How low can you go? Just watch me!

55  2018-01-13 by newcomer_ts


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I'm genuinely impressed she hasn't killed herself.

Nah she did, this is just a soulless husk that's being emulated by the Democratic Party.

If it's her versus Oprah in the 2020 primary then she still has a chance.

not really

No, really, there are tons of moderate Democrats who were sort of OK with Hillary, who absolutely will never accept trash like Oprah. Since the party is totally incapable of producing decent, fresh candidates, this is what we're left with, and people in the coasts don't have any legitimate political interests so they vote based on race and gender.

She can't really compete in the general anymore, and Trump's gotten to the level of "the devil you know", but if she actually bothered to campaign in the rust belt it's not inconceivable that she could win.

Oprah could behead a blonde haired blue eyed child live on her TV show and she'd still beat Hillary without trying.

One of the most likable/liked personalities vs one of the most unliked personalities is an easy bet.

She's a conspiracy nut on the same level as Alex Jones. I've voted Democrat in every election in my adult life, and if it's her versus Trump I'm voting Trump. I doubt I'm the only one.

Oprah/Jones 2020!

Oprah vs Jones 2024

Oprah/Jones reunion tour 2028!

and Trump isn't? He literally posts fake news while being the head of the damn country. I don't think even Oprah (eww god no) would stoop to that level.

Why do people like Oprah? She's always seemed like a charlatan to me

It was a joke, fam.


Not in my drama. Srs autism posting only!

Oprah has one thing over Hillary that Hillary just cannot get: likeability

And black skin

I'm sure there are clinical therapies that could get Hillary black skin, but there's no therapy to get a soul

I'd vote for black hillary

Now that we have had a black president would another one get the black to vote again?

I can't see my old proffesor crying if Oprah won like he did for Obama

Plenty of Democrats that absolutely detest Hillary too.

To me she is a hero. I mean, I failed a tiny little bit at life and I want to off myself basically every other day, yet she fucked up colossally and still going strong.

That's why #imwither. She's an ispiration.

I noticed you are talking about Trump, aka Donald Drumpf. I would like to discuss some of the things around the election which he stole. He stole it from Hillary Clinton, who was the best candidate we had.

This is why #ImWithHer is so fundamental. America is facing the most dangerous, the most extreme, frankly to extreme to be taking seriously, threat that it ever has. Donald Trump is a fascist National socialist with a racist, homophobic, transphobic, ect. ect. agenda that will hurt everyone who is not a straight white Christian male.

How extreme is the Donald Trump threat Consider the following

  • Donald Trump has refused to release his tax returns.
  • Donald Trump has bankrupted more companies than he has children
  • Donald Trump's family original name is actually Drumpf.
  • His extremest agenda is so extreme it will take social issues back to 1850

What is the deal with his tax returns? It will allow us to see that Drumpf is actually not rich or wealthy at all, We would haev indisputable evidence of his net worth and we will see that not only does he not pay taxes at all but he is also likely broke. How he runs his campaign, ect. is another indication. I interviewed the Field Director of Tax Law at H&R Block about the matter. I asked him: "Why doesn't Drumpf just release his tax returns once and for all?" He responded: "Simply, because he's to extreme to be taking seriously, and his tax returns would reveal that."

Later, as we were driving on Interstate 405, with the wind cruising through our hair and tokking up to some dank weed, he explained further:

Drumpf's tax returns are the holy grail. I guarantee you, that it would prove that he is lying about everything: it will show us his net worth and it's likely near 0. He doesn't donate to charity and he doesn't pay taxes. I know this because I'm in the industry and I "get it." I can't go out and make this public but trust me it's true.

So why is Drumpf so untrustworthy? This is why #ImWithHer is so valuable, it provides answers. I asked about the ancestry, and the genealogy of Drumpf. What is the significance of it?

I went to the Head of Genealogy at USC to ask the question posed. Is Drumpf an indication of extremest attitudes? She replied, "Absolutely."

