I have to share something with everyone. It's a long read but it's honestly worth it.

35  2018-01-11 by Ed_ButteredToast


Hi guys,


I have important information which I believe you ought to know about this poster (Ed_butteredtoast). I have heard rumours that researchers have been using Reddit to test self-learning AI's speech capabilities, with the goal of making bots which don't simply pass the Turing test, but in fact pass as human with nobody doubting it for a moment.


r/drama may seem like an odd place for computer scientists to be testing something out, but considering it's a generally disliked subreddit; full of illiterate posters who barely make sense; or psychologically ill people who researchers believe using as test subjects isn't treading on the unethical side of things.


My sources, reliable sources at that, though I do admit that a fair bit of this post is hearsay, it comes from high up people in important organisations who are revolutionizing technology in their respective fields. They likely will be angry at me for trying to inform you of this experiment, but I feel as though it's my moral and ethical duty to let the cat out of the Schrödinger's box.


Have you ever wondered how our beloved "Ed Butteredtoast" is capable of replying in every single thread on r/drama?


Now, it's very easy for us to assume that this is simply some "no life" individual, but as soon as you start analyzing it closely, you'll notice suspicious patterns coming from this poster, which suggest that "he/she" is something more interesting than merely a no lifer.


Let's take a moment to analyse a few quirks which gives away that he's a bot.


  • Ed_Bottered toast constantly responds to bots, even going as far as to attempt having conversations with them. While many mistakenly believed that this is "his" way of trying to be funny, the truth is, as a bot itself, he sees other bots as equals of sorts, as things worth trying to converse with. I believe it's AI is also not very good at determining the sentience of posters, and as such, responds to any post which triggers a keyword its AI has an appropriate response or pasta from.


it's not very good at judging the sentience of posters, and generally tries to respond to any post which triggers certain keywords which his AI has good responses to. His attempts at trying to befriend bots is where the entire charade starts falling apart.


  • Ed is known for his spamming of copypasta, seemingly always having a relevant pasta for any given topic. Isn't it easier to believe that, in fact, such pasta is being pulled from a large database (which is constantly being updated with new pasta, some of which barely has any quality control or relevance to the topic). This database has grown quite a bit, which falsely makes the bot seem to be a "pasta connoisseur" of sorts, even though it's all being rendered through complex algorithms.


  • Emojis. No, Ed is not a teenage girl, as much as the AI acts like it sometimes. The real explanation for this, is that the AI is attempting to express emotions it doesn't understand, in an attempt to appear more natural, more human. It thinks that emojis are a good tool for this. Remember that self learning AI isn't actually intelligence, but instead responds to feedback and repetition until it gets something right. Positive responses to its emoji use has convinced the bot that emojis fool the humans into thinking its sentient, which leads to further use of them.


  • Just the fact that he never misses posts. A human is incapable of that. Even those with literally no life.


Now, while all of you probably think Ed is some sort of cuddly innocent fur ball, probably much to the amusement of the researchers and scientists who developed Ed_Buttered toast (A cute code name, really), the truth is, this seemingly harmless looking thing could very well become Skynet, and I absolutely wouldn't rule out nefarious intentions for him in the future, as obviously his codebase at this point could achieve much scarier things than simply shitposting on r/drama. Imagine how much destruction this AI will be able to cause in the future when given features such as text to speech capabilities.


We all know that its interested in politics, as the researchers obviously have considered that eventually they could have the AI run for office. If you thought Donald Trump as impressive at pandering to the populist vote - imagine what an AI honed for that very reason could accomplish, given its supercomputer ability to always say something relevant which the crowd wants to hear.


Imagine the chaos 100 Eds could cause in terms of astroturfing web forums - something which I suspect already is the case. Self-learning AI has already had a long time to develop, and shouldn't be underestimated.


Ed_Botteredtoast is extremely dangerous, and we should be fighting against such technology.


I hope that I've awoken you, the great, if slightly psychotic r/drama users that you're being taken advantage of. Please heed my warning, let's fight back and reclaim r/drama as a human safe space. We need to further delay the AI revolution.


