person should provide a nice summary like this.

white woman

wow I'm shocked

Sarah would not have this job, she knows, if she didn’t have an advanced degree.

Lol bull fucking shit. You do not need a god damn master's degree to get a job as a librarian wtf is that stupid line...

Edit:: apparently I'm wrong...hope you marry rich librarians! Can't believe you need a masters to get a job in such an underpaid and fading career

You definitely do need a masters. Librarian jobs are few and far between these days. Everyone's cutting funding to libraries because the citizenry are illiterate mongos anyway.

So you need to invest a lot more money than you'll ever make to becoming a librarian. Sounds like starting a winery but without the fun

It's basically a job for chicks married to guys who earn good money.

It's a spinster's career tho it's like you've never seen Seinfeld

im pretty sure at this point people pursuing degrees in it are all sick freaks who actually do find library science fun

There’s more libraries than McDonald’s in burger land

Yeah but Amerifats actually go to McDonald's and spend their money on big macs or whatever. Nobody wants to pay for a babysitter for a room of dusty old books.

full of book dust

full of book dust

full of book dust

In my experience, libraries are where college students go to kill time and pretend to study and where homeless people go to keep warm during the winter/cool during the summer.

where homeless people go to keep warm jerk off in the computer lab

It is 2018 stop kink shaming the homeless, most of which are minorities.

Can we shame the homeless who are baby killing veterans?

Of course you do. Because there were some many people with BAs in Library Science, you needed something to set you apart from those folks to get a job in an overcrowded field. Cue the MA. And now we have a glut of MAs. Soon you will need a PhD to be a librarian.

"Yeah, I did all the courses for my PhD except the dissertation. Once it's done, I'll get my degree and start applying at libraries."

Everyone's cutting funding to libraries because the citizenry are illiterate mongos anyway. the fucking internet.

In my small town the library is run by volunteers with no higher education.

Like I said, books are worthless to Burgers.

Yeah, my mother got an MS in Library Science.

Tell your mom we all have sexual fantasies about her.

Wow, they gave her multiple sclerosis?

As if one wasn't enough...

You actually do, mostly because there's this weird cartel of Librarians who like to pretend that the Dewey Decimal system is still relevant.

Can't someone offer her one of these 2$ calculators that also does interest calculations with just one button?

She would need a time machine for that to be useful.

White women.


Death to the Mayonist cabal!

Wtf I hate personal responsibility now

Why blame myself when it's probably some white persons fault.

Well, in this case...


This sounds like my basic life story, but without the kid.

And more debt.

And we get it, you're stirring up anger in our Country (USA)...it's the whole new cold-war thing all over again.

And we know that the people who DO 'like' your comments are russian trolls too. So you're not swaying anyone with your trash-talk, you're only making yourself look more stupid than we thought most russians could look.

Is this some sort of new meta-troll?

You've been missing out on so much of the pleasure I get in life if this is your first time seeing that. Washington Post comments almost always go straight to the "Russian Troll" accusations for pretty much everything.

I like the NYTimes comments the best though. The "NYTimes picks" highlight comments from across the political spectrum, and will very frequently pick a 9 reasonable opinions and 1 complete nutter poppin' off. I suspect the NYTimes mods have a great sense of humor and enjoy showing us that we live side-by-side with some truly unhinged people.

WaPo went from a well-respect publication, to essentially a left-wing NY Post with near lightning alacrity.

Prime 2-day shipping.

Russian conspiracy has just eally confused the already feeble minded

Wtf I hate personal responsibility now

No, you don't understand. She could make enough money to quickly pay off her student loans, but that would require her working at a job she doesn't like. Since there is nothing more important in this world than never doing anything if you don't feel like it (plus getting pumped and dumped by Max's dad), she really doesn't have a choice.

Single mothers are trash.

this, but unironically

We should force single mothers to get gay married to each other to eradicate single motherhood

This but unironically

They weren't so bad before society started treating them like saints.