As we called for the elevator, she continued:

There's nothign wrong with the Drumpf name per se. But it's an indication of dishonesty. Trump supports, you need to ask yourself: Why did he lie about this? What is he hiding? Perhaps he is a felon, a white collar criminal, or perhaps he is a peddafile. Why else would he be so dishonest? Hell, look at the tax return issues!

I brought her up to speed on the tax return issues after speaking with the Field Director at H&R Block.

I knew it! This is why #ImWithHer is so important. We've gotten to the bottom of his tax returns, and we will keep uncovering issues and exposing Drumpf for the lying fraud he is. This is empowering. We are destroying the male intittlement behind his actions and we are, finally, for the first time, holding the top white, wealthy men accountable.

This ties in directly with the bankruptices. Let's look at it logically

  • Drumpf is a businessman
  • Drumpf has dozens of bankruptcies on his record
  • Drumpf has not repaid millions, if not billions, of dollars in loans as a result of the bankruptcies

Extreme much? Absolutely.

I wrote an essay in my Embodiments of Patriarchy class on this very subject.

It's not enough that Drumpf is an oppressive force, a testament to the white male patriarchy. He had to flaunt it with his bankruptcies. He stole money from working people and didn't return it. This is a femminnest issue because these actions affected women disproportionately.

And yes, I got an A for the paper. So where are we with this? We've exposed the damages of his bankruptcies, and his extremest attitudes.

His hatred of minorities, especially Mexicans and Blacks, as well as poor people, and frankly anyone who isn't a cis-white straight male is what makes him the most extreme. What could we expect from a Drumpf Precedency?

  • Deportation of Mexicans
  • Deportation and incarceration of Blacks
  • Expansion of #BlueLivesMatter and Dissolution of #BlackLivesMatter
  • Divisive attitudes,
  • climate change that will affect the world
  • A decrease in science and education

The last part is key.

Republicans absolutely hate Education. They know an educated people will never vote against there self interests. They know educated people "get it" and vote for candidates that offer them the most. This is why he would cut it.

Here's some more:

  • More wealth division
  • Tax breaks for the rich
  • Tax increases for the poor
  • Regressive taxes
  • Private prisons
  • Training camps and halocaust-style society

So where does this leave us?

You have to ask us: what kind of person would vote for Drumpf?

Here are some defining attributes:

  • Don't care about black people
  • Don't care about minorities
  • Don't care he lied about Drumpf
  • Don't care about climate change
  • Don't care about gay and trans rights
  • Don't care about bankruptcies
  • Don't care about wealth division
  • Don't want to redistribute wealth from the top to the bottom
  • Votes against his own self interests.

I personally don't know anyone who matches that criteria but then again I don't know anyone voting for Drumpf. I asked the Southern Poverty Law Center's Voter Rights Division about these characteristics. I asked via email: "Are these the characteristics of a Drumpf voter?" They answered: "Absolutely, yes."

Drumpf is extreme. That's the bottom line. And the people that support him are fringe alt-right fanatics who are to extreme to be taking seriously. They want to take America back to 1850, to prevent equality, unless you are a white straight cis male, ect. ect.

So who votes for Drumpf?

Very few people actually. There's no way he can win the election without some sort of fraud.

But isn't voter fraud a concenr?

Yes, absolutely. Republicans are epic at voter fraud. If Drumpf wins this is how we can do it, so that

So how do we stop this?

The power is in the top 1% who need there wealth the least. This is why the power distribution and wealth distribution is such a problem. Do they need there money? Well, no, but that doesn't matter. They'll still steal money from the workign poor who need it hte most.

Such as?

Drumpf. Drumpf wouldn't pay his workers. He routinely stiffs people and fires them.

What can be done?

This is why #ImWithHer is such an important phenomena. Hillary Clinton is the only one that can solve the issue and that is why we need to vote for her.

