Facebook officially endorses mayocide

395  2018-01-12 by htmlcoderexe


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Unironically tho someone creating an empty group with the name just to report it five minutes later is an edgelord and should be ignored.

You think someone would do that,just go on the internet and tell lies?

Hilarious comment man. Very funny and original. Thanks.

I thought it was apropros, clever, and humorous.

Your comment, however, added nothing whatsoever to the discussion.

Please consider whether you want to continue on this earth, if confused, feel free to ask one of us here and we'll give you an answer

What should they do?

Keep Yourself Safe, obviously


As you wish.

/r/Drama should dispatch a PSMT (Personal Safety Maintenance Technician) to /u/lemondiddles's location, STAT

I love that. I also love piling on (sexually? let's talk) /u/lemondiddles for a massive overreaction. It's what we do here

Whether they made it themselves or not, the fact remains Facebook didn’t find it to be hate speech.

Duh, Mayo's aren't ppl.

If this was reddit I’d say something gay like “relevant username”😂

he didn't get an invite

Less mayonnaise posting perlaise

Honestly, no more or less valid than your average brand of 'political activism' these days, which seems to mean nothing more than trolling people and then sperging out when they react.

It's spreading!

lol, I doubt you get much play around here these days.

Are you retarded?




there's dozens of us!

About 47,700


I'm not TECHNICALLLY retarded, though there have been several mental health physicians who have laughed in my face when i have asked them if i will ever be a normal boy.

Wait, you also sucked those physicians' cock because they read you too many Pinocchio stories and you believed you were playing with the "nose" that got bigger?

Small world.

Well, no, only when someone on the internet says something retarded and a bunch of other retards fall into line behind it.

I guess about hourly or so.





We did it reddit!!







Mod zuckerberg?

Who's trying to snitch tho?

Probably mayos.

Wtf i love Facebook now. Time to make an Account.

Post Zuckbook link.

genocide of the white race is good tho

I like mayonnaise

Start with yourself. Lead by example.

Race mixing is more fun and less inconvenient than killing yourself, and still contributes to the cause (^_^)

you go first, we'll follow

(((Cuckerberg))) did this

Mods ban OP for being literally a white devil

Um, excuse me. I'd appreciate you not snitching on my page. Thanks!

Lol you're pastier than me mayoboy, don't think you're getting a pass

(((raceshapeshifting magic)))

We have that power too, sadly you're just too pasty

Sorry O'Liebowitz you're going straight to the mayo factory

oscar meyer concentration camp?

I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Weiner

Looks like his wish will be granted...

This page never existed and this is race baiting at its finest. Cue everyone now trying to claim they knew that before making their initial comments.

Tbh Faceberg has always been opposed to the rights of toilet seat complexioned individuals, as it should be. Nevertheless, I'm (((glad))) to see them support this movement so openly.

wtf i love the zuck now

white genocide is a paranoid concept invented by white supremacists, it isnt like an actual thing

Next you'll be telling me that Santa Claus isn't real!

Santa gives us social justice folk the naughty list so we know who to fuck up


You wouldn't talk that way around your grandmother would you young man?

Yet slurs are allowed....

Aren't you a swedenigger?

and youre a racist from where?

I'm not white so I can't be racist, sorry sweetie 😇

...thats not how it works you used a racial slur and have a swastika flair, it doesnt get much more horrid than that

You mean my ancient buddhist symbol? Also do you know where you are?

Ugh where's /u/MakeAmericaSageAgain when you need him 😭

omg... i cant

imagine falling for such obvious bait

Hahahaha good one

only because retards like you wont stop getting in the way of manifest destiny

cool ableist terminology bro


Like the war on Christmas or the war on police. Both are bullshit made-up by altright scum shit but are fun to say and do!

i guess

I'm glad that you sometimes provide an opposing viewpoint in the shittier threads on this subreddit, but how come you don't show up for regular drama stuff too?

I'm an SRS user...

Was this post linked there?

No but I was linked in a drama post

Oh, you mean this one?

I assume that you decided to look at the front page of the sub after being tagged there. If that's the case, you might as well just have some fun, you know what I mean? Too much seriousposting might have adverse affects.

it certainly won't be a thing with that attitude

Mayocide now!

Start with yourself.

There is no white culture only American culture and fuckwits pissed off that American culture is inclusive. Get fucked.

It's ok to be white.

I would love to join this group and then send out invites to my friend list.

y'all know some indian kid makes the decision right

anti-whiteness is loyalty to humanity

Friendly reminder that pretending to hate the white race won't change the fact that you hate yourself.