I think I've "cracked" the mystery of why MTG players don't want to be excluded based on crimes including public indecency.

130  2018-01-13 by wisty


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Imagine the smell

Imagine thinking it's muh-soggynee that's keeping the women-folk away.

Like games workshop in July.

It's only smells!

You haven't thought of the smell!

Here's a relevant comment that I came across a while ago:

There are so many people that attend fan conventions and do not bathe/shower. If you know any friends that attend any of those conventions (SF/Fantasy, Anime, Gaming, etc...), ask them about it and then prepare yourself for some jacked up stories.

I used to do gaming reviews and the company I wrote for released "Hygiene: The Game" at one year's GenCon (biggest gaming convention in the US). It was literally a bag filled with no-name/generic hygiene items (bar soap, toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, and body spray) and point sheets where you checked off boxes for each day of the convention that you used the included items. Every day of the con, you stopped by the booth and got your sheet for the day stamped by someone that worked at the booth. And the booth had "volunteers" that checked to make sure that you used the items (and yes, you could substitute other items for the ones in the packet).

On the last day of the con, if you brought in all four sheets that were stamped, you got a box filled with gaming products contributed by various publishers/manufacturers.

Now...here's the most jank thing about this. We had a significant number of people that would show up to the booth trying to get their sheet stamped while not having used any sort of hygiene products. And then they would argue about it. Okay, yes there are people that sweat profusely and the like...but if you bathe regularly, you can tell the difference.

Sorry that I dragged this answer out, but yes; hygiene is a serious problem at many fan conventions.

literally get free stuff for bathing

Some nerds still try to cheat the system rather than bathe

Jesus Christ that's sad.

These people have legitimate mental illness. It's awful.

I made the mistake of going to one of these. They literally had bouncers to kick out people whose body odor was overly bad.

Fat ugly pedophiles play MtG.

It was always the nerds who couldn't pass as tolerable playing M in highschool.

What do fit beautiful pedophiles play?

Roles in movies

Pizza on their pasta.

Can confirm, am fat ugly pedophile


That is all.

Gaming drama is like half of way I game tbh.

Is putting up with Magic players something you can handle? Or do you mean computer games.



That is all

It was better the first time you posted this, but don’t let that stop you from trying again

Is Ed the 1st bot that progressively gets dumber with each post?

Newfag account. Yawn

Remember: someone shitposting in a private chat room is why women don't want to play Magic, not the huge swaths of crevases in the public setting.

Or the ungodly stench


This fat fuck being so uppity as if he's not one of them is something I've always appreciated.

I think that part of his point is that he knows how to dress to not be a plumber.

what's his secret?

He wears shirts that go past his belly


This comment chain has entirely too much dickbutt.


Large enough sweat pants.

Belts made with steel-reinforced cabling.

Underwear, too.

Pulls up his pants begore sitting down.

Doubt it

This shit is old news.

Yeah, this guy’s been around on /tg/ for years.

Wait wait wait.....is that fake eastern european prison tattoos on one of the neckbeards fingers?

Boy you better stop chomping and start running, 'cause we deal with cultural appropriation rdifferently compared to USA.

Maybe Igor let himself go in the decadent West.

Dude, first of all a neck this fat wouldn't survive here....we would eat him, so no, he's your local fatass.

Yea that's what he said, he came to the US and got fat.

But...trip itself would je to expensive to him🤔

is not expensive, is easy. You do this, you find Jew, you tell Jew I want to come to USA. you give Jew money, he say no problem, I have big crate, I have friend in border. Is cheap. Is reason is cheap, is no air, and full of gipsy and chechens. Maybe gipsy chechens. Many die on trip, but not me. My family strong, much harder in Tajikistan winter. You reach america, you find uncle, work on cars, and sit on corner. Drink vodka, listen to russian pop. Preferable as loud as possible. Is not too expensive for him.

There was a huge drama when it was first posted, then a bigger one when the dude was banned for life from mtg tournaments. Some people also shopped him into rap album covers.

I think he was only banned for a year.

yea he got readmitted at some point.

This dude actually rules. I met him at a con two years ago. His name is Sid. Really sweet

did u smash tho

Sid did all the smashing tbh

I've unironically always thought he was super hot.

No homo though

Should have put a NSFW tag on that, the thumbnail spoils the joke.

the sad part is that most of these neckbeards are decent people, but their lack of hygiene makes people run from them.

Maybe they should do something about that, like take a shower once in a while and go on a diet.


No drama here. Can we get a shitpost tag?