Most of these bitches aren't even 'single mothers'. They have a dad in the picture who sees the kids and gives them money--that's not a single mother. That's a mother who is single. Stop acting like you're raising the baby on your own when 2/3rds the money comes from his daddy.

  • Personal Debt is out of control

  • The world can't give all the engineers and programmers a good future although based on the figures, those pay well

  • We still need teachers

  • All of the person's circumstances above are self made and you need personal responsibility

  • Everyone in the link is retarded

  • We need free college

  • /r/Drama should post more bussy

There, did I hit all the beats?

You missed "Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian Troll"

And "You damn kids don't know the value of hard work"

Free college is a regressive tax on the poor

How so? I'm interested in hearing more.

It's simple, people who go to college were usually already the rich and middle class and once they graduate are very likely to join the rich and middle class so dollars that could be going to support the poor in society being diverted to help the current or future rich and middle class is inherently regressive. It's the same as mortgage tax deduction, the rich that cam afford to buy a home is getting money at the expense of the poor that have to rent.

The idea is that everyone can be rich or middle class if only they're educated enough.

That's not how society works, many people aren't going to go to college even if they were paid to, it's not for everyone.

Who is it not for?

I've met some real dumbasses at my university who are more than happy to steal other peoples' notes and piss around all day. Not everyone can handle uni even when they're there on scholarships.

Sounds like they're handling it just fine. Will they come out of it having learned anything? Probably not, but you get what you give. They just sound lazy and entitled, not that they have some fundamental inability to utilize college or education well - they choose not to. And if you choose not to, then this is your life now.

They usually drop out in less than a year. Maybe someday they'll sort themselves out and have another go, but it's not for me to say. Still, what upsets me is that a fair few of the people who've dropped out of my class are on free-ride diversity scholarships and could've done great, but they just chose not to. Maybe the whole "free-ride" thing kind of numbs you to the realities of college life, idk, but it's pretty sad.

I was on a full ride and it made me get better grades because dropping under a 3.2 meant it ended.

Well that's pants. I have to maintain a B+ average to stay in my degree without the benefit of anyone giving me a scholarship. Still, at least you have your head on straight. Most of the people i've had drop out of my class just didn't give a shit until semester's end.

Most of the people i've had drop out of my class just didn't give a shit until semester's end.

This is pretty much what I did the first time I went to college. When I went back I had my shit more together

It is sad, and I don't think that's a college or educational system issue, or even a governments' issue - it's how they're being raised. We're now at a point where a lot of early childhood experts agree that around 1985 the whole narrative about how to raise a child changed now it's agreed those were all failed parenting techniques. The people raised on failed parenting techniques are raising their own kids now and so we get a lot of really, really out of touch people. The whole 'can't damage their self esteem' crap is still going strong and imho the 'feels over reals' crowd is a logical progression of being raised on that.

Yeah, I agree with that, and it's permeating the fuck out of university life because these people are writing crappy articles for the uni media instead of doing their god-damn assignments. It means that my wanting to actually get shit done is making me more and more of an outlier.

People will actively harass and try and intimidate the drive to work out of people - they'll be cruel about it too. It's becoming a negative trait to 'work hard' at anything, because somehow that translates into you thinking you're 'better than everyone else'. No one seems to understand that what you put up with, you end up with.

Yeah, a lot of people glorify not working hard, but considering I came back from the brink of death to be in a position to go to uni again, I don't have any compulsions about stepping over these people to get where I want to be in life. I'm not scared to throw a few assholes under the bus to get this degree and a well-paying job afterwards.

Good for you on working hard, especially after near death. Hell, you work hard in a well-paying job and it'll become a very well-paying job - keep at it. That's kinda how it should be - being selfish isn't inherently good or bad, it's the natural state of all living things. I'm not sure why humans are so quick to demonize it, other than those yelling the most keep on being punching bags to everyone else. Being selfish in some cases is pretty necessary, otherwise everyone would lie down to physical or verbal abusers (as an example).

Will they come out of it having learned anything? Probably not

Then society shouldn't be paying for them to be there full stop.

