Someone dares to disagree with GamerGhazi

17  2018-01-12 by SPEZ_AKBAR


If you’re being genuine in your comment, then you’re being fooled by his use of fancy sounding words. I mean no disrespect, but anyone who falls for that shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

Wow. What an asshole, lol.

No one who posts on Ghazi should be allowed to even formulate a polotical opinion tbh

No one who posts on Ghazi should be allowed to even formulate a political opinion tbh

I should

Only centrists should be allowed to even formulate a political opinion tbh

Centrists get the rope first, then the helicopter

I read all of that

Why tho

I'm so sorry.


In which case Laurie Penny as a professional bigot and bully needs to be fired discrimated against and kept from publishing another word in public space. And that can go for people who praise and protect such a massively bigoted bully. Laurie Penny is trash and of course trash at Ghazi would worship such utter garbage. Why do you ignore her bigotry? She's so toxic towards gay men you lot pretend to allies off...wait don't speak you aren't allowed to anymore, you don't deserve to waste the oxygen of this world, just stop existing, the lot of you, fucking garbage.

If you’re being genuine in your comment, then you’re being fooled by his use of fancy sounding words.

I mean no disrespect, but anyone who falls for that shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Because children fall for that because of a lack if experience and maturity. And that’s one if the reasons they don’t get to vote.

/u/cVhaD for posting in Gamer Ghazi you should be lobotomized.

Because children fall for that because of a lack if experience and maturity. And that’s one if the reasons they don’t get to vote.

Quality projection from /u/cVhaD