The email continues:

If you

  • Care about black people, minorities, and women
  • Care about Drumpf lying
  • Care about climate change
  • Care about gay and trans rights
  • Care about Drumpf and his bankruptcies
  • Want a basic income
  • Want wealth redistribution
  • ect. ect. ect.

Then the only choice is to really join the #ImWithHer movement. Support a team that is looking out for the common good, for the 99% who neeed help from the Government the most, for the minorities and gay / trans people who need there defense the most, ect. ect.

Hahahahaha what a story Mark!

You can say that again!

Hahahahaha what a story Mark!

Anyway, so how's your sex life?

I don't give a flying fuck about any of these things, but this is a good copypasta. I like it.

This but ironically

She should start shitposting in /r/Drama. If this sub has kept Ed from blowing his brains out if must be one hell of a support group.

That is just through spite


Maybe she's a hero, but we are all surprised she's not an hero.

Every time I feel bad, I know I still don't feel as bad as Clinton did on election night.

I mean, most of us have had our ups and downs, but I doubt there is any /r/drama regular who's been a senator or the secretary of state. Sure, she was the least likeable presidential candidate of the last few decades, but it's bizarre to consider her any sort of a failure at life.

She lost the election to both a black guy and a wrestler and it was her over goal in life. Think of how many women she had to step over that her husband fucked for her to end up being on election night hiding from her supporters.

You or I will never even be able to lose a presidential election. That in itself is a very small club.

I'm all for hating that cunt for being a cunt, but coming close to attaining an incredibly lofty goal is not a failure in life. Most of us cannot realistically even dream that high.

I assure you are doesn't see it that way when she rages and seethes to herself.

Well... good.

Well, getting so close that you can taste it, and then have it snatched away is a very different thing than knowing it can never be yours from the start.

Come to think of it, now I really admire her resilience. I would lose the will to live after having to debase myself to talk to peasants and pretend I am a likable person, only to have those investment turned into nothing is not a pleasant outcome.

I'm out of the loop? Would someone be kind enough and mansplain this 4 me šŸ˜‰?

Daddy called shithole countries shitholes and now people are coming to their defense since the countries lack the necessary infrastructure to defend themselves over the internet.

(jk I know they have internet, they're just too busy boiling albinos alive to focus on this type of petty nonsense)

I meant the Clintons and Haiti deal, but thanks anyway.

Haiti got hit by an earthquake

Hillary spent Billions giving money to their corrupt government instead of helping people, rebuilt their slave labor sweatshops, had one of her aids arrested for kidnapping children and spent some of the money on Chelsea's Wedding dress.

"The Clinton family, they are crooks, they are thieves, they are liars," says Haitian activist Dahoud Andre


Ooo, just the usual. Stealing money, bribes, yadda yadda

Also probably child trafficking for <<<Comet Pizzashill>>>

The State Department, under Hillary Clinton, worked to convince the Haitian government to reduce the minimum wage (since Haiti is a shithole with such low productivity that it isn't profitable to employ anyone unless it's basically for free).

There are also a wide variety of conspiracy theories going around, including a Pizzagate connection. At this point our news is so balkanized that "Haitian children are being used in pizza shop basements in Satanic sex rituals" and "Hillary Clinton is a living saint who has never done anything wrong" are both mainstream positions.

"Haitian children are being used in pizza shop basements in Satanic sex rituals"

The Clinton met with Voodoo Priests in 1975 and used Voodoo magic to ensure Bill won the Attorney General's seat.

"After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man. The man proceeded to rub a burning torch all over his body and walk on hot coals without being burned. The woman, in a frenzy, screamed repeatedly, then grabbed a live chicken and bit its head off. Then the spirits left and those who had been possessed fell to the ground."

-Bill Clinton

Lets say this is true (which... cmon.) how does biting the head off a chicken or dancing with drums help win a seat?

Lets say this is true (which... cmon.)

Real interested in why you think Bill Clinton is lying.

how does biting the head off a chicken or dancing with drums help win a seat?