I don't care if they do or don't pay for them - but I do think filing for bankruptcy and having it erase your student loans should be absolutely barred. You shouldn't be able to get off scot-free. Pay up now, pay up in a decade, I'm not that concerned -- but fuck me, you will pay.

I don't understand what you said is exactly what happens and it's why literally anyone can get student loan which leads to inflated college costs.

I had to check for canada, but yes, if it's within 7 years of finishing school your student loans are wiped. And while the insolvency rate as a percentage of the Canadian adult population has steadily gone down since 2009, but just as alarmingly the credit market debt to disposable income ratio has gotten fucked up. Canadians collectively had $1.64 of debt for every $1.00 of yearly income. That is the ratio that has the biggest impact on insolvency so I think it's fair to say we're going to see a jump again, and a good chunk of that is probably student loans (and real estate).

In America, it is explicitly not possible to discharge student loan debt via bankruptcy. That's why lending metric shit tons of money to people who are going to drop out has ballooned the amount of outstanding SL debt. Because those people 1. are on the hook for those loans for life (barring some very specific circumstances) and 2. are not reaping the benefits associated with a college degree that will help offset the debt (namely the higher earnings associated with degree attainment).

Dropping out is probably the worst decision - even if you hate it, don't want to do that job, realize you don't want anything to do with it. It's just such a large financial choice there's no backing out of it, not without huge penalty. Given that this is most peoples first encounter with that issue, and they're at an age where adult experience is usually diminished, of course they make the wrong choice. But it's just that; the wrong choice. Choices have consequences, and like it or not, the choice to not have even a bachelor's degree in anything is a poor one. Especially after taking a loan. At the minimum a degree shows you can plan and you follow through on your commitments.

The millions of people that drop out every year

But why did they drop out. I know there are a few stories in the drop out = secret billionaire genius in waiting (bill gates, steve jobs) but they're kinda few and far between. But all I hear from the majority of drop outs is their mental image of themselves is on par with those outliers - with no basis in reality. Most of the drop outs I've met have honest to goodness been not very bright/talented or hardworking.

I know a couple people who dropped out because their GPA was below 1.0. I'm sure you'd only see more of that if it were free.

There's a ton of resources and exemptions for people with learning disabilities. I know several of my classmates had to use that for test taking, getting help with homework ect ect. The only way you get a GPA below 1.0 and have no disabilities in learning is because you're lazy. Or, of course, fundamentally stupid to the point where you couldn't have graduated high school let alone gotten into college.


Ding ding ding

Most of the drop outs I've met have honest to goodness been not very bright/talented or hardworking.

That was kind of my point. Why should everyone get free college when there are a bunch of idiots that will just be mooching off of it even though they don't work hard or care about school for that matter.

Well, as someone informed me in the US claiming bankrupcty doesn't get you off the hook for paying for student loans. So, they aren't mooching per say, they still have to pay it back -- but then you hear so many people bitch about 'i'm drowning in debt!'. Yeah, you are. You wasted a large sum of money you can't negotiate out of. If you did that with a house you'd be equally screwed. Welcome to reality, enjoy paying for the next 20 years because you couldn't 'handle' college. You wanted to be lazy and now you can be, but shock of shocks, you'll be poor. Wahhhh.

People going straight into a trade, people who aren't cut out for college, people who make their living doing low skill jobs. Any number of these people.

Most trades now want/need some kind of degree - like HVAC or welding. Even the warehouse I work in requires a bachelors of science for every single position about generic sticker labeling. And a low skill job is low paying, mine certainly is, but I've paid back all of my $50,000+ student loans and saved about $5000 in the past 7 years. So, it's not impossible. But it is hard and you have to be on top of finances and your personal life. Sadly, so many people can't even manage that.

Please tell me you don't believe that. It's even less plausible than a Flat Earth.

Which is a hilarious but obviously wrong idea, social classes are going to exist for as long as humans exist.

Poor people have inferior values and don't value education. You have to either make college compulsory or accept the existence of an underclass that widens as things become better for normal people.

That's an interesting observation.

