In which the wypipo of /r/news struggling to come to grips with their privilege and inherent racism

102  2018-01-13 by JumbledFun


u/JumbledFun dont go to the inner city of any metropolitan city, you wont like what you find

"Some of you are alright. Do go to school tomorrow."

"Some of you are AltRight. Let's go to school tomorrow"

I'm actually more surprised you weren't given a bunch of upvotes, gilded, and made a mod.

why would you ever be surprised by that

Their mods actually had a nice cry about hate speech in my ban thread. Mayos...all the same

Oh look who it is. Drama cuck trash.

Are you grumpy because you found your mom slumped over a needle this morning? White trash tragedy

What an edgelord you are mate. I almost cut myself there.

Unironically I can't wait until we can put you rednecks in camps

Your jig is up mate. Nothing that comes out of your commie cuck brain holds any value. Enjoy being a disappointment to your entire family and friends.

Do you enjoy watching your podunk town got away in filth? It warms my heart knowing small town America's ugly racism will be gone in a decade or two

Ayy the trash speaketh again. You should point all that edge to your wrists to make the world a better place.

Lead by example

10 bucks /u/jumbledmoney lives in an all white neighborhood

he’s troll. He’s a regular at this sub

Most of the regulars here are maybe a half-step above the typical /r/politics user.

Half-trolling, like the old SRS sub. They say things that they believe AND that they know will piss other people off. It's become the dominant 'trolling' here. Just sort by controversial and you'll see a pretty obvious pattern.

They'll deny it until they're blue in the face. But SRD used to do that, too. They seem to get off on trolling people by denying reality. I just block them, because they have a harder time rubbing their dick to that, than genuine responses.

why are your comments always some pointless shit that didn’t need to be like 3 paragraphs. You’re like pizzashill but with less conviction

Translation for the slightly-less autisic: Wahhhh....they keep making fun of daddy!

Is this pasta?

No, he's been crying for a while now about how this sub has been taken over by SJWs.

This retard unironically thinks that birbs = secret SJW meme.

It is now.

You've been complaining about how this sub has fallen to the SJWs and how it's time to move on for a while.

Why are you still posting in an SJW sub? It might rub off on you.

I'm loving all the newfriends in this thread.

Can I be your new friend too?


Will I have to quit shaving my bussy?

Not really

Plus, he literally posted the /r/drama thread

I always thought jumbledfun was a basketball American themselves.

Is OP a nigger?


Even if whites become a minority and civilization crumbles, I really can't find a good logical reason to give a shit. I'll be dead long before rock bottom and have no children to suffer in that world. Feels good, tbh.

"wypipo have a culture"

/u/JumbledFun i didn't know you were some kind of cumskin-apologist

They have a culture of pillaging, colonising and appropriating. Mayocide now.

Now, now...they do have a culture.

It's just a really shitty one.

thank God for the jews

This sentence applies to literally every situation.

Wypipo have a culture of incest.

meh too manufactured NEXT

No. This is good content.

Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad

user reports: 1: This is spam 1: Spam

This isn't really spam tbh, it's just whiny.

Not only did they take the bait, they completely devoured it.

The USA is the best country in the world, even if we only have free speech. GTH for thinking otherwise traitor.



China #1!


You exposed the enemy amongst us bravfuckingO my guy!

Grade A trolling, bro.

No. No it fuckin' isn't. It's worth, like, a C at most. Obvious, uninspired, and clearly representing the absolute minimum required effort.

C's get degrees.

You sound like a tryhard

You got riled up by C-level trolling? Damn you are soft.

Argh look at all that gross rancid Mayo. Someone needs to throw out the trash.

Do you really think this or did you just bait all of them?

They were just 'baitin

Any white person who doesn't preface every conversation with an apology for slavery, Trump, the cultural appropriation of dreadlocks, saying the N-word out loud when they sing along to JayZ, and all those Grammys they stole, goes straight to the top of the mayocide list.

False. The mayocide does not discriminate. All are welcome to be erased.

/u/JumbledFun let's fight the subhuman wh*Toids together, for KARA BOĞA (Tengri).

Would you fuckos ping them and not me their bussies are primed for a nice sperg out in here

Would you ask the same of black Americans? I personally judge people by their merit, not their skin color. - u/stretchmarksthespot

Hell yes i would if they also hapoened to be white? What is with people all of a sudden giving crackers the pass on everything? I WANT WHITE ACCOUNTABILITY

As long as you would be consistent about it then I get that. Relax you lunatics, lmao

Im sorry thats not good enough. You have to commit to white cracker genocide.


Of course this gets the /pol/ crime charts posted. People are so predictable.

They're also the official crime charts. Funny that.

The official ones don't come as a cutesy infographic selectively highlighting stats to get people riled up. There's one I think even titled something like 'plight of the white race in america' or some shit. Nutty stuff for nutty people.

How is this anything to do with white people? Is the US government white people? Do we get to vote on wether or not we fuck over a central american democracy?

/u/collegeonebag, yes, you retard.

Yes because being able to vote between two candidates who will both fuck over a central american democracy is choosing to fuck over a central american democrary. I think you are finding a flaw it the way democracy works rather than with white people

Dont lump us other mayos in with americunts they are like tribal mayos its unfair to compare us.


I want a drama refund, this shit isn't FUCKING ORGANIC


Typical. You get called out on your bullshit and the first thing you do is call that person "white supremacist".

Either you're a troll or you really are that delusional and pathetic. Either way, you can go fuck yourself you dipshit.

i cant wait until this klan wannabe /u/vjaY619 finally overdoses on his oxy script, the world would be better off without his virulent racial hatred

klan wannabe

Mmkay. Why am I not surprised that was a troll. Also this sub is the epitome of cancer.

Ackshually, Wypipo culture is the epitome of cancer.

Yet here you are using a device invented by a white person while living in a society built by white people. Funny how you eat from the poisonous tree. But if having admiration and pride makes in ones culture you a white supremacist then I can't really argue with that. Also bad trolls the lot of you are.

Listen up cracker, the internet was a blessing from Yakub. Moses gave us Ethiopians the internet when he rescued the Coptic pope.

Thanks for the good laugh fuckin A.

Op is the Chum laying master.