The new /r/menslib cause for 2018 : fighting "small penis stigma" (2019 will be "cut if off anyway")

37  2018-01-12 by IAintThatGuy


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That fuck else is there to say besides that


ofc /r/menslib are concern over having micro-penis.


I have a hard time believing men actually post to that sub, it's got to be full of mayo cat ladies

/u/Sheliewolf is an exception (an uggo looking for validation online, so she goes to whiteknight central to post her shitty videos).

The rest of /r/menslibs is mostly soyboys and trannies (and the soyboys are usually a few weeks away from starting their transition).

Hey thanks for the name drop! Wouldn't of seen this thread other wise. I just wanna say thank you for spreading my video around :D I really appreciate you taking the time to share this with everyone, it really means alot to me how important it is to you that this awareness be spread. You really are a good guy. Thanks again for the share man. It really is much appreciated

You seem weirdly invested in the subject. Are you having buyer's remorse about your husband and now you're overcompensating (probably more than he is)?

Naah just ain't gonna let no stigma stop me from bragging about how good his cock makes me feel. ;)

So it's overcompensating. Got it.

Perhaps it's been awhile since you've gotten laid.

Lmao talking about small cock stigma and uses lack of success with women stigma as an insult. Hahaha

Lol, lots of toxic masculinity in your comments there, toots.

You realize that the virginity stigma is wayyy worse when you see people like Elliot Roger go on a killing spree because of it.

You know what your right. Wasn't thinking when I made that comment.But I can acknowledge when I do something wrong. Virgin's don't deserve to be grouped in with cesspool dwellers like OP. Because that's what this place is pretty much, a cesspool.

This is a gussy loving mayocide forum, calling this place a cesspool is pretty homophobic and suggest you're a white supremacist

/u/Sheliewolf why are you in favor of a whites-only ethno-state? does this have something to do with you thinking that small wieners are better than big wieners?

Well small dicks are my honest preference for a variety of reasons. But everyone has there own kinks and preferences and that's okay. Mine are just beyond the mainstream. Just don't agree with shaming dicks. Doesn't matter what the race is.

Doesn't matter what the race is [as long as they have this very specific characteristic unique to whites and asians]

it's crazy the lengths racists will go to convince themselves they're not racist

Men of every race have people who have small penis sizes. And I'm Asian Hispanic mix. Don't see how me liking Asian men would be racist if I'm also half Asian.

Holy shit, someone call Eurasiantiger.

gussy loving

? wtf? mods? hello? GUSSY?


oh god that was an horrible typo, dont tell anyone and ill send you pics

I mean, you still virgin shamed someone. It goes to show that your morals go out the window when it's the "right side" doing the shitty things.

Virgin's don't deserve to be grouped in with cesspool dwellers like OP

Great now I have to leave the cesspool to find myself virgins, thank you very much...

Having your ideas challenged must be hard, and obviously you can't deal with anything hard. Like a cock.

Lol well there is no posting your face on the internet without running the risk of getting trolled or whatever. It's fine. I kind of expected something like this to happen, but if I can still honestly help people despite any back lash. That's all that really matters to me.

This is the internet, no one who posts is safe. And I can be brash sometimes, but I do take the time to look at perspectives beyond my own.

Make your next video about Menslib "men" castrating themselves to become woke. This is how much they hate themselves.

Virgin's don't deserve to be grouped in with cesspool dwellers like OP.

true, virgins are even more subhuman

I'll have you know it's a cesspit thank you very much!

Aren't you shaming someone right now for their sexual exploits or lack thereof?

Isn't that upholding toxic masculine ideas about men's worth being tied down to how many women they can bang and how frequent?

Isn't that, like, against your pseudo religion? How do you justify your, frankly, reprehensible comments here on /r/menslib?

It is, your right. That was a brash comment on my part. And I apologize for anyone it offended.

Nooo you're supposed to double down! Come on, don't be reasonable, be a lolcow!

You're no fun.

Screw you, I'll be wizard soon.

Ooh, virgin shaming. Nice.

I bet you would be among the first to complain about slut shaming, though. Such hypocrisy.

EDIT: it seems like many people beat me to it already. Oh well, my comment is pointless but I stand by it.

Actually I had a comment of mine screenshotted by feminists before and posted on badwomansanatomy with abunch of women complaining that I was slutt shaming them by acknowledging the existence of sizequeens

Why in the fuck is that badwomensanatomy? Link please?


Seriously, what is with feminists using "you suck at getting laid" as their go-to insult? Can't you at least pretend not to be massive hypocrites?

