Stable Genius correctly labels shithole countries, wants more smoothskin immigrants. Pearl clutching intensifies worldwide.

23  2018-01-12 by j1l1l1


I remember that there were faggots who thought Trump would just be another republicunt and that he wouldn't deliver on good drama. Where are you now, you fucking pessimists?

Kill all blackpillers (mayocide will get most of them anyway)

Why would someone in a country with free health care, education, etc decide to come to a shithole country like America? And why would we expect them to work on the farms as Migrant workers when they already have everything they need in their own country?

Someone didn't think this through.

Plus the comment was about legal immigrants. Those people aren't usually coming over to work in farms.

Well, someone needs to work as a migrant workers, and White people aren't going to work one of the few jobs that has a federal exception for the minimum wage, to spend time away from their family living in a migrant community performing labor intensive work.

Illegal immigrants basically fill that role right now, but the comment was about legal immigrants. Illegal immigrants take the shitty jobs nobody else will do, because they have no choice. They have to accept whatever money or job conditions they can get, otherwise they can be booted out. Legal immigrants can be more selective and work in whatever field or industry they desire, which probably precludes sweatshops and fruit picking.

We need illegal immigrants to be migrant workers, because if we all of a sudden started to expect the agricultural industry to comply with the minimum wage act, the price of food would rise. If we deported all of the migrant workers without raising the wage, there would be a massive food shortage.

Legal immigrants aren't going to be working as migrant workers, I'm not a fan of illegal immigration but we need migrant workers.

You're correct.

But doesn't they use seasonal workers for fruit picking anyways?

The H2A visa process takes too long, so agricultural work has to be done with illegal immigrants.

Is it possible that it the pay is too low for the workers to accept that perhaps the pay will have to be raised? Oh that sounds awful let's just bring in millions of people instead to depress wages.

This is one of those cases where you probably can't easily raise the wage. The wage gets raised, price of food goes up, on the other hand if all the workers get deported without raising the wage, there's a food shortage.

I'm not a fan of illegal immigration but agriculture is one of those things where we need it. I'm willing to accept that affordable food is a fair tradeoff.

We subsidize the absolute fuck out of food prices as it is, I don't see how not using borderline slave labor would raise prices beyond making the margins of big agriculture shrink a bit.

The wage gets raised, price of food goes up

Expert level analysis.

Well, even if you raise the wage to $11-15/hr, not too many non-immigrants are going to want to want to spend a whole season in a migrant community, in the middle of nowhere, doing hard labor, leading to a food shortage if you don't hire immigrants. We're talking about a less than minimum wage job to a $15-20/hr wage increase at the least to make the job appeal to non-immigrant workers.

However, the Government will never require that they do pay a minimum wage in exchange for disallowing the hiring of immigrants, since they make up the backbone (at least I hope not).

let me just make up some retarded numbers and fantasies with no relationship to reality

Nicely done.

Okay, would you spend six months in a migrant camp in the middle of nowhere, doing back breaking labor for $11/hr? Why would you do that, when you can get paid the same working at Wallmart or Shopco?

They literally do it all the time. America is the best place in the world to be if you're exceptional at something. The people coming to make $200k+ starting don't care about healthcare costs, it's covered.

Will $200k a year even be able to keep you from going into debt from medical bills if you contract a rare cancer? I mean, other than a rarer than normal medical condition then they can get by.

If you're making $200k a year you have no problem getting health insurance.

Yeah, even with health insurance. I mean, a day in the ICU costs a year's wage without. What if you get into a car accident and spend 10-30 days in the ICU? Insurance won't cover everything and you'll still be spending five years or so paying off the bills to your health insurance, even with that high wage with health insurance.

Insurance will absolutely cover every Thing after the deductible. How are people so critical of the US system always so ignorant of it?

That kind of catastrophic incident is exactly the point of insurance.

And a day in ICU is not $200k

I thought they generally just covered a few days, and you constantly had to negotiate with them. Insurance companies, generally won't cover the full cost or all the treatment.

You're right. I just looked it up, the cost of a day in the ICU is 6-7K per day. The other treatments, surgery, etc could easily reach up to over 200k+ though.

The negotiations are usually for those edge cases to avoid paying all of the deductible but once it's paid your golden. For instance insurance will cover some amount if a minor injury like getting a cast before paying off your full deductible but you have to jump through the right hoops, once the shit hits the fan though, you're covered.

No they won't.

Have you ever dealt with insurance? They're a business. If they decide not to cover an expensive treatment, then you have to negotiate. They won't cover something if it prevents them from making a profit, and they can decide not to cover something. Even with the deductible paid off.

No, they won't cover everything. My mother broke her knee a year back. She's an SVP of an oil and gas firm and she is still out of pocket over $50k. Health insurance in the U.S. is a joke.

Lol what is this world where everyone is contracting rare cancers and becoming disabled?

America, everyone is fat and people suck at driving.


Liberals here and elsewhere: 'How dare Daddy call countries where they bash people's heads open looking for gold, set up town-wide roadblocks to murder vampires or boil Albino's alive for magical teal "Shitholes"!'

Trump has said a lot of retarded shit, but if he said this (and I hope to god he did), this is easily the least retarded thing he has said in a year.

Implying that paleskins deserve to live.

Don't mock albinos, they have eerie powers.

It wasn't just that he called those places shitholes retard, it was that he was saying why should we even allow people from those places.

I'm not seeing the issue

That's the down syndrone. Shame there's no cure

There is, it's called a 12 gauge

Better take your daily dose

I will, after I purge the earth of non whites

Nah get a head start

You got a source that they do any of those things?

Lol asking for sources on fucking /r/Drama jesus fucking christ.

Best part was CNN’s Anderson Cooper last night, making a “case” for Haiti and listing all the actual reasons it is indeed a shithole.

He even mentioned his friendship with some Haiti president saying (and I paraphrase) “… then he went back home to Haiti and he was assassinated within a week… “.

Ted said it more than 20 years ago

  1. Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)

Who would have thought the Unibomber wasn't crazy. He was just trying to save us from the darkest timeline.


These people thing the American immigration system should be run like a charity. They know these countries are shitholes, that's why they want us to take immigrants from them

I'm still trying to puzzle out why calling other countries a shithole is racist. I guess we're suppose to infer that because the country is a shithole that the people are garbage, even if it's not really implied?

because flumpf said it

If the people weren't garbage, the country wouldn't be a shithole. The statement is racist because all shithole countries are nonwhite.

(Serbs are honorary nonwhites because they're garbage and their country is a shithole)

The statement is racist because all shithole countries are nonwhite.

TIL Moldova is not white.

You know, when you are the head of what is arguably the strongest power in the world you might not want talk like a r/drama regular, just saying.

Should have thrown a Belarus in there for good measure.

This was posted already

No one on reddit would give a fuck if he meant Russia or the UK.

Well, duh. Those are quite obvious shitholes.

Russia IS a third-world shithole. The only difference is that they have nuclear weapons.

hahahahahahaha obviously you have never been there.

U mad, Dimitri?

Holy shit Joe, holy shit! holy shitholes, shitholes everywhere, everyone Joe has one!

If the mayo failure of a nation that is 'Murica is more appealing than where they come from, I'm not sure he's exactly wrong. I just hope he actually said it considering the source is a Democrat.

Well I mean he has never lied, and dems only lie, so I don't know.
