Drumpf's grandson Trump starts dealing with Russians, infests American political system.
Feinstein leaks documents of German-Russian alliance, smiles quite Jewishly.
Rabbi rewards her for taking down enemies of the Jewish people by performing ceremony of the bloodletting at synagogue. Summons YHWH and she gazes upon his rump.
It would honestly be hard to take anyone seriously if they said she wasn't corrupt. She is easily the most corrupt member of the senate, and even most liberals wouldn't disagree with that one.
Her entire fortune is based on influence peddling and getting her husband sweet deal contracts.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-01-10
No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Rith2 2018-01-10
1 wwyzzerdd 2018-01-10
Isn't anyone with (((stein))) in their name a sneaky, sneaky, snake?
1 SpotNL 2018-01-10
It just means "stone". Most German-speaking countries are filled to the brim with -steins.
1 wwyzzerdd 2018-01-10
Germans are the 2nd sneakiest of snakes.
1 SpotNL 2018-01-10
Who are the 3rd?
1 wwyzzerdd 2018-01-10
1 SpotNL 2018-01-10
First imho.
1 sex_tourism 2018-01-10
The Swiss.
1 EasySchmitty 2018-01-10
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-01-10
Thank you for this
1 EasySchmitty 2018-01-10
Just remind das ewige Kraut of their own genocide during the Thirty Years War and they will recoil in fear.
Mayocide before it became cool tbh
1 krutopatkin 2018-01-10
not enough dead catholics though :(
1 JasonJewnova 2018-01-10
The only thing worse than a jew is a sausage muncher.
Destroy the German menace 🔫💥
1 betazoom78 2018-01-10
Dresden should be burned again
1 krutopatkin 2018-01-10
1 ironicshitpostr 2018-01-10
1 Muttonman 2018-01-10
Wrong S, you meant Swift
1 westofthetracks 2018-01-10
1 TherapyFortheRapy 2018-01-10
Everything here is boring these days.
SRD mods ruins everything.
1 wow___justwow 2018-01-10
i find the /r/drama mods tend to take a hands off approach to pretty much everything.
When they do step in, it's usually with delicate subtlety and gently nudging things back in the right direction.
Their touch is really quite soothing.
1 Zachums 2018-01-10
this is my r/drama modding style
1 moudougou 2018-01-10
1 wow___justwow 2018-01-10
i love it
1 MayorEmanuel 2018-01-10
Trump let us build up a drama tolerance. I knew those soaring highs wouldn’t last.
1 An-Ayn-Random 2018-01-10
How long until he unironically uses the triple brackets?
1 AutocratOfScrolls 2018-01-10
Antisemitism is cancer, but if he did my laughter would be heard echoing through the airless void of space.
1 ndizzIe 2018-01-10
1 OceanPoultry 2018-01-10
Do you think he used the word sneaky cuz s(he)'s a jew?
1 OniTan 2018-01-10
Russkies Pogrom Jews.
Krauts Holocaust Jews.
Jews flee, infest American political system.
Drumpf comes to America from Germany.
Drumpf's grandson Trump starts dealing with Russians, infests American political system.
Feinstein leaks documents of German-Russian alliance, smiles quite Jewishly.
Rabbi rewards her for taking down enemies of the Jewish people by performing ceremony of the bloodletting at synagogue. Summons YHWH and she gazes upon his rump.
1 TherapyFortheRapy 2018-01-10
It would honestly be hard to take anyone seriously if they said she wasn't corrupt. She is easily the most corrupt member of the senate, and even most liberals wouldn't disagree with that one.
Her entire fortune is based on influence peddling and getting her husband sweet deal contracts.