I'm not even feminist, I am pretty against most of what feminism is. Op was bashing small dicks so I was responding to a low blow with a low blow. Because no one ever likes it when it's aimed at them.

how many cats do you own?

None but I did used to catch spiders and have abunch of pet spiders in jars. Even made a few YouTube videos of them a loooong time ago.

that is peak virgin.

Nah I'm just an ewok, you know how we live in the forests and trees and shit. It's just a common ewok hobby. You human folk wouldn't understand.

my favourite scene is when that ewok blows up and dies

Hey not cool man. I'll have you know he was an honorary member of our society. Don't dis the dead



*wibbly wobbly

*timey wimey

i knew you'd say that.

Naah just ain't gonna let no stigma stop me from bragging about how good his cock makes me feel. ;)

So he does have a small cock, and it really is "how you use it"?

Good for you though.

it's easier to get in her butt.

As a man, we really don't need goth dip shit women championing our less fortunate micro cock cousins. Please stop being this retarded.

Your only saying that because your not walking in their shoes. Too many people lack empathy , that's why the world is going to shit.

Most dudes don't care about eachothers dick sizes. If you are concerned about empathy, focus your horseshit social analysis on women who are the ones that actually care about cock size. Lmao. You think guys with micro dicks are ashamed because the size matters to other men? Lmao

Poor guy stigma exists because women like men with more wealth.

Manlet stigma exists because women like taller men.

Catching a pattern here you mong?

I'm well aware of various types of stigma And I'm working with a friend on a large awareness video regarding parental alienation , of women who keep children from their fathers over petty issues, where we are doing filmed interviews of alienated fathers and adult children who have gone threw that experience so people can get the perspectives of both the fathers and the kids. Small penis stigma isn't the only thing I'm addressing, but it's certainly a subject I felt needed to be addressed along side many others.

Are you autistic? Seriously?

No, I just actually care about other people's issues outside of what relates to me.

Well stop, it's annoying.

Wow, this sub is a cesspool of human garbage.

Don't let these assholes get to you. You're a good person.

Keep yourself very safe.

this but ironically

You're a good person.

unironically the worst kind of person

are you actually gay or are you only doing it ironically?

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

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Hey no doxxing. Where did you get that picture of /u/Sheliewolf?

My issue is that your hair sucks and you are irritating.


Honestly I didn't brush my hair or nothing, did absolutely no prep what so ever. I don't really give a shit about looks. Getting the video done was more important than looking like a model

You prepped it to look like Jar Jar Binks

Lmao wtf

Most dudes don't care about eachothers dick sizes.

Dude you're on /r/drama. What's the point of bussy if not to know more about other's dudes dick's size?

I only top my dude

I know a bloke who boasts about his small dick, he gets respect from the men and fascination for the women who all want to see it, and then want to try it out. What you're lacking is self-confidence.

Where the fuck do you live?

Too many people lack empathy

If you had any empathy, you wouldn't force your husband to endure your terrible haircut.

This is truth. You frequently see the fat cows on TrollX and TwoX gush and squirt over how they are the only "good guys"

They still wouldn't fuck them.

Because a fat bitter nonbinary legbeard NEET deserves a fit hung 6'4 millionaire that volunteers at an animal shelter and donates to feminist YouTubers.


There isn't enough combined testosterone in that sub to make a voice crack.

And if there was they would just get castrated anyway.

I remember years ago I tried to see what % of front-page posts on /r/menslib were posted by women, and it ended up at about half.

Never underestimate the capacity of soyboys to be self-loathing.

Cant be bothered to check, how many of /r/redpillwomen top posts are actually women?

So I read some comment histories off of /r/menslib which was something I now regret. It looks like they went on a soyboy recruiting drive because compared to how it used to look, the current front page only has 3 feeeeemales in the top 20 posts.

the current front page only has 3 feeeeemales in the top 20 posts.

How many transmen though? They like soyboys, they feel like real men compared to them.

True, they at least have more T.

That sub is a potent potpourri of concentrated ammonia and fish sauce.

I decided to make a YouTube video addressing small penis stigma

Thank you /u/Sheliewolf

Someones out there to hear your cries for help

They should be more worried about those dudes who put nails through their dicks.

Penis stigmata, if you will.

I have a post somewhere about that (got me a lot of karma on /r/worstof). You mean like the dude who inspired the famous snappy quote?

I think he's talking about the BME pain Olympics videos.

Yeah but /r/incels had a dude who nailed his dick to a board (and then posted another video of the nail removal).