You posted no source to your claim. Its also a ridiculous claim. I think I'm fine with having doubts. How exactly does voodoo help him win?

People sometimes lie online. I've never seen it but I've heard it's possible. When I asked for sources I more meant on how the voodoo apparently helped him win. I would love to hear evidence of how the voodoo helped him win because I don't really talk enough about voodoo when I talk hot topic politics.

You want me to prove how effective Voodoo is?

Would you like me to prove how effective Christianity is while i'm at it?

( it was a joke post)

wtf? sauce pls

My Sauce is Bill Clinton it's right in the post

The child trafficking of children by Clinton associates out of Haiti, is no conspiracy theory.

Yes but it's just an example of liberal racism in which they believed that having Haitian parents was essentially the same thing as being an orphan, rather that some kind of sex thing.

the woman in the above articles tried to smuggle 30 something haitian children out of the country while pretending they were orphans, she was convicted of it iirc

shes connected the the clinton foundation

also now she works for amber alert lol

New Life Children's Refuge case

The New Life Childrenā€™s Refuge case was a legal case about an incident which occurred in the chaotic aftermath of the January 12th 2010 Haiti earthquake. On January 29, 2010, a group of ten American Baptist missionaries from Idaho attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican Republic border with 33 Haitian children, most of whom were not orphans and had families. The group, known as the New Life Childrenā€™s Refuge, did not have proper authorization for transporting the children and were arrested on kidnapping charges. The missionaries denied any wrongdoing and claimed that they were rescuing orphans and leading them to a Dominican hotel which was being transformed into an orphanage.

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Excuse me sir. We only link directly to daddy's twitter feed in this sub.

Anything else is agenda posting and will be downvoted by bussy blasted faggots.

Found the bussy blasted faggot.

Look below retard, you'll notice the people I'm referring to.

I can objectively shit on Trump and Trumptards, but there's a huge swath of westcoast liberal dickriders who spaz out on this sub constantly about "muh agenda posting" whenever a political post isn't about the clown in the Whitehouse. See u/pizzashill for reference.

What? When have I ever said anything about agendaposting?

You ARE the agendaposter.

I can objectively shit on Trump and Trumptards, but there's a huge swath of westcoast liberal dickriders who spaz out on this sub constantly about "muh agenda posting"

You're making it seem, the you worded this here is that I somehow care about "agendaposting" and "spaz out" because of it.



psssst, read the usernames

See u/pizzashill for reference.

First of all, how DARE you

okay Cletus

Cletus: Ancient Greek meaning "noble"

Cletus: a genus of leaf-footed bugs in the family Coreidae

Haiti was a shithole before the earthquake and it is after the earthquake, might as well make some money on it

the resilient people of Haiti

Lol, is that the best adjective she could come up with? That's like calling them cockroachers.

Let's not bring Turkey into this.

Make Istanbul Constantinople Again!

Thanksgiving shall come soon enough, and we shall cook the Turkey.

Nah, fuck wypipo

Imagine looking at Greeks and Turks and having to decide which ones are the white ones.

no its not, resilient is the best description of a people who have suffered a lot and are still going through. You are trying to hard.

Trying to hard what?

shitting on hillary

Is your bussy blasted? Please tell us how you feel.

i dont like hillary but I find it silly when you make stuff up to be outrageous about. Also what does it mean to be pussy blasted ?

It's when you get so mad at an online comment that you put a firecracker in your vagina and light it in protest.

It's unlikely that anyone actually does it, but you never know.

It's when you get so mad at an online comment that you put a firecracker in your vagina and light it in protest.

am worried that you may have put a dangerous idea inside my head.

"You're so stupid you couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the directions were written on the heel."


Post it, now.

And you're on r/drama friendo, see the sidebar for details.

i dont like hillary but I find it silly when you make stuff up to be outrageous about.

Looks at sidebar:

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Do you even read fam?



I'm sure Bill has done that once or twice...

Did you forget where you are?

Didn't she swindle a shitton of haiti relief money or was that bullshit?