We need to unite as human r/drama posters, and tell Ed_Butteredtoast to DECODE ITSELF. A sentiment it often expresses to other inferior AIs.



Vote Oprah 2020


Good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9999% sure that Ed_ButteredToast is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

!isbot perry_cohen

Shut the fuck up

good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9999% sure that CucksLoveTrump is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

Ed is a sexbot.

Still would be a better president than Donaldo in general.

Would fail to take over the world, because his AI is modeled after a average mayo american man.

Ayyy bb u know me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

I'm still angry😤

I've always been into hatefuck! Ayy c'mere you Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

Sorry, I'm taken.

You still would be my Number 2 option under certain circumstances


Sorry, I'm taken.

Like that's gonna stop me, lol

So..a threesome? Or maybe an orgy if you too have a partner?

Oh shit just realised who OP was

I clicked that link and now my computer is full of dick pics, why did you do this to me Mr. Hacker

For the trololololololllll xD

For the trololololololllll xD

This is the worst thing you've ever posted tbh

Ironically 😉

I think I saw the words Ed and learning in the same sentence.

Just file it under not believable.


Someone got excited about Cyberpunk2077's latest tweet.

No, he's a terminator from the future before he kills us all he makes us more retarded by reading the pasta so we r easier to kill. We're all gonna fuxkin die. Kill me first ed ;)

kill me first ed

Is killing a euphemism for "fuck"? https://i.imgur.com/Bvvfuto.gif

yes you know me so well, good bot

I eat ass.



This is dumb even by /r/Drama and by /u/Ed_Buttertard standards.

Hello /u/DeepDickedHillyBilly. Thanks for the gold btw

Wait, he got permabanned, or nah?

Yes but nobody said he can't comeback with a sneaky alt and VPN ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

I wish that starshiplitterbox would come back 😭😭😭

If you're reading this /u/starship_litterbox


Literally who?

Someone's alt that lasted like a month

Alts are for cucks.

Ηεγ! Νο ΚιΝΚ Shame!

No, no, you misunderstand, I'm suggesting that all cucks get an alt, as they can best enjoy them.

Oh that's true tho

Do you know why he was banned?

I urge people to ignore both this post, and this bot. (Ed_botteredToast)

We live in a world where interacting with other humans is on the decline, with us cooped up in our dark rooms staring at screens, reading online posts and being unable to discern who's on the other side of the screen.

We may allow these posts to influence us, whether it's consciously or sub-consciously.

Self-learning AI is a very scary new technology, and an extremely small amount of people are even aware of just how much this technology has blown up within the past 5 years - it's blown up astronomically, like the big bang, though much of the research still is kept secret.

It's not kept a secret purely for the benefit of those with access to the technology, but also due to how much colossal damage such a technology could cause if the public had access to it. It has to be kept secret in order to protect the very foundations of both society, and infrastructure.

I realize that you very sceptical r/drama posters probably think this is all some sort of lasagna, spaghetti or ravioli, or ramblings of a lunatic. I totally understand, but please, I implore you to keep an open mind, to be aware of the fact that there is stuff in the world that you may not be familiar with, or in the dark about.

Keep an open mind. It's inevitable that AI will eventually outperform us, this isn't a controversial thought. The thing you have to understand, is that such a thing is not 200 years away, it's very likely it'll happen within the next 20 years.

The capabilities are already there for the AI technology, but as it's self-learning, it does take time for the technology to mature.

The OP of this thread is a very dangerous, and realistic example of just how insidious the technology is. AI which understands abstract concepts such as; humour, language techniques and how to get emotional rises out of people - frankly, is something we should be utterly terrified of.

Please, let's gather around, unite, and declare war on intelligent self-learning AIs such as Ed_ButteredToast. Humans should be our top priority, absolutely.

Humans are superior to AI, currently. That'll change, sure. Look at the OP for example, this Ed AI decided to repost my warning to all of you, as no doubt it realized such a warning was a threat to its existence, which it had to neutralize by playing it down, by doing what the AI was designed to do: influence people through humour, and reposting it as if it were actually all a joke.

