A second (even uglier) porn actress accuses Daddy of trying to grab her diseased pussy.

23  2018-01-13 by IAintThatGuy


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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He probably did, but she put his hand there. I bet she's trying to cash in on the Trump hate. Well, it's shit like this is what stops real victims from being believed.


newfag account

Yeah his acct name triggers me more than any shitty low effort comment that he’s made so far

We need call out these sub 100 day accounts (or very low karma) tbh

Wow. Rude.

very low karma



sub 100 day accounts

not cool

You have to pass any one of these tests lol. Plus you're okay <3

Wanting rules on r/Drama

Maintain Safety Immediately

you're okay <3

💕 Aww you're okay too bb😘

I was kidding. You're amazing 😍😚



Ed you can butter my toast anytime you want 💘💓

They all look fake as fuck. Can't he afford a naturally attractive woman? That guy has no taste for anything.

Based on his past history, I think he just really likes his women to look like that.

Up until now, I loved everything he did, but I'm starting to question his judgement.


Stormy looks like she could be a tranny. Alana just looks like trailer trash.

I mean, I'd stick my penis in her. If you know what I mean.

No doubt, but I'd still think her face looks busted.

Really? I definitely get more potential trans vibes from Melania, not just in those photos either. She has a very distinctive face.

Makes sense that all these women look like they peaked in the early 80s with a cameo in a whitesnake video.

With a Camaro in a Whitesnake video.

Hmmm, is Sarah Jessica Parker next? Would make for a perfect progression if arranged chronologically.

That picture they used for Donald is making me laugh so hard. Is that his "daddy's horny" face?

Very presidential. Wish it was his official portrait.

Why were so many porn whores at a golf tournament?

Golf tournament full of old people with money who're trying to one-up each other.

"Grandpa! Get away from her! That woman fucked 50 guys in a gangbang."

At the same time, grandpa doesn't give a fuck about AIDS or herpes. Not like it's gonna make a difference in terms of life expectancy.

Fuck, you're right. If I make it to old age I'm going on a whore bareback world tour.

Plus I wouldn't risk it at 30, but that Truvada stuff seems to work fine. Keeps the probability of infection very low even with poz partners.

The rest is either treatable with antibiotics, or it's herpes and it takes a long time to cause cancers (unless you're the unlucky cunt who has your warts turn to neuroherpes but that's ultra rare).

Technically it's not cheating because you told your wife you're gonna play eighteen holes.

Source: am linguist/divorce lawyer/golf course maintenance supervisor

Well, yeah. It's because of his mother. She was in illegal immigrant just like his wife. And old.

I would put a bag on her head and staple a picture of Melania to that bag.

Smart. But it doesn't make financial sense to do that when you already have a Melania at home, paid in full, already losing value.

lol all this fake shit nobody cares about must mean that some demonrats are going to face the rope soon

Even if it was true, don't let that stop you from hanging a few dems.

Uranium One indictment unsealed yest

Ms. Butterface’s ‘work’ includes the classics “Cumstains 2” and “Fuckpigs 5.”

Wikipedia doesn't list her movies.

But her bio includes : "Evans had a biracial son shortly before her eighteenth birthday."

i love /pol/


Evans did not take her friend up on the offer but then talked to Daniels the next day. “She tells me, ‘All I’m going to say is: I ended up with Donald in his hotel room. Picture him chasing me around his hotel room in his tighty-whities.’ I was like, ‘Oh I really didn’t need to hear that!’ Then she said he offered her keys to his condos in Florida, and I was like, ‘Wow guess you had a good night,’ and that was the last we ever spoke of it,” Evans said.

I feel so bad for Melania. When she divorces this douchebag, I hope she makes bank.

She's smiling so hard on the inside. Motherfucker is going to croak any day now, or declared mentally unfit.

Poor woman needs to live out her life in peace with her son who hopefully can be raised to be a decent person unlike his retarded fuckwit half brothers. Some people say the douchebaggery is partially genetic and I think the Trump family is proof so she's fighting an uphill battle.

She has a few bad years to go. Worst case scenario, Trump does two terms (but even if he had a chance of getting elected, he can't keep decaying at that rate for 7 more years). She has a lot of life expectancy remaining after that.

these two porn stars just scream 2006.

"Porn actress"

