BPT back to complaining about the monkey hoodie. Truly pathetic.

52  2018-01-12 by Standard12


Now with added cancer!


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As if that kid can even read

He is a nigger after all.

Nobody cares about your white rights cunto.


The downvotes come from your complete lack of being able to dog whistle. Basically you wooooshed on it completely

This post is why we must remove milkskins from the subreddit.

Jesus christ, have none of these people ever been refered to as a monkey when they were kids? Or is that just a british thing? Or are they just looking for something to be offended by? Or all three?

It’s a distinctly American issue here.

Jesus christ, have none of these people ever been refered to as a monkey when they were kids?


Calling little kids monkeys inoffensively and calling black people monkeys offensively are both things in America

and the “jungle” part helps it sound like the latter

Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed

lmao this some mayo shit right here.

But really, this is "Spider-Man and Elsa" as FUCK

Keep this mkultra shit away from me

Sorry it's my job

hahaha what? Why does the monkey doctor look like Hitler? https://imgur.com/kdleJlk

I'm not retarded, just speaking the truth. If you took a moment to stop thinking about a fucking hoodie, you may be able to see why your life sucks.

And the fact that people are so heated up around a hoodie still beats me.

Umm, I agree with you on the hoodie part ya dumbass. I'm just laughing at your "nuclear war is around the concern" thing lol. That's why it's in bold. Emphasis no?

You are right on the topic of the hoodie.

You are just chided that your choice of what's important is as retarted as people taking umbrage with a hoodie.

Don't you dare talk to /u/Ed_ButteredToast like this, he is our top mod.


I thought we were trying to get rid of Ed?

Wtf no 😠

My mistake.

Hey wanna do a bet if a country drops nukes in 2018? We'll check back in december 31st.

I don't think it will happen, how about you?

it's a 100 year corner

I have no idea what you mean

Do you honestly swear you are telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when you say that nuclear war is around the corner ?

It's ok to be a monkey.

Only if you're the coolest in the jungle

[go call a black person a monkey on the street in the US

see what happens](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/7prtog/the_check_cleared/dsjljfq/)

/u/StrongStyleSavior if you did that they'd chimp out.

I always wonder about this and I don’t think it’s actually a black person saying that.

I mean, whoever wrote this seems to have quite an offensive view or strongly held stereotype of a black person being this violent (or, fragile) that they require this little to commit an assault.

In other words, people who say these things imply that black people are so insecure they are looking for any chance to beat someone.

What is more racist than having those ideas about people?

the black person would be justified in killing the mayo even if the mayo was just walking down the street minding “its” own business. obviously calling some black person a monkey or just walking to work seem innocent, but they are internalized racist tactics by mayos to preserve amerikkka. honestly any black person who isn't ending the lives of “hapless” whites is contributing to white supremacy

In the USA black people were officially subhuman for two hundred years, below all the other subhumans.

You don't just go from that to equality within the Civil Rights peroid.

The "white left" to use a Chinese phrase, associate blacks with monkeys as much as everyone else, including black people at this point.

That is why you can calll any race a monkey, unless they are black.

The way is to own it, like our fiddy.

Yup. Same shit with the "voter ID is racist" stuff. Your argument is that black people are so retarded or incompetent that they can't get their shit together enough to get ID like white people can?

Way to fight racism!

The Carolina voter ID laws were so undoubtedly racist. I don't think you actually know anything about them

Yeah, they're racist if you think black people are retards or incapable of getting their shit together.

Go ahead and explain how they're racist, and I'll tell you how that line of thinking makes you racist.

ok, Just to start off just because the law wasn't

black people can't vote, lol. Fuck black people.

doesn't mean it wasn't racist. The reason that law was racist was how it disproportionately targeted black voters.

Law makers in NC looked at the data about voting methods for voters. Picked out ways that black people preferred to vote and then outlawed those methods.

Black people disproportionately cast special votes further out from the election.

NC reduced the time frame for special voting.

Black people disproportionately use a specific state issued ID, that isn't a drivers licence.

NC outlaws using those specific state issued ID's to vote.

Black people disproportionately use a specific voting location.

NC closes (at least some) of those polling locations.

Here's what the Supreme court said on this whole retarded fiasco

Although the new provisions target African Americans with almost surgical precision, they constitute inapt remedies for the problems assertedly justifying them and, in fact, impose cures for problems that did not exist.

This is the best part. The fucking supreme court called them on their BS. The laws don't stop voting fraud. They stop legal and easy voting.

/u/pizzashill give me strength

You think he’s just gonna fight your bigoted battles for you?

They stop legal and easy voting.

Right. They stop legal and easy voting of you're too black to know how to go get the proper ID. That's racist as fuck. Last I checked, black people were just as smart as everyone else.