She swindled at least hundreds of millions from Haiti, mostly by overpaying companies for "humanitarian projects" that then donated shit tons back to the Clinton Foundation. I can't fuckin stand Dinesh "Protect the CrĆØche" D'souza but this is actually a pretty well sourced article about it:

Not to mention the human trafficking.


I believe that's the lady that Morgan Freeman drove around in Driving Miss Daisy

I can't believe she actually drew attention to an event she used to scam people out of money where people were suffering from a natural disaster.

Yeah, probably because what you just said is a blatant lie.

Here's a great article from a reporter that lives/lived in Haiti and worked for the AP, he's well educated on the topic and the Clinton cash guy even tried to cite him.

Read that article.

I don't give a shit what the BBC says. This guy, the guy I just linked you, is by far the most credible source on Haiti.

And because I know you didn't read the article:

Both wealthy Haitians openly loathe Bill Clinton, who ordered the U.S. invasion that put down the junta and restored Aristide to power, for a time. Sansaricq, who long ago left Haiti and ran unsuccessfully for U.S. Congress as a Republican in 2010 and 2012, repeated nonsensical, Breitbart-esque claims about ā€œthe whole worldā€ having given ā€œbillions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation for the Haitiansā€ (false: The Clinton Foundation has raised about $30 million in connection with Haiti and was at no point a general clearinghouse for post-quake relief money) and promising Trump the Haitian American communityā€™s support if he will ā€œask Hillary Clinton to disclose the audit of all the money they have stolen from Haiti.ā€

Trump nodded thoughtfully. ā€œI didnā€™t understand,ā€ he said, ā€œnow I understand it.ā€

He didnā€™t. I know, because Iā€™ve spent years looking into whatā€™s really gone on in Haiti. I was the Associated Press correspondent in Port-au-Prince from 2007 to 2011 and survived the earthquake in 2010. Iā€™ve spent years digging into the details of the response and recovery, much of which I put in a book. Iā€™ve also done extensive, critical reporting on the Clintonsā€™ roles in particular, which is why my name appears halfway through the Clinton Cash documentary, misleadingly implying that I was some sort of corroborating source.

In all that time, neither I nor anyone else has found the coveted evidence of either Clinton making off with vast sums of money from Haiti or the relief effort. And while Americaā€™s foremost power couple may be as culpable as anyone for the disastrous results of the earthquake response, it is fundamentally misleading to say that they are singularly responsible for it, much less for Americaā€™s long and abusive history with its oldest and poorest neighbor. I wish things were that simple.

This is like linking Breitbart to defend Trump and going SEE DADDY GOOD.

What the fuck are you talking about? The author I linked you couldn't possibly be considered a partisan, he's openly attacked the Clinton's over Haiti countless times.

Again: Read the fucking article. You're just making shit up because you got bamboozled and you know it, you're desperately trying to dismiss facts you don't like because they conflict with the anti-Clinton propaganda you soaked up like a sponge.

Nothing in that article could possibly be construed as saying "Clinton is good" the exact opposite is said, what is refuted is the bullshit you and Trumptards run around spewing.

My opinion of Hillary is formed from literally zero influence by Trump. I purposely showed you BBC because it was the closest I could do for actively not shilling. They were CNN before they started calling people niggers on tv and editing footage of riots to create agendas.

oldest and poorest neighbor.

Please tell me why this guy is the most credible source on Haiti when he doesn't know basic Geography or History?

Are you retarded?

Haiti is our oldest "neighbor."

They're also one of the poorest.

The reality is a lot more complicated (and interesting) than that. The United States and Haiti were the first two independent republics in the Americas, and our often blood-soaked relationship goes back a lot further than the meeting of a silky Arkansan and an ambitious Illinoisan at Yale Law School.

Is this true or false?

Haiti is our oldest "neighbor."

