Shithole, meet Shithead

5  2018-01-12 by HodorTheDoorHolder


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Republican party has molech stars. Democratic does not. You definitely make up this shit and support what you do because you work for the pedo bear and for all the fucking right wingers caught many times being pedo fuck noses. We hate eachother. We have fought them for centuries. We are wired completely differently. Your sex is not spat on so this enables you. Why would I be so Christian the only thing to help me. And you so jewish. And im a pedo and youre not. I wasnt born yesterday. Then you make "noice" may mays. Because you hate men! And not our sex

No authenticity. Doesnt care. Grabs on like grab ems and fashions fucking ad homs death threats and straw men. Heteros totally exist. Nobody is bi. Freud is based. And nobody has ever done anything. What is the agenda? Is your sex even studied for that? No. You just say it's nice when women rape boys. All OP are gay. What isnt gay. Who the fuck isnt gay. See a shirt i dont like? It's gay. This shirt penis makes me very angry. Like buggs bunny and everything else i have selective amnesia over

Get zika. Get everything i already said. Do you even wear condoms? Suck on a rabbi's nose while he gives you herpes and bites off your dick. Suck the snot out of it. Get super gonorrhea you wont be able to see like i could. Keep shitposting and trying to win over the world with your 33% approval. In reality against anybody than a shilled jew in the jew college president, views like yours are only for whoever comes here in agreement. Versus 7 billion. Maybe a .0000000001% representation. Just like my risks have always been and will continue to be. While yours are 1:1. The new in a heartbeat movie looks like the witch in snow white with the apple. Do you even know what that represents? You guys shit on Christ all the time and act not like Him but those He hated. Pharisees basically. You disgust me. Sex. Or what comes out of your mouth. You are DEFILED. MUH AUTOGYNEPHILA MUH NEO VAGINA VAGINA MUH VAGINISM

An injection of Moishe farts up his one balled jewish grabs father haavara rectum

When people break their legs there are tests. You try and silence so you can blood libel whites. Kids. And our gender. Period. You made a society of pure usury. You call us cows. Youre not even what you think you are. Serpent seed sounds pretty mentally ill to me. Kikes admitted they have the most of these. They are spiritual problems. Number one rule is "to each their own kind". Woman didnt listen to this. There are even extra biblical accounts of Joseph asking God all about this. Serpent seed is real. You no longer stay a man once your fornicate a woman. And when you marry them (doesnt exist in Heaven) you forget Christ. You call Christ all these names once you realise how He came. And what He did and said

Nope. Isis is a fertility cult. Female reproductive system looks like a pentagram. Not ours. You use liar terms ive already disproven. Complete "pear earth" pseudo science. Science means séance anyways. The 144,000. Bisexual david killing a nephilim. Look at history. Study what ive said. Or dont. Youre an empty husk. Your father is that same snake. Just like Christ said. Nobody said this message would be loved. I care about people. You dont. This is because im affirmed. Youre lost. Period. The 144,000 people LOVE to say was thhe church. It's not. Ever done benisbagoo? Youre not in them. And thats it. I got better things to do. Compare kikes or fags and everybody will choose fags. It's like hank scorpio's france or italy. It all lines up for me. For you you have only shitty garbage one liners. Thats it. I win you lose