The birth of the next Brevik

92  2018-01-13 by Socrates2x


Although this may be an unpopular opinion, try to restrict access to the internet until he is older. That is how young boys find porn, which rots their minds.

Wew lad

I heard that Penthouse evolved into a better product when it got purchased by a woman, looks like nude mags are back in business, eh lads.

Also.....iamverysmart, but real men wank while critiquing XVII century art.

Real men neck off to emojis 👌😂💯

I thought neck off meant suicide?


It's auto-erotic asphyxiation


They started making a lot more hard core videos lol

The funny thing is that this is literally what internet Nazis think; they’re very big on nofap.

Gotta love that horseshoe theory 👌🏻 Although I think Nazis draw a distinction between nofap and noporn. Hominids have been jackin it for millions of years but easy access to unlimited porn is an extremely recent thing. It's genuinely the greatest and most widespread sociological experiment in history.

But anyway fuck radfems and Nazis, porn is great

Ted Bundy was also vocally anti-porn and made long speeches about it during his trial

Was he the son or the father in Married with children?

Both. Time travel accident.

I always wondered. In my mind, I made him a distant cousin that the family rejected (because he was attractive and semi-successful), who also rejected the rest of the Bundy clan for being losers. I always wished they'd have an episode where he'd visit them or something.

Ted Bundy said literally anything he thought people wanted to hear in the hope it would keep him alive.

He went pro bono in his case for a reason, he was smart enough to delay his case for a time or two and go crazy on his own time. He quickly began to argue weird shit because he was a maniac who murdered women with blunt objects and often fucked their corpses. He knew how crazy he was, his argument was simply that porn and sex media drove young boys crazy and turned them into men like him...which is pointedly untrue

Pro se ("for self") is when you represent yourself. Pro bono (short for pro bono publico) is for when, bafflingly, you represent the Irish.

I still think there's a grain of truth in the idea. Porn's probably not good fir those who see in it an amplification of their murderous desires. I would imagine if you were so twisted it would offet plenty of material to keep the fantasy thriving... :(

Ted Bundy was a maniac killer who said a ton of shit, much of it irrelevant to him killing women with blunt objects, that was only remotely related to his own mental weirdness. He had sex with dead bodies because he was entirely insane, and argued against pornography because he was a mentally ill sociopath that managed to fool enough people that women are pen pals with him. And yet, much like Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) he was ultimately correct

He was entirely insane [...] but he was ultimately correct

Can't say I follow at all. Are we blaming porn, societal norms, or one man's insanity here?

As much as it pains me to admit it, the unabomber was genuinely brilliant and knew exactly what was up. His manifesto is worth the read:

because he was a mentally ill sociopath that managed to fool enough people that women are pen pals with him

Believe it or not that's an actual thing, it isn't just him fooling people.


Hybristophilia is a paraphilia in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, cheating, lying, known infidelities or crime, such as rape, murder, or armed robbery. The term is derived from the Greek word ὑβρίζειν hubrizein, meaning "to commit an outrage against someone" (ultimately derived from ὕβρις hubris "hubris"), and philo, meaning "having a strong affinity/preference for". In popular culture, this phenomenon is also known as "Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome".

Many high-profile criminals, particularly those who have committed atrocious crimes, receive "fan mail" in prison that is sometimes amorous or sexual, presumably as a result of this phenomenon.

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I replied to you twice because im retarded

I'm not a huge fan of porn, and I'm not some kind of nofap weirdo. It's really not good, and most of it is made by (((them))) anyway.


Fuck what anyone says, horseshoe theory is very real and very accurate. Both extremes reject it because they can’t stand to admit that they might be similar to their arch enmities. /end seriouspost

WTF i love /r/gendercritical now.

I mean, male sexuality is openly despised by some feminists and tacitly despised by most others, so it's not really a big surprise that they'd say that.

Unironically, u/cherieblosum is entirely right. Wrong about feminism, though.

This is why I like r/gendercritical. They've gone so deep into feminism they've become puritans.

t. ted bundy


Welcome to /r/GenderCritical - the man-hating lesbian radfems that anti-feminists make jokes about. They actually hate men so much they also hate transwomen because they think you can't trust anyone with a Y chromosome.

I can't tell if this is a real person or a well disguised troll

OP, what have you been doing outside r/drama, eh?

One thing I am a little concerned about is that I'm quite gender non-conforming myself. I wouldn't want my son to be judged by his peers and their parents because I wear make-up and so on.

I’m guessing troll

The alternative is, the kid will slit both parent's throats while they're sleeping the first night after his first day at school

We can only hope that this is a troll. The fact people like this are allowed to breed is the only valid argument for Nazism I've ever seen.