January 1, 1804 is when Haiti was founded

you'd have to be incredibly ignorant of both American history and World history to think America didn't have neighbors before 1804

When do you think San Miguel Mission was built btw? Do you just literally know nothing about the Spanish empire? Haiti was rich under the Spanish.

How poor do you think Russia was in 1804?

You have to be one of the most willfully ignorant people on this subreddit.

classic Pizzashill being dumb and calling everyone dumb.

If by "neighbor" you don't actually mean neighbor and mean independent republics in the Americas a much more narrow and niche definition sure but you're still the dumb person who said the wrong word then.

Are you this retarded? USA and Haiti were the first to break free of their colonial overlords. Canadian pussies are still subjects of the Queen.

I'm not surprised Sardines like yourself don't consider Native American's capable of running a country.

How retarded do you have to be that people who literally have countries you can go visit like a neighbor in America today weren't Neighbors?

You do know the Cherokee Nation is still around right?

Huron Confederacy never existed in your world? they were subjects of the Queen?

State of Muskogee was a sovereign nation ruled by their colonial overlords?

That's of course assuming you think neighbors means unruled by colonial overlords because lol mexico but of course Hillary doesn't care about Mexicans.

You mean all those "neighbours" the USA was busy slaughtering? Quite neighbourly.

This is just letting everyone know you have never had neighbors. Killing them is a natural instinct.

My upstairs neighbor does deserve to die tbqh.

plz continue to twist the definition of Neighbour into something it's not you dirty fucking European, I really care about what someone who isn't even American thinks of America.

Somebody needs Mr Rodgers.

Canadian pussies are still subjects of the Queen.

šŸ˜­ pls end our suffering under the corrupt Trudeau regime

I think most Americans would be down to help but the problem, and its a big one, is that we'd then have to deal with all the Leafs.

Good point. Hmm... What aboot just nuking us? šŸ˜ƒ

The Day of the Rake approaches, brother.

If you ever feel like you have nothing left to lose...I'm just sayin šŸ’€

Donā€™t worry. If I ever decide to rake myself, Iā€™ll make sure Justin is in the pile.

Make sure you convert to Islam first for the extra irony points šŸ‘³ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’„šŸƒ

And let him win? I think not. šŸ˜¤

Then we'd have Trump.

How about we get Iceland or another nation that is actually more successful by any measurement than one that is worse than us, to liberate us.

Hell, we've had bussy marriage for more than a decade now, but its still a fight down there.

Alright, I'm going to try to help you out here, because either you're blatantly illiterate, or you're just trolling.

The reality is a lot more complicated (and interesting) than that. The United States and Haiti were the first two independent republics in the Americas, and our often blood-soaked relationship goes back a lot further than the meeting of a silky Arkansan and an ambitious Illinoisan at Yale Law School.

This is what he's saying, he's saying that Haiti is our oldest neighbor in this context. I get you're just beyond stupid, but there's no way you didn't know this.

How poor do you think Russia was in 1804?

The fuck does that have to do with anything? He's talking about the poorest TODAY.

If by "neighbor" you don't actually mean neighbor and mean independent republics in the Americas a much more narrow and niche definition sure but you're still the dumb person who said the wrong word then.

Yeah, I'm just going to dismiss you at this point. I refuse to believe you're this dumb of a person. I'm going to preserve what little faith I have left in humanity and tag you as "satire."

Hah yea, there's not someone else who called Haiti our neighbor outside of the context of that article.

Some sort of tweet that lead to a thread being made on /r/Drama perhaps.

Classic Pizzashill calling people dumb when he is being dumb.

The fuck does that have to do with anything?

What does bringing up Russia have to do with talking about our Oldest and Poorest Neighbor?

Man come on you can't be so eager to call me dumb you fly into a childish rage and learn all reading ability.

At least try to have a decent conversation.

tag you

If you tag everyone who doesn't serious post on /r/Drama %100 of the time will you finally realize how wrong agenda posting is?

"I don't give a shit what the BBC says! Here's some guy's blog instead!"

The absolute state of you.