Most poors are niggers, who can't go to college anyway

poor people already get free college through tuition waivers and need based scholarships

Your mom is a regressive tax on the poor

only good thing about it tbh

Imagine going to a library instead of just buying books

Imagine going to a library instead of just buying downloading books.

Imagine going to the library instead of watching gifs.

Imagine watching gifs instead of clopping.


Libraries really are an incredible community resource that most people forget about. My local library has a huge DVD and bluray library that I borrow from all the time. There is also an app called Libby that allows me to borrow audio books to listen to while going on long trips. You can download e-books off of it too. I also can stream any movie on the criterion collection off of their website. And it's all free.

watching DVDs

Again, it's free and a much better selection than you will get off of netflix, amazon prime, or hulu. I can get off of my couch and put a disc into my PlayStation for that.

Or I could spend 4 seconds find anything online.

Do you not know how to stream anything for free? I watched the new Star Wars movie in pretty damn decent quality a few hours after it came out, and in English. You can't hide anything from the internet.

you're pissing away money if you buy books without first checking overdrive first.

100K house is white trash

100k for a house seems like a pretty good deal. Is that just because I'm a Neapolitan?

staunton is a big town in the middle of nowhere. basically, there’s not much there so her house seems overpriced to me. plus, there is much cheaper not far away. naples would be more ideal.

New house owner is (69 + 90) 159k in debt. Why is this news?

Relevant username

$160k in debt. She owns her own home. I get that maybe she had a rough time when her kid was too young for school (thus childcare or no work) but now that she's making $35k she should be fine.

She should be about to pay $12k a year into that mortgage and student debt. 1/3 of income is pretty standard to spend on accommodation.

She's on a good (not great) salary with a dirt cheap house and a kid. Unless she's making some really poor financial decisions (e.g. heroin) I doubt she's really struggling, just upset that she has a student loan to pay back.

She feels perpetually on the edge of peril — one car breakdown away from disaster. Sarah buys clothes for herself and Max almost exclusively at Goodwill. They don’t have WiFi at home — only movies from the library for entertainment. No meals out or weekend getaways. When Sarah fantasizes about the future, what she dreams about is being able to pay more than the monthly minimum on her student loans.

I really can't see her being truly frugal, making $35K, and being unable to make more than interest on $160K in debts.

She's in Harrisonburg, Virginia. The median household income is $38,807. How is $35K (minus the $280 a month for her student loan) all that bad?

In fairness buying house that is 3 times your salary isn't that uncommon, you save for a downpayment of usually 20% and then pay off the mortgage at a fixed interest rate for say 30 years. The house isn't that extravagant. If she saved a lot that wouldn't be that uncommon.

It probably comes out to something like $600/month as "rent" or less, which is probably pretty good for the area. It's probably the best financial move she made in her whole life.

My biggest problem was that it kind of popped up right at the end out of the blue and immediately segues into "oh, and thanks to the house and extra room I can get another kid!". The mortgage is mentioned after the date section where they compare and add debts together... so I guess either her or the author aren't considering it massive pile of debt to be worried about. I'm kind of sorry I spoiled every successive shock I experienced by reading the article blind, and the mortgage->foster parent transition was the M. Night Shamalan twist ending to the whole thing.

Tbf, I think it really sucks to be making 35k with a masters, when the average is around 50,000$%2C_English_Language/Salary) plus we don't know what stage of her career she's in. Salaries definately improve with experience. Relative wealth does matter, if my peers were making significantly more than me with the same level of education I'd be pissed. Honestly I don't think getting her masters was a financially dumb move, considering, on the whole the rate of return masters and bachelors is even greater than bachelors vs high school education.

... Getting a master's in education is a dumb move if you don't plan on using it. If she were going to use it, she'd be making at least $10K more and probably have better benefits: https://www.staunton.k12.va.us/cms/lib03/VA01000591/Centricity/Domain/16/TEACHER%20COMBINED%20JULY%2016%20TO%20NOV%2016%20STEP%20NO%20MONEY.pdf is the pay schedule for her local school district, but I guess she likes not teaching more than she likes not being flooded by debt.