The average /r/drama poster should celebrate that someone is coming to their defense.


only calling it "small" is a compliment tbh

LOL holy shit, watch the fucking video, at least the first 5 seconds.

Fuck me, these people are walking stereotypes

I was surprised to see this post is not why you made this alt.

Friendly reminder that you need AT LEAST an 8 inch penis to satisfy a woman, however you are allowed to take an inch off the REQUIRED size for every inch of height over 6 foot.

Nah other way around otherwise it doesn't look proportional (why do you think sluts prefer tall guys? they assume they have bigger dicks).

thank god i'm 6 foot 7 then, i thought my one incher wouldn't do the job

Look at this silverback over here.

Eh, if you like giving blow jobs dicks that big are annoying.

BJs are for cowards who are too scared to pop open that bussy

I really dig this rule ☺

Man is this all what drama is about now? Posting left wing stuff because you disagree with it and it's not edgy enough for you? The SRDs are less lame than you these days, their moral superiority is cancer but at least they provide real drama links.

Man is this all what drama is about now?

Did it use to be different?

There were some good posts in the past...

This sub has always been garbage. It has good stuff from time to time but you kind of deal with the fact that it is a national bolshevist shithole.

You're right, but this particular post isn't indicative of the shittiness that plagues this sub. It's actually downright hilarious.

Meh, it's gratuitously mean, believe it or not at least this has a valuable function for society (although I agree it's not the worst of /r/drama). The other thread about /r/menslib right now is actually more fun because it's actually mentally challenged.

valuable function for society


The other thread is just making fun of Dan Harmon and his dumbass fans, nothing really that out of place tbh.

I'm figuring it out. :( Guess I'll visit from time to time in the hope of something worthwhile...

You're like a Trump supporter, wishing for the return of an imaginary past that was somehow "better".

Well the quality of the intellectual content of both respective subjects is about the same. Good comparison I guess.

The only way to make /r/drama great again would be fire. A lot of it.


All the other subs are shitholes.

Imagine hating yourself as much as these people do.

I mean, MensLib is the only forum where someone can contemplate killing themselves over their male guilt, only for most of the comments to say "yeah, me too". That sub is actually pretty harmful.

Worst of all, one of my favorite subs got linked on MensLib once and now it's infested with those types.

one of my favorite subs

Now I'm curious

It's /r/RoleReversal, in case you really want to know.

It's a nice little community, but recently, some MensLib users felt the need to shit up the sub and whine about "MRA's".

Aha. Thanks. :)

They're all in the closet about something or other.

Perhaps our biggest challenge in this area are men who actually believe the harmful messaging they have received about acceptable body shapes. I am pondering to myself whether this is the smaller or larger group? Body positivity messaging has been a thing for a while, but it is not a match for the reach of advertising media, which subconsciously promotes ideal (male) body types.


Quit trying to lump being fat and out of shape, (changeable) with something unchangeable like penis size.

You can lose weight, you can gain muscle, you can work and be close to an ideal body unless you have some sort of syndrome. Penis size is what it is. Its funny how fatties try to link themselves with being gay, or racism, or whatever, dicksize I guess in order to make themselves feel better about their fatness.

Body positivity messaging has been a thing for a while, but it is not a match for the reach of advertising media, which subconsciously promotes ideal (male) body types.

/u/halfercode that's so retarded. I understand how women would be dumb enough to eat that shit up, but as a man you're supposed to understand that there are solutions to fatness.

Penis size is what it is.

are you telling me all those grammatically dubious emails i keep getting have been lying to me?

No man, send money now!

My best friend used to be (and to some exten remains) fond of whipping his dick out.

Seems like OK behaviour to me. Time for marriage possibly?

Let's fight whipping out your dick in public stigma.

hah, people think they shouldn't want to kill themselves over having a tiny dick

This is a bad post even by /r/drama's standards

/r/drama has always been a pro-kys sub

He calls it his Pickle Rick

/u/Sheliewolf That poor guy has a small dick and then you made him marry an Ewok. You are contributing to the stigma, smh

That's the worst part of the stigma. Having your ugly wife (whom everyone knows you're married to) be a small penis size crusader. Double public humiliation.

I am sure the men in that sub are just as authentic as the women in /r/GirlGamers

thank god there's no 'tight bussy' stigma.


u/tarcolt, unless you are both bussy bandits, why exactly does your friend whip out his genitals for you?

/r/menslib 2019: Fighting the reality that we've failed as men and can only compete as "Allies".

Nah, Probably too self-aware.