Top 10 Anime Bathing Scenes of 2017

155  2018-01-12 by snallygaster


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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did "Made In Abyss" make the list?

Asking for a fur-friend....

I don't think so, sorry m8

probably a good thing since the series/comic enables every sick fetish that's still legal

Is it any good? The art style's nice for animu. This is its anime baths wiki page

It is legit really good.

Great world-building and character development alongside fantastic art makes it probably the greatest cartoon from GRORIOUS NIPPON in a decade.

Not as good as Pickle Rick and Morty, but damn close.

Def gonna watch this, thanks for bringing it to attention

I know it's a meme, but you REALLY should read the manga first.

It makes the art in Berserk look like a Heathcliffe daily

Honestly it's better to watch the series first then read the manga for MiA. Some scenes were much stronger filmed and voiced.

Honestly it's better to watch the series first then read the manga for MiA

you;re such a plebe I bet you watch dubs on youtube

I can't say why without major spoilers being able to watch this completely fresh is something no one should ruin, however the music in the series is so bloody good is a reason enough alone. I'd link that but it's not worth spoiling the moment that first kicks in too.

It's like a 7/10 at best. Nothing special at all other than it looks nice (while the characters look like typical blobs) and le sadness for middle schoolers.

You say this when Yuasa has saved anime with Devilman Crybaby.

If you watch only one anime this year, it should be Girls Last Tour although MiA is probably the best anime released for some time. Girls Last Tour is an exploration of nihilism and philosophy in a post apocalyptic slice of life series by two sweet little potato girls driving a kettenkrad.

SdKfz 2

The SdKfz 2, better known as the Kleines Kettenkraftrad HK 101 or Kettenkrad for short (plural Kettenkräder; where Ketten means "chain" or "tracks" and krad is the military abbreviation of the German word Kraftrad, the administrative German term for motorcycle), started its life as a light tractor for airborne troops. The vehicle was designed to be delivered by Junkers Ju 52 aircraft, though not by parachute. The vehicle had the advantage of being the only gun tractor small enough to fit inside the hold of the Ju 52, and was the lightest mass-produced German military vehicle to use the complex Schachtellaufwerk overlapped and interleaved road wheels used on almost all German military half-track vehicles of World War II.

Steering the Kettenkrad was accomplished by turning the handlebars: Up to a certain point, only the front wheel would steer the vehicle. A motion of the handlebars beyond that point would engage the track brakes to help make turns sharper.

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It’s probably the best of its season. The constant penis jokes get a little... off, for my taste though.

enables every sick fetish that's still legal


Tell us more.

Here we go:



-BSDM of loli/shota


-FemDom of shota/loli


-Male Impreg


And that's just the tip of the iceberg

-Male Impreg


And the worst of them all, smell fetish.

This is what you get with female writers. Seriously for some reason the most wierd and sick anime and Manga is by women.

Today I found out that this is as a lady

Why would you do this?

it's erotic okay?

I'm sorry do people actually find the Dragon-maid-lesbian cartoon erotic?

it's a comedy right?

Like the girl with huge boobs and fucking dragon hands that she can't make fingers with so she has hands with tiny little hands on them isn't turning people on right

that's not the one i'm talking about, she's American.

Iruru the one with Popsicles for hands and gigantic flame bags

...but I could look at a actual mild goddess... In real life

but not shota

You can with you go to thailand.

thank me later, but wash your hands first.

As heartwarming as it is depressing. An incurable disease like that screws over your chances to do most things before you're even able to dream about doing them. But he was able to turn it into a unique positive avenue that almost no one else would have a chance at.

>3D Gussy

If I could puke my own shit, I'd be doing it now

To be honest, I don't even know what the pictures are from...

the 2nd one is from Dragon Maid something something that's pretty funny, it's what the title says it's about, pretty funny.

Ah yes, no idea. Ahhhh yes.

I guess that one will be first anime I watch.

Did not know that anime are so hot.

trying to kinkshame but accidentally out yourself as a degenerate who read the manga, because that character doesn't appear in the show

To be honest, I don't even know what the pictures are from...

Counterpoint: why wouldn't you?

Is this made by the same guy who made that infamous one?

Same guy, he's going strong!

I admire his dedication, at the very least.

I dislike him for making the mods take r/Anime off of r/all. Weeaboos make the best lolcows.

The dude runs the anime bath scene wiki. He is nothing if not committed.

You've piqued my interest. What infamous one?


As a Japanese guy, I gotta say- from the perspective of Japanese people, white girls who are like 16 years old look like 30 year olds. Seriously.

On the other hand, you can find Japanese porn stars who look like they are 13 years old by Western standards. They aren't 13 years old, they just look young even when they age.

teenage white girls are disgusting cougars

was this the dude with that wiki:

The one and only.

/u/snallygaster did you see that /a/ thread on this guy last year? it was legendary.

Yup! Hopefully he keeps doing his thing.

pls post

Holy shit it just keeps going

I feel like my life is richer for having seen this. Watermaiden15 is too good for this world.


Well, i just updated my watch list



Snally, since this is full of 2d waifus I’ll forgive the fact that this isn’t some ancient usenet drama, but what the fuck is this shit?

I think it's japan's way of saying "unfortunately the hydrogen bomb was invented too late".

2 bomb is not enough.

Never nuke a country twice.

Never nuke a country twice without finishing the job

Pls sticky.

Why. 2 nukes weren't enough.

The nukes caused this.

Fuck that Berserk scene was actually good, why the fuck did they need to ruin it with CG?

Shove the fucking shota elf inside your pussy already Farnese.

Well....time to put fingers into my eyes.


Personally I stick my fingers into another hole when I see posts like this.

Thank you Snally 🧡

Kinky 😏

We need another tsunami.

Ultimate proof that anime deserves the same respect movies and literature get

This is one kink that needs to be shamed.

Am I going to jail for looking at these

we can only hope

You show them this shit and then wonder why Japan suicide rate is so high.

I like how western media gets lambasted for for creating unrealistic beauty standards while every anime features hairless thicc cuties with huge jugs and they never catch shit for it.

They catch shit for it from white feminists all the time. They just literally could not care less about what filthy gaijin think.

There was an interview recently between BBC and the dude who made Girls und Panzer. She told him that his work should be illegal. He told her to look at the crime rates between their countries and that maybe she should focus on real people instead of drawings.

Hot take: Girl's boobs are nice.


And yet we have another /u/MasterLawlz post stickied to the sub instead of this. Shame. Shame. Shame.

u/snallygaster do you have the other one people keep mentioning in this thread?

I think someone else posted it

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Disgusting Gussy lovers itt

If you thought this was bad, there's an entire wiki of anime bath scenes.

This is the guy that updates them.

A good, caring god would not allow this list to be created. Therefore there is either no god or god already hates us, either way there can be no downside to further degeneration. Enjoy your depraved list and let no man stand above you.

And..... I'm on a list...

Fuck you Snally.

4 years running I see


Degeneracy aside, these bathhouses look super comfy and nice

Finally some good content on here.

no atzec gods of fitness

Pleb taste


This shit pedo.