Trystan and Biff

I'm calling fake news.

That's just a straight couple with a furry wife...

Thanks for the support pizza boy 🤘

this is the only valid argument for Nazism I've ever seen.

Turn your monitor on.

It's prob just a mod's alt. You probably only need like 30 accounts to make a sub look busy.

Holy shit, I think we found a new Snappy quote.

This should be snappy's only quote until Dan Hammon leaves the Rick and Morty production.

Ha, I could see that being a cringey copypasta.

Just to be clear, I’m not a professional ‘critical thinker’. I’m just an terf feminist who greatly values xer intelligence and scientific fact over any transgender poopycrap. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

‘In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any radical transgender indoctrination. But because, I am enlightened by my critical thinking skills.’


Don't think the xer fits very well into the TERF theme.

Well I guess you get credit for recognising 1% of the bullshit feminists espouse for what it is.

/u/PhilsXwingAccount please fuck off and die, for realsies.


This but unironically

This but unironically




/u/PhilsXwingAccount please fuck off and die, for realsies.

/u/PhilsXwingAccount please fuck off and die, for realsies.

Hivemind bullshit feminist sub critical

Sounds like Trump has an account on /r/GenderCritical.


Troll my holl double D 😩

This kid is gonna grow up to be a hardcore republican.

That's assuming he even makes it through high school.

Or a tranny. Maybe some kind of Blaire White.

But I read this forum every day and really respect the views on it

Poor kid doesn't stand a chance.

Stuff like this makes me glad that my parents are technologically illiterate.

Are your parents aware of your rddah ?

Nope. Funny enough, I attended a lecture a while ago where the preacher advised parents to make sure that they should monitor their children's internet usage, not only to prevent them from seeing things like porn, but to stop them from being "brainwashed by anti-Islamic propaganda".

Only tangentially relevant, but a few months ago, I listened to another lecturer tell a story about how a family friend came to him (the lecturer) about a problem they were having with their daughter. The problem was that the guy's daughter stopped believing in Islam after taking a few philosophy courses in college. The lecturer then proceeded to warn us about the dangers of philosophy and how we should not read these dangerous books that could create doubt in our hearts. The way he unironically said that made me lol internally.

lol internally

Laugh out loud internally



the dangers of philosophy


Abul ʿAla Al-Maʿarri (Arabic أبو العلاء المعري Abū al-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī, full name أبو العلاء أحمد بن عبد الله بن سليمان التنوخي المعري Abū al-ʿAlāʾ Aḥmad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Sulaimān al-Tanūẖī al-Maʿarrī; December 973 – May 1057) was a blind Arab philosopher, poet, and writer. Al-Maʿarri held and expressed an irreligious world view which was met with controversy, but in spite of it, he is regarded as one of the greatest classical Arabic poets.

Born in the city of Maʿarra during the Abbasid era, he studied in nearby Aleppo, then in Tripoli and Antioch. Producing popular poems in Baghdad, he nevertheless refused to sell his texts.

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Never married and died old and alone

Wow I love philosophy!

Fake and posted by an autogynephile. No brand new father is going to be concerned about their ability to bring their kid up according to fleeting notions of contemporary terf social justice.

They'll be too tired to bother posting and too concerned about how much their wife seems to resent them in the early weeks to give a shit.


Mass shooter.

I think they’re saying they’re gonna be fucked up kid and be the next Anders Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist who killed 77 people earlier this decade.

Yeh I know, I'm norwegian. He just spelled it wrong

Hi there. I notice you post in /r/todayilearned, /r/interestingasfuck, /r/reactiongifs, /r/rage, /r/movies, /r/publicfreakout, /r/cringe, /r/pka (whatever the fuck that is), /r/the_donald, /r/videos, and god knows what else.

You are in the top 95% of people that need to be bullied on reddit. Go look in the mirror and jerk off to yourself while imagining yourself as a woman. You will find it arousing. Don't kill yourself yet; you're still in middle school and you have plenty of time for your higher cognitive functions to grow. Especially don't find a gun and learn where your medulla oblongata is, and don't learn anything about how cutting off circulation to your carotid arteries will lead to a relatively painless death by hanging.

btw did you mean Breivik?

I don't like this pasta, a little no mean, baka

Sorry, it wasn't actually pasta, I was just trying to be really mean to a retarded teenager who didn't know how to google search.

I usually try to be very neutral in my comments on drama, to the point that they come across as serious posts, which nobody (except every agenda-poster) likes.

I have to learn how to make fun mocking posts I guess.

OP spelled it wrong, that's why I double checked what he meant

Huh good point, I didn't even notice that in my derangement. Please defer your suicide.

Nice pