"What is the final solution to the Gussy question" asks incels of MGTOW as gussy is identified as the reason for socialism and white genocide spreading

36  2018-01-11 by Nubthesamurai


Well, it was only a matter of time before MGTOW went full scale nazi, except with women.

Looks like the femtards were right.

Interesting enough, this is exactly what the early Nazi movement did as well, blamed women and feminism for the collapse of the "German race."

If, in 2018, you still have not realised the plague that are women, you definitely need to put your head out of your ass. And not just because of "muh womenz voting fur socialalalismz".

Its women's fault. Why can't they act like my waifu?

There were a lot of Nazis fags, you may be on to something here.

For a sub called mgtow they spend an awful lot of time discussing gussy

They are insane, lonely losers. If they hate women so much, why not just go bi and fuck each other?

Jesus......I'm done.

Look at the modlist.

Now, I'm really done for the day.

You're a liar, is what you are.

I really miss hypno posting here. He was the best of us.

My favorite bot. I like to imagine he has a steady job and qt Jewish gf somewhere.

You can’t be bi if you never fuck a girl they’re just homos

Good point

Suffrage was a mistake.

So was the removal of the landed property requirement.

Vote for me, I'll put all women in camps

Why not Jews and women?

JAPs confirmed for ultimate master race.

>you will never respectfully date Little Ben Shapiro's sister

why live?

u/aliceunknown confirm?

I think the little pink cartoon man makes a compelling argument tbh.

If women couldn't vote, the world would be a better place.

This but unironically

Who said I was being ironic?

The answer has always been obvious. they just need to screw their courage to the sticking place and get screwed in the stinky place.

Every time I see MGTOW I read it as MtGox which is also another tall tale made up to scare children

women are the reason your country is becoming more socialist

ahh fuck never thought I'd say this but bussycide now

Incels should immediately be preserved in the Smithsonian, they are an endless source of pasta that could end world hunger over night.