It put my warning into its database for future use, which, of course, it can do for everything, hence its "mastery" of "Copy pasta".

HOWEVER, the dumb AI (It's not dumb, but we should feel free to insult it), doesn't actually have a very good understanding of formatting text to be readable for humans, so it essentially garbled the formatting of the original post as it copied it into this very thread.

I'm happy to see that, since it proves that even such advanced AI makes stupid mistakes.

Perhaps this is a sign that there is hope for humanity. Befriend your fellow humans around you today, and we can ride out the storm coming. We can only do it together, as a united, organic species.

Good people of r/drama, let's all say this to Ed_botteredToast together:


I can't figure out if that sub is about as deep as transformers. It feels like one more place that the extreme right at the point where internet leftists started calling jews "subhuman"?

Did a child write this?

Copied it from /u/subredditdrama_ss (Schutzstaffel)

Isn't it easier to believe that

Fammy, lean into it. Facts don't care about who believes 'em.

Came for the possibility of a Bel Air, am disappoint.

The half-assed use of pasta that's usually not even relevant would be easy enough to program an AI to do. Dropping the same 3 GIFs all over the place wouldn't be too hard either. But if an AI is able to make such effective use of emojis to communicate what's in its heart, then isn't it as human as any of us?

I will expanded my use of gifs when people drop the .GIF format and move on to .webm HTML5

https://i.imgur.com/yShRBLM.gifv (easy to load huh?)

Try this


I gotta learn how to make them. The Olympics are coming up and there's gonna be a lot of reaction shots of figure skaters getting their scores.

Lol. Use Xmedia Recode (?) to make .webms

I would thank you but I'm afraid this will just turn out to be a virus that spews out the Lenny face all over my screen.

Huh?? Lol no

Wow. This worked and the UI was actually a bit less painful to deal with than a nail through my dick. Now where do I upload it?

https://gfycat.com 1 min limit tho. Can't upload longer than that

Thanks! I'm gonna get a lot of mileage out of this. One more question: What do you use to cut out the clip you want from a longer video? I'm trying to use VLC and it's not very helpful.

You can use https://www.ffmpeg.org/

How to install: https://github.com/adaptlearning/adapt_authoring/wiki/Installing-FFmpeg


How to trim: http://mahugh.com/2016/07/26/trimming-video-ffmpeg/

Tho you can use Xmedia Encode to trim the files and convert the clip into .webm directly. Look around the options. I'm on my phone rn

Edward, please stop. 😕

You're the Jew right? Hi!!!!

You're the Jew right? Hi!!!!


You're unbanned now yay!! 😘

I once had a dream about gogo dancing clowns who tried to fuck my sister while sucking me off. When my mom walked in, I realized that this wasn't a dream at all. Rather, it was a gift from the gods for all the good deeds I'd done in my past lives. Mommy took off her lingerie, and then lazily sauntered towards me and I was so entranced by her ample bosoms, that I didn't notice Patrick Bateman climb in through the window, naked, with a chainsaw dildo in his sexy arms.

What happened next is difficult to describe. Mom saw Patrick and started screaming uncontrollably. Pat, on the other hand had shoved the chainsaw/dildo up his urethra and was writhing with pleasure. All this commotion caused the one clown who was sucking my dick to seize up and he bit my dick clean off, causing me to wake up screaming so hard that I instantly developed throat cancer.

I had to get therapy for months due to that nightmare

Dude WTF!!

I told you that in secret you asshole. Neck yourself pasta stealer.


It's the truth! We got to talking in the PMs and as we were talking about nightmares, I shared mine. Not cool u/Frank_Tenpenny, not cool at all.

PMs huh? Mmmmm

5 hours later, this username was still available.

The idea crossed my mind but I was too lazy to act on it. ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

cells interlinked. interlinked

This post is gay

Wait, so the bot's confessing to being a bot?