Go ahead and explain how they're racist

For your reference, from the courts: http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/litigation/documents/Opinion72916.pdf

Before enacting that law, the legislature requested data on the use, by race, of a number of voting practices. Upon receipt of the race data, the General Assembly enacted legislation that restricted voting and registration in five different ways ...

Oh. Well, I mean, they just wanted to make sure they

all of which disproportionately affected African Americans.

Well. I mean, it's not that bad, right? I mean they're just exaggerating. They were just using the data to make sure they didn't

prior to enactment of SL 2013-381, the legislature requested and received racial data as to usage of the practices changed by the proposed law. This data showed that African Americans disproportionately lacked the most common kind of photo ID, those issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

needlessly discriminate against black people. Well I mean, they can still use other forms of ID, right?

The pre-Shelby County version of SL 2013-381 provided that all government-issued IDs, even many that had been expired, would satisfy the requirement as an alternative to DMV-issued photo IDs.

See, I told y-

After Shelby County, with race data in hand, the legislature amended the bill to exclude many of the alternative photo IDs used by African Americans. As amended, the bill retained only the kinds of IDs that white North Carolinians were more likely to possess.

Well, yes, it seems a little suspect, but really they didn't do anything el-

The district court found that, prior to enactment of SL 2013-381, legislators also requested data as to the racial breakdown of early voting usage. [...] The racial data provided to the legislators revealed that African Americans disproportionately used early voting in both 2008 and 2012. [...] In particular, African Americans disproportionately used the first seven days of early voting.

Okay, so they're going to make sure they don't do anything to the early vo-

After receipt of this racial data, the General Assembly amended the bill to eliminate the first week of early voting, shortening the total early voting period from seventeen to ten days. As a result, SL 2013-381 also eliminated one of two “souls-to-the-polls” Sundays in which African American churches provided transportation to voters.

Well there couldn't possibly be an-

The district court found that legislators similarly requested data as to the racial makeup of same-day registrants. [...] The district court further found that African American registration applications constituted a disproportionate percentage of the incomplete registration queue. And the court found that African Americans “are more likely to move between counties,” and thus “are more likely to need to re-register.” As evidenced by the types of errors that placed many African American applications in the incomplete queue, in-person assistance likely would disproportionately benefit African Americans.

They just wanted to make sure they didn't negatively affec-

SL 2013-381 eliminated same-day registration.

Let me summarize the rest

  • They requested racial breakdown of provisional voting, found that it's more likely because black people move around more frequently, so they got rid of it.

  • They found that more black people pre-registered to vote (registering before your old enough to vote if you'll be old enough on election day), so they eliminated that

See? Their argument is "black people are too retarded to get the right ID". Racist.

I didn’t read your walls of text so I don’t know if you are right but the bullet points said maybe.

If you browse /r/publicfreakout long enough you'll notice the same shit. Left wing users will comment on verbal arguments between white and black people that result in the white guy getting beat up with something along the lines of "what was he expecting"?


Legitimate question at way too early in the morning... Would putting the black kid in the orange sweater not invoke a prison outfit reaction??

This how you know weak white people are inhabiting that sub.

I'd have so much fun if I were a black man living the way I do, without a criminal record and raising my kids.

I'd dress my kid up in an orange onezee with TIMEOUT on the back, and head to a place full of white college hipsters to watch them struggle with their real racism and external virtue signaling.

Another reason why we must have mayocide.

since when do prisoners wear sweaters

This how you know weak woke white people are inhabiting that sub.

I'm glad we can communicate regardless if we think ironically or unironically.

Black people on Twitter are the most fragile things I've ever encountered.

these folks are mayos, not blacks. they are trying to pacify the black liberation movement with memes when we all know the only path towards black liberation is the systematic genocide of mayos (including the pacifist "blacks"). do not be fooled by these pretenders. they are just tools of amerikkka to perpetuate a system which threatens innocent black lives every minute.

I'm not talking about the people on Reddit.

even the ones on twitter are white. I've never seen them actually call for the final solution

If everyone is white then where is all the crime coming from, friend?

the white people... do you really believe that the crime stats in amerikkka aren't altered to frame the black man as more violent?

black people are often forced to use violence in self-defense against amerikkka

You right brotha fight the powuh!


Is that the yearly salary for Walmart workers?

that is one meaning, but if you can't decode the other then you're white and will be made a target. this is like the SAT, but only the blacks can pass

I'm terrified, really.


These peeps aren't black, i can promise you that


Being woke<Money from child labor

This gal got her head screwed on straight.

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READ NIGGA READ +1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFtcLJVN8yg
Since when was "Porch Monkey" a racial slur? +1 - Jesus christ, have none of these people ever been refered to as a monkey when they were kids?
Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed Children Nursery Rhyme Songs +1 - Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed lmao this some mayo shit right here. But really, this is "Spider-Man and Elsa" as FUCK

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BPT certainly is going ape over this topic

Who the fuck even has the time to care about shit like this? Only the super-privileged in the U.S.