Racist neo-nazi tries to stop black representation in memes by killing off the "black man tapping his forehead" meme

32  2018-01-10 by Greekball


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Hey /u/dsd-3 why do you hate black people so much you don't want them to be in memes? :(

More important question - do you still mod r/europe?

Yeah, why?

Could you ban all posts from jakubmarian? Or at least limit them once per month?


But why? Oh come on, at least the ones with month names.

Is that poster a karma whore?

Well users who want to get easy karma constantly post what is called " language maps" or any kind of maps with stats from this site. It's kinda boring and those maps aren't even that good.

Unban me, you racist.

What you mean all black people aren't Eddie murphy?

I like the bit where /u/dsd-3 is worried about other people being racist, but they can't tell the difference between Eddie Murphy and some black guy who is like 3 decades younger than Eddie Murphy

Like, cameras exist. It could be an old photo of Eddie Murphy.


Now, I'm not saying I was just reading TD or nottin' but what if that's a clone? You see, by the eye bags that

That's no eyebags, that's nictitating membranes!

That dude doesnt look like Eddie Murphy.

Not very hard to do considering racism exists everywhere white people do. Which at this point with colonization and globalization is basically everywhere. Shit I think I see some under your dumb ass privilege.

/u/Lunatox sup my nigga u posting in a sub for video games with posts like these

Hey, I recently got my HDK up and running with the palace demo playing perfectly. I then tried to load up both Sightline and SteamVR but had a similar problem with both programs.

Perhaps you should cut open your guts and let a homeless bush child of war live in ya, just a thought.

I know where my privilege lies. I have absolutely no doubts about myself or my place in this world. Try another tactic.

No, you don't understand, I'm really asking you to hollow out your insides to make amends.

Eh, I'm sure in some not to distant future when the robots take all the jobs and the capitalists refuse to provide the unemployed class with any basic needs I'll end up dead in a ditch somewhere with my insides spilled out by some drone owned by Comcast or something so no need to do it myself now.

Uh, I didn't ask you to type like a complete faggot and post a terrible bad post. I asked you to carve yourself out like a pumpkin and feed a small tribal village, you dolt.

You troll like a child.

"Ur a child" said the unemployed vidya playing NEET proselytizing to others about morality, privilege and race lol

I mean, I know you're not a child, you just have the mentality and intellect of a child.

Ah shit, maybe you can write a thesis about it in VRchat.

You could move to a commie country and die in a classic way, like starvation or execution.

There are no commie countries and there never have been.

Oh, baby don't stop

Capitalism has killed more than fake communism

"Not real communism"


Not really debatable. There has never been an economy in any nation state that has been completely run by workers.

You can't even get off your ass and set up your dumb nerd VR shit properly yet you want to be part of a communist utopia?

Pro tip, bud: you are a leech and would be first put on the wall like the pile of garbage you are.

You really are just like a child.

What kind of work do you think you will be doing in your communist utopia? I don't think "fat man-child who plays vidya" will be in high demand.

Trash troll is trash.

So you can't offer society anything. Interesting.

Sir I'll have you know I will not be baited into an argument about my contributions to society with a halfwit dullard like yourself.

That's a weird way to say "I'm a NEET"

Espouses anti-capitalist beliefs - must be some hippie without a job. That shits so old it was written in cuniform in Babylon. Come on, you guys ain't got anything new yet?