
163  2018-01-11 by Queen_of_SnakesP


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Fish Bukkake!

This is a really excellent post Edward and I want you to know that. We're all incredibly proud of you.

Asians are weird

I am white and normal.

Another for the List on the Day of the Sandwich.

Day of the egg salad.

There's nothing normal about being a mayolord

was that your senior quote?

Making POC abnormal? Educate yourself famalam.

this level of autish is surprising even for me ^

No mayo. No way-o.

Why are white girls who are into Asian guys universally unconfident weird 4/10?

All girls are weird, it's just that those who are into Asian guys have no problem showing it.

I noticed you dodged the part where I said they are overwhelmingly 4/10 explain that away.

beauty is at the eyes of the beholder.

The 8/10 for some could be a 4/10 for someone else. But none of this bothers me, since I bewitch men with my colorful personality, so numbers aren't a problem.

Spoken like a true 4/10 weeaboo girl.

Deep down u bitter cause Asians get all of us weeaboo chicks and u left with normal ones.

LOL no girls of any race wants Asian guys they are physically the least desired race of all men however it does let the ugly nerd girls feel desired for once so there's a positive.

How did you fail this hard at life? Was it a specific event or just overall terrible parenting?

Bruh if you want that yellow pussy that much you're going to have to try much harder than that.

I'd respect incels more if they snuck up on fucking couples and flung their sperm at them

I like rhis version of Spiderman...


🎡Jizzes just like a spider can🎡

I've seen some videos of incels cumsharking store employees and people on the subway.


did you invent this word, or it is a part of incel lexicon?

Show me.

Sounds like /u/annoysthegoys

Say hi to my son for me

Lol at thinking your untermensch manlet sperm will cuck my high-T gaelic super jizz

The smaller male fish should just transition to qt trap fish.

Fish bussy > fish gussy

Not quite, cuttlefish traps are actually traps.

Loufish CK


Aight this post made me laugh irl. Good one OP


Posting interesting and relatively obscure drama: tiny brain

Agenda posting: medium sized brain

Bird posting: giant brain

Fishposting fishcels: cosmic brain

Penis elongation has been observed in the deep-water [squid] Onykia ingens; when erect, the penis may be as long as the mantle, head, and arms combined. As such, deep-water squid have the greatest known penis length relative to body size of all mobile animals, second in the entire animal kingdom only to certain sessile barnacles.

The virgin fish, the chad squid

Hey, it worked for Louis CK.

It's amazing how little sexual preferences have evolved since