/r/The_Donald manages to get a Starbucks closed

25  2018-01-12 by IAintThatGuy


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Reported to the admins for inciting violence.

But i never hurt uuuu 😭

I reported the link, not your comment, Ed. Have a jawbreaker.

There's a link to a Twitter post that's full of random screenshots of fake texts with lines drawn between pictures (including a stock photo). Classic crazy person shit.

u/Majesc0 how does it feel to be so dumb all the time?

Ignorance is bliss m8

Jesus christ it's so easy to manipulate them.

They’re just like Daddy.

I want to see daddy pronounce "Niger"

He is as white as the demons in human form we must remove from the subreddit. Burn their milky hides, I say, burn them.

Well she almost got the beef industry closed, so she's a step above.

I hope Oprah will pick Ellen as her VP.


fuck you kanye 2020

Well, at least that was more effective than their ''boycott''.

Yes. Rumor mongering is low effort/high reward (as long as your goal is only to cause chaos).

Kinda like the internet equivalent of bioweapons.

Or yelling "fire" in random places.

Or smashing their $100 covfefe machines.

Starbucks may have a libel case against Reddit with this one if the store really did close because of the T_D post.

It would open up a huge gateway of other like libel cases against corporations that would be hilarious. Fuck, just this recent monkey hoodie thing would be the most funny suit ever against reddit/twitter and other social media.

Or Reddit could respond by deleting T_D which would be just as funny.

Both would be best, honestly.

What's with leftists and opposing views censorship? It's borderline sexual arousal over it.


Ban T_D is almost the universal motto of reddit libtards.

Hitler was a known drinker of water. Do you want to be like Hitler?

If drinking water makes me Hitler then we are all Hitler o/

And wanting to ban T_D makes me everyone in the world except for T_D.

Wanting to ban things you dont like is very fascist of you

What's with leftists and opposing views censorship? It's borderline sexual arousal over it.

Because I don't want to see another person killed due to their bullshit.

T_D literally bans dissent.

temporarily close

They don't. Reddit qualifies as a "safe harbor" under the DMCA, which more or less inoculates them from any ramifications stemming from the content that users post. Without this the internet wouldn't be able to function since Google would be criminally liable for carrying CP if someone sent a single picture through gmail.

This is why I always say it's better for websites to not actively assume responsibility for policing content. The moment you assume responsibility for getting rid of things is when you start to be culpable for not catching everything. It's a slippery slope but all someone has to prove in court is that you knew of something and didn't remove it and it's easier to prove if you have a system in place that means you should know about it.

Basically, so long as you're ignorant of what people are posting, you're 100% safe.

Hey, who’s the internet lawyer here?

Social media has made people extra retarded. Especially people that were already very stupid to begin with

Wow. Rude. I bet you didn't even like or comment on my sick goku four panel.

Nah you're the one weeb we can tolerate around here so u ok

People have always been fucking retarded. Social media has just given morons and half wits a voice.

After seeing these autists and the 14 year olds at LSC how can anyone not be a centrist?

Hipster libcuck Starbucks soyboys BTFO! MAGA!! ♿🍊

You mean r/the_donald users are complete idiots? Who would have thought.

If you post there please let me know so I can mock you.

I think the idiots are the ones who believed them.

The hoax only says it's a "Starbucks in Atlanta", but it sounds like a specific Starbucks got shut down. Is there only one in Atlanta?

Ahhaaaha they're so fucking stupid. The photo gets posted over at r/insanepeoplefacebook people all the time.


It doesn't matter that the Jews didn't kill a kid and drink his blood this time. We still know that they do it all the time!

Samesies for basketball-americans abusing innocent mayos!

Blood libel

Blood libel (also blood accusation) is an accusation that Jews kidnapped and murdered the children of Christians in order to use their blood as part of their religious rituals during Jewish holidays. Historically, these claims – alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration – have been a major theme of the persecution of Jews in Europe.

Blood libels typically say that Jews require human blood for the baking of matzos for Passover, although this element was allegedly absent in the earliest cases which claimed that then-contemporary Jews reenacted the crucifixion. The accusations often assert that the blood of the children of Christians is especially coveted, and, historically, blood libel claims have been made in order to account for the otherwise unexplained deaths of children.

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If only they stuck to drinking blood, and weren't controlling my media (putting women and darkies into every goddamn movie), I'd be more ok with them. Maybe it's just the hassidics who stuck to their old ways?

This is bad publicity for Starbucks if the media pick this up. I hope FOX at least does.

/u/antistar88 this is why we all think you are easily manipulated dumb fucks who got conned by a demented, fat, old conman who likes eat steak with ketchup.

I'm happy it got closed, that bitch was doing fucked up shit.

It was all a hoax you dumb shit. Are you really this fucking stupid? Read the fucking article you child touching, Dotard cock sucking, wanna-be rich man.

Alternet is fake news, it wasnt a fake account, that's just PR damage control from Starbuxx

There are other news agencies reporting on it dumbass.

WaPo is the fakest of fake news they are literally controlled by the CIA. Prove the account is a hoax? The account was saying shit like that for quite some time, it wasn't a brand new account. Plus after the backlash she got all defensive and said it wasnt her, that she got hacked. Fuck Starbuxx for emplying mentally ill libtards

Holy fuck you are insane. No wonder everyone makes fun of you and your own mom wishes she drunk bleach while she was pregnant with you.

I heard carbon monoxide is a good way to MAGA.

Not an argument.

I think you need to recheck what sub you are in you inbred cum stain.

A sub where argumentation doesn't matter?


88 miles per hour