Tranny ex guy playing hockey in a wo(mens) league

13  2018-01-12 by WeWuzKANG5

A definition of trans-phobia in the wild:

Thank god for wikitextbot and a succinct explanation of gay panic defense (oh shit you have a penis I'm going to kill you):

Paging Dr. Obvious as fuck, men playing in women's sports is a slippery slope:

Here an actual tranny engages in some solid dialogue about how frustrating it is to have your male body pointed out when you're actually a women (ikr):

Don't worry guys, there's definitely no evidence of "strong or man like" trannies, only teeny cute ones without any advantages over their fellow women:

Seriously, there just isn't any evidence of mtf tranny's being strong or larger than women, please send evidence bb:

This thread is chock full of two worlds colliding and I love it, though I'm not a hockey fan I still remember the mtf tranny that was beating the shit out of female fighters and cracked a ladies skull. I guess all is fair in the war against cis.


Gussycide nao snappy amen!

Is it still bussy if they say they're female?

Holy shit that might be the new are traps gay...

traps aren't gay. But trannies and faggots are.

I'll tell you a secret. Females also have a bussy. Bussy is a gender neutral term.

Feeeemales have gussies.

Educate yourself.

They have both.

From a statistical likelihood of getting aids...

/r/drama aims to hold itself to the highest standards of trans-inclusion. The sexual orifices of the following people qualify for the "bussy" label:

  • Biologically born male; identifies as a man
  • Biologically born male; identifies as a woman
  • Biologically born male; identifies as other/they
  • Biologically born female; identifies as male
  • Biologically born with both male and female anatomy (intersex)

The sexual orifices of the following people do NOT qualify for the "bussy" label:

  • Biologically born female; identifies as a woman

I'm assuming at some point a Russia or a China is going to take advantage of this and put wigs on the male athletes who weren't quite good enough for the men's team and dominate the women's Olympic sports

u/C4D3NZA I think walking into a restaurant and seeing this is reason enough to panic

u/AwHellNaw24 you know asking for proof of the obvious is retarded. Years of male sex hormones, male bone structure of course a dude in a dress is stronger than a woman. Do you want proof that water is wet as well

I'm honestly looking forward to that. It's going to be such a shitshow.

Looking at that picture you linked, those are all speedrunners right? Is there something about speedrunning that makes people trans?

It's a picture from AGDQ. Some on /r/speedrun have claimed that it's just a coincidence that there are so many trans speedrunners at GDQ, but that would be a really big coincidence.

Most people agree that the prevalence is higher than the general population, but there's only really hypotheses about it.

It's no mistake they're generally mediocre runners too.

They're too conservative for that. Plus they can just stick with injections.

Jesus Christ, reading through that post with all the fake "wholesomeness" made me sick.

I like how every time this comes up, the trannies act like we have 100s of years sports science with MtF athletes to pull from, giving us a clear picture that men in drag are equal to gussies in the arena. Not only that, but in a full contact sport that already has problems with concussions and injuries to begin with.

Now you want to pit players against someone with more than half the bone mass, who didn't transition until after their peak skeletal mass, "She" is gonna hit like a freight train even with the smaller weight.

The primary victims of this kind of thing going forward will always be women. Live by the social justice, die by the social justice.

Just like war

So here's the deal - I power lift and as anyone who is serious into pretty much any kind of sport knows, testosterone is a performance enhancing drug.

It's so powerful that if you gave a woman the equivalent of a normal teenage boy's test levels she'd literally gain muscle and bone density just sitting on the couch. The interesting thing about these gains is that they don't all magically disappear once your test levels go down either, in fact it takes a serious effort to atrophy your physique to get rid of them and even then a lot of the long term strengthening effects on your bones and ligaments will remain.

So, if you spent 20 or 30 years of your life as a man playing sports, you could start taking test blockers, cut off your balls even, but so long as you still exercise regularly you're going to maintain most of the physique that you had prior to your "transition". This is the equivalent of taking a normal woman, giving her steroids for 20 years and then telling her to clear before a sporting event - it's not like all of a sudden she's going to turn into a waifish little ingenue spouting lines like "oh dear me! where did all my steroid enhanced muscles go!"

It's cheating, flat out. If they want to play in a womens sports league then they need to play in one that allows the girls to juice. It's the only way it could possibly be fair.

Well, let's think about this. In hockey, is the person with the most muscles the best player? Probably not. In fact muscle mass is just one of a huge number of variables that determines how good a player you are. Otherwise hockey players would spend all their time becoming bodybuilders. In some circumstances muscle mass can decrease competitiveness, since it reduces flexibility and agility.

A trans woman who has been on hormones the minimum amount of time before competing professionally may well have a higher average muscle mass than the average cis woman (I personally lost a heap in my first year, but I wasn't playing a lot of sport. Before or after. Haha.) But are we comparing her to the average person? No, we are comparing her to cis women who have spent a lifetime training the specific muscles they need to be good at hockey.