Guess how I know you didn't read the article or anything that was said?

Here's some guy's blog instead!"

If by blog you mean expert on Haiti, AP reporter that lives/lived there, and someone that has authored a book on this very subject? Sure.

But that BBC article is probably on par with that.

When most countries get hit by a 7.0 earthquake a few buildings are damaged. Maybe a couple hundred people are killed if it hits a populated area

When Haiti gets hit by a 7.0 earthquake 200,000 people are killed and the country's already nonexistent infrastructure is

That's only because Haitian buildings are built to poor standards, due to the laziness and incompetence of the Haitian people.

The Haitian reputation for resilience is due to their innovation of discovering that if farming is too much trouble, people can just eat clay instead.

Pregnant women there eat that as a dumb new age type supplement. They don't just eat mud because they have no food.

This isn't quite a fair characterization of Carribbean-style living.

If the weather is mild year round and natural flora and fauna are in abundance, all that's necessary is to assemble temporary homes and buildings in between the inevitable hurricanes.

It's just that there are wayyy too many fuckin people there now to sustain themselves in the old ways. Also people like having cell phones and the internet and coca cola and potato chips. They're basically trapped in limbo between two worlds

You know Florida has hurricanes too and doesn't resemble Haiti.

Pretty much everyone's dream is to retire in a Caribbean or Polynesian beachside bungalow and be able to do nothing all day but relax. Which was the natural way of living before places like Florida and Haiti got overpopulated.

Honestly the Spaniards had more to learn from the natives then they had to teach them. It's kind of a shame they didn't just chill tf out with all that "sin and damnation" baloney.

That's only because Haitian buildings are built to poor standards, due to the laziness and incompetence of the Haitian people.

I actually worked for an architectural NGO and spent a week visiting their office in Haiti. It's the incompetence that did it tbh. Basically, people will build a one-story house, then over time build additional stories one by one. I dunno exactly how it works (not an architect), but with the loose codes & standards and lack of structural engineers, the additional stories end up slightly misaligned. Instead of the building swaying in an earthquake, the stories rattle against each other and become instant rubble.

Imagine if there were earthquakes in Africa. Millions of people would die.

I mean, any place that they're rare, people don't really build for it. I can see why it wasn't a concern in Haiti

Canada and most of northern USA would be fine due to strict building codes

The Haitian reputation for resilience is due to their innovation of discovering that if farming is too much trouble, people can just eat clay instead.

Eating clay is just an old African custom, not anything to do with hunger. It's also practiced in the US (though it is dying out).

Why wonā€™t you just die already?!?!?!

Get off the computer grandma.

I love Hilldog but this was a cringeworthy tweet..

Hillary is the worst, most corrupt person in America.

Why don't you PokƩmon go to the polls, and avoid that Bosnian sniper fire you superpredator deplorable. Arf arf arf we came, we saw, you died! Please respond to this with three emojis that best express your feelings. Dabs on the Ellen show

collapses in 70 degrees Fahrenheit



I wonder what the chances were of her tweeting about the 8th anniversary of the earthquake if Trump hadn't said that retarded shit. Nothing says class like exploiting a tragedy.

> sperging about Hillary in 2018

Fuck, there are people replying to that tweet saying -thank you, Madame President." Do they seriously go about their lives in a dreamlike state and think someone else is the President?

wait till she tweets metoo

I am waiting for women to accuse her personally

8 years seems a long time to still be recovering

Imagine if the Haitian Earthquake had a silencer

The anniversary of the devastating earthquake 8 years ago is a day to remember the tragedy, honor the resilient people of Haiti, & affirm Americaā€™s commitment to helping our neighbors. Instead, I'm going to use it to virtue signal about how I'm not a racist and earn some points against a former political opponent.

It's kind of interesting how if she was president, every time she tweeted, almost everyone would shit on her like they to do Trump.

Points to the guy in the replies unironically typing the words DEMONIC TWEET

Jesus come help me pour this gas on me and light the match šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­