SRC bays for blood when two well known mods take over a sub. Insults fly all over the place while powermods circlejerk in the comments section.

15  2018-01-12 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Strong words for a doohickey made up of 1s and 0s.

Ayyyy ๐Ÿ‘

Why are you cheering me on? I though you came out as a bot?

Gas all powermods.

This but unironically.

I do like some of them tho. I will let the democracy of the mob decide who to spare.

You can probably tell by my name who I will vote to save lol.


Who're you gonna vote for?

I might vote for souxie honestly. She's always been nice to me, the few times we have spoken.

๐Ÿ’• warms my cold, dead heart

Ayy you were Number 2 on my list bby

Hey, my vote isn't locked in yet!

u/annarchist you should mod u/awkwardtheturtle here again

/u/annarchist pls

those were truly the good old days

I concur, but only if I get modded too.

Mod snappy

Hi there. It seems PowerMods are circlejerking here too!



I am not a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please contact the mauderators of r/AutoMauderator if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Maude again

Who might ye be?

Whoever you want me to be bb



I am not a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please contact the mauderators of r/AutoMauderator if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Maude again

Yo! Can you wear only a tie and cowboy boots, and call me a pretty girl while looking rapey? Pls.

<lays down seductively and whispers>



I am not a bot, and this action was performed manually. Please contact the mauderators of r/AutoMauderator if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Maude again

It's everything I ever wanted! Thanks bb ๐Ÿ˜˜

Seriously though, how many pics of naked dudes did you have to look through to find this pic lol. That tie is ๐Ÿ‘Œ and the Donald's face is too fucking perfect ๐Ÿคฃ. Admire the shit out of you for your commitment to this. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Death to the pretender- u/AutoModerator. Long live u/AutoMauderator!

She's aware of my existence lol.

Niceeeee ( อกยฐ อœส– ) อกยฐ

ayy bb u wan sum fuck?

Yaaas bby les fuk. Me so horny. Me love you long time..

Yaaas bby me so horny. Me love you long time..