So the cis women have about as much muscle as their hormonal system will support while still being a competitive advantage in the game. The trans women have dropped muscle. You'd need a detailed scientific study to say whether trans women have dropped enough muscle and cis athletes have gained enough muscle to make them close to even - your anecdotes and my anecdotes could argue for years without proving it one way or the other.

But even if there is a slight discrepancy, it is much smaller than the discrepancy between the average cis male and female athletes. Now let's look at some of the advantages cis women have over us transes.

Those women have also been training with the same bodies the whole time. They probably have the advantage over the trans woman in agility and flexibility, as well as coordination (trust me, getting used to a new hormone system, muscle mass, fatty deposits isn't easy).

Trans women (especially those who transition after puberty, are in the public eye, are constantly having the fairness of pursuing their passion questioned, and who are close to the minimum period of allowable female hormone ranges - the sort of trans woman who it is possible has a bit more muscle mass) are facing a lot of shit. Almost certainly depression, social ostracisation, lack of money and support, undergoing other medical treatments like electrolysis, or even major surgery. All of these are disadvantages they face - they will reduce the chances of being the best athlete they can be. Does that mean they will suck for sure? No, but like having slightly less muscle mass (in some instances), is is one of a number of variables that disadvantages a sportsperson.

So the average trans woman might be slightly more muscley than your average cis woman. Eritrean runners are better at marathons than your average white person. Should we ban them? Rich people have a huge advantage over poor people in basically every sport, as they have the time and resources to develop talent from a young age. There's a million variables. If you want an utterly level playing field, then you'll need robots. Humans are unequal and in sports it is often those with physical traits that are at the absolute edge of the bell curve that succeed. Why is it okay for cis men and women, but not for trans women?

Did you really need a wall of text to just say "trannies have more muscle mass than cis women but their lives are super hard so lets just call it even and let them play?"

I read all that

TLDR: Trans have way more muscle mass then women normally do and yeah it’s a clear advantage, but women face so much oppression amirite

Advantages gained through genetics are not comparable to advantages gained through receiving artificial hormones lmao. Both are powerful but the latter starts an arms race that often carries side effects that are permanent.

Haha, how likely are you to transition genders to compete in professional sports? As someone born in the wrong body, let me tell you, nothing on this earth would be worth as much as having the right body. There's nil chance of people abusing this for competitive gain

/u/shonkshonk you do realize men are naturally stronger muscle wise right? A trans woman who works out regularly will always have a distinct athletic advantage over women unless the woman has goddess genes like Serena Williams. How is that fair to the other women in that sport?

What about trans women that transition before male puberty?

For the .01% of transwomen that applies to then sure. Also pretty screwed up to let an elementary school aged child cause irreversible changes to their body. They are not fully developed mentally and won't be for awhile. Nobody knows who they are before at least 25

About 5 to 10 percent of trans women transition before puberty (a number that is rising with better treatment, less discrimination, and of course visibility like professional trans sportspeople!) So when you are saying trans women shouldn't compete, it is a generalisation, and what you really mean is trans women who transitioned post puberty shouldn't compete.

Core gender identity is usually formed by age three. After age three, it is extremely unlikely to change and attempts to reassign it can result in severe psychological distress. (Many sources below).

The main reason medical professionals let kids transition is because if denied treatment there is a bout a 40% suicide rate. Don't worry though, the rate of innacurate diagnosis is incredible low. Les than 1% of people on HRT detransition and most of that number detransition because of discrimination (not because they weren't trans).

It makes sense if you think about it - if gender identity is so strong people will go through the pain and misery of transition for it, how the hell is someone going to go through that process accidentally against their gender identity?

Pamela J. Kalbfleisch; Michael J. Cody (1995). Gender, power, and communication in human relationships. Psychology Press. pp. 366 pages. ISBN 0805814043. Retrieved June 3, 2011.

 Ann M. Gallagher; James C. Kaufman (2005). Gender differences in mathematics: An integrative psychological approach. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-82605-5.

Boles, 2013. Pages 101-102.

 A few authorities say it forms between ages 3-4 rather than precisely at age 3, e.g. George J. Bryjak and Michael P. Soraka, Sociology: Cultural Diversity in a Changing World (ed. Karen Hanson), Allyn & Bacon, 1997; 209-245

 Newmann, Barbara. Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach. Cengage Learning. p. 243. ISBN 978111134466

Christopher Bates Doob, Social Inequality and Social Stratification in US Society

J. A. Kleeman, The establishment of core gender identity in normal girls. I.(a) Introduction;(b) Development of the ego capacity to differentiate, in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1971: "Though gender identity formation continues into young adulthood and core gender identity establishment extends into the fourth year and possibly longer, core gender identity is fairly firmly formed by age 3[.]"

That is a really good, detailed, well sourced comment.

It's a shame you wasted it on a mouth breathing, glass licking retard.

The tolerant left strikes again!

Just wait until he kills someone. /r/GenderCynical is all over that case.

Out of curiosity, are there stories about FtM people competing in male leagues (any sport)?