Stand with Trump !!!
7 2018-01-13 by Botchllings
The lamestream cuck media want America to import unlimited migrants from shithole countries. /r/Drama needs to take a stand and say no. #GamerGate 2018
7 2018-01-13 by Botchllings
The lamestream cuck media want America to import unlimited migrants from shithole countries. /r/Drama needs to take a stand and say no. #GamerGate 2018
1 SnapshillBot 2018-01-13
Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.
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1 AnnoysTheSoyboys 2018-01-13
u/TruthCrackers comment?
1 Honk4Tits 2018-01-13
I thought he wasnt standing but on his back, while a washed up porn star squated over him. #squatovertrump
1 MisterLawIz 2018-01-13
You don't have to even say it /u/Botchllings
We do stand with Trump it's just ShariaBlue/Media Matters paid shill operators that make it seem like people aren't behind POTUS. The jews that run the media take the Soros money and pay these pathetic bernouts to post crap and lies all day. SAD!
1 TheHeroReditDeserves 2018-01-13
dude sticky this shit man
1 mayocidist 2018-01-13
the only thing we're importing tonight is a large afrikan cock into your mom's gaping pussyhole
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-01-13
Logan Paul/Rand Paul 2020