We now know what type of users use r/latestagecapitalism.

143  2018-01-12 by Ayylmao11023


Imagine working your way through college, lifting weights and attracting a hot Mayo coed. Things go well, you get a good job after a few years of your lady and you living in a shitty basement apartment. You land a nice management role and you buy a great house in the suburbs. Your wife is thin and gorgeous and just can't wait to start a family with you, so you get to bangin' away as often as you can. Out pops this young boy, a little miracle from Christ. You scrimp and save and work extra weekends to afford a nice private school. You spend time and money with him at age 10 when he starts to show an aptitude for robotics and computers and send hem to even more specialized programs. Then one day this spawn of yours comes home spouting about communism and how the working man is being oppressed. Would you kill the kid or just yourself?

Would you kill the kid or just yourself?

Both to ensure max damage.

Don't forget the wife, it takes two to make such a horrible creature and she has have the recipe.

Double murder suicide

This gets the Chris Benoit seal of approval!

This post is an example of why the white man must be purged from this subreddit. While black kids slave away in the slums, whites perpetuate their bullshit ideologies.

Shake it off and keep on keeping on.

Ignore it, because I was a communist when I was 10 too.

Hahaha retard, should have picked anarchism for your preteen moronic ideology like I did

Normal people's entire political philosphy is, 'OMG, this muthafucka better not cancel summer vacation!' when they're 10.

WTF was wrong with you for being a communist? Or any kind of -ist? Like, what fucked up shit happened in your life then to make you turn to politics as the answer?

you’re speaking as if you’re not a total freak yourself

My gigantic brain.

Trick question, I’d bully him until he killed himseld

I'm so glad I have land and don't have to deal with any of this.

They literally are 12 year olds.

And people think I'm just memeing when I say internet communist are either dumb kids or virgin fedora autist with an unjustified superiority complex they've developed to cope with their unsatisfactory life.

If those are internet commies what are IRL commies?

In my country nowadays they're mostly very well off kids which failed university yet they prey on students outside the faculties trying to get them to buy heir retarded magazines or partecipate to their speaking event about the common points between class struggle and hatred of refugees or smh. It could be worth if you wanna get some capital gain out of some dumb girl, if you're into that. Some instead are just facebook posters whose political dogma is just the most basic third worldism.

The political party is basically gone, and it was never real communism to begin with (for real this time, not joking).

The first and hopefully last openly commie I've met was a fat English adjunct who promoted polyamory and his online movie reviews which used critical theory so I suspect you're right.

Back in the day when I was a Uni, the Socialist Worker etc sellers were ALWAYS crusty failed dropouts - a few years older than the actual students. No matter what time of day there'd alway be 2 cans of lager on the floor - one being drunk from and one being used as an ash tray.

These people were basically "studying" to be the homeless of tomorrow.

Sometimes they're professors. A few of them, anyway. It always perplexes me how these older, well-off communists keep the leeches off them? Are they just really experienced at the whole cult leader thing?

I can just imagine it - "cadre, I gotta crash at your house and eat your food because I can't pay the rent, fuck the system man! fuck patriarchy!"

Cult leader - "comrade, I'd like to help, but you still have too much internalised patriarchy, go live among the lumpenproletariat for a bit and you'll see things clear. and self crit!"

Sometimes they're professors. A few of them, anyway. It always perplexes me how these older, well-off communists keep the leeches off them? Are they just really experienced at the whole cult leader thing?

In the 70s and 80s the USSR made an effort to target grad students for recruitment. The wanted them to stay in academia and pass on the Soviet propoganda. The recruitment system fell apart after the fall of the USSR and most college communists went quiet to focus on actual academia. Some continued being communists because why not.

So that's why older professors are communists. You can look it up. Crazy right wing rants about indoctrination happening at university has a tiny kernal of truth based on history. It was never widespread though.


Saying that and not linking Yuri


Holy shit dude are you spanish? same shit here

Nope, not Spanish, but I guess that's their behaviour across most western Europe.

The hipster pasty white giving away shitty commie magazines outside of uni is spot on

Australia as well my dude

For some reason, in Canada it's always those people led by one old man or woman who's around 65 or so. Whatever flavour of commie they are they have an older leader, it's uncanny

Which is funny because in the 60's the western commies used to say "never trust anyone over 30"

In America, the same exact people, but with, like, 100x more money.

In any genuine socialist revolution, 80% of the people who currently call themselves communists would get their heads cut off and their shit redistributed.

I didn't think that and I say the same thing, but I thought they were like 20 year old kids, not kids who can't drive, not kids who your wife is still concerned about leaving at home while you guys go away for the weekend.

Jesus Christ.

No no, some are also pedophiles, can't forget them

I did know one kid who had genuine communist ideals in college. Like, his parents were dirt-poor mountain folk who had been exploited by the mining companies, and he was a hard-core commie because of it.

But yeah, most are just edgelords.

Imagine giving a shit about politics at that age

Poor kid must get bullied a lot.

The kid is a prop just like that one conservative kid they used to parade around a few years ago or the child faith minister. The parents probably did this to the kid.

I don't know, those robotic DIYs are pretty expensive. I don't imagine dedicated commies being rich enough independently to buy those, plus that kid's general appearance doesn't suggest he lives with hippies.

okay serious question, what made you give a shit about politics at such a young age?

I was a pretty pretentious kid, plus I had no friends. So I'd spend all day on the computer. Found Reddit, spent a lot of time on my country's sub, which is a shithole even as national subs go. Became convinced our PM was literally Hitler from the daily threads there. Began commenting there, got a lot of upvotes and fell into a deep, deep pit.

UK or CA?


Ok so both.

Either way anybody who actually spends time in country sub is retarted.

Glad you found a place where everyone calls you a retard :}

Either way anybody who actually spends time in country sub is retarted.

That's true but you shouldn't say it because it hurt my feefee.



Who is your favorite Motu Patlu character?

Wtf is that?

Here's an ad for the show.

SJWs in vidya games

I don't know, those robotic DIYs are pretty expensive. I don't imagine dedicated commies being rich enough independently to buy those,

lol or maybe he's at school

What are you 12 now?

That kid isn't 6 years old.

I'm pretty sure he's not actually a commie, he probably just looked for a sub about communism to post his picture there.

Look at this comment of his:

Still not okay to punch a nazi

That's not something commies on reddit say.

Nah, that's something commies on Reddit do say. Once. Because they get banned after saying it.

Would it be immoral to surrender your child to the state if he started make hammer and sickle bots or would suicide be more honorable, considering my deep and profound failure as parent.

Good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9996% sure that shallowm is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

!isretard shallowm

I am 100% sure that Leitos is a retard.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect retards | Summon me with !isretard <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/RetardBotDetection | GitHub

!isretard lsu_coonass

I am 89% sure that LSU_Coonass is a retard.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect retards | Summon me with !isretard <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/RetardBotDetection | GitHub

Oh well I’m 💯% sure he’s a retard. Humans > bots.

Are we really stooping to the point of doxxing /u/AlwaysTryAgain now? This is just sad.

are you kidding? that guy is a robotphobic luddite who probably thinks rooting your phone is a rite of passage into some technocratic oppressor class.

It's true though. The Jain cabal sent me a drone invitation to their weekly nation domination sessions the day I rooted mine.

Was this the sub that conducted a user poll to determine their demographics and ended up being like 80% unemployed males? I know it wound up on r/drama and made r/all.

Now that’s a sexy bot.

Haha what a typo, Mark

So, just like Communism, the robot does nothing?

Yeah but what does /r/Drama look like? Not that I would dare show you my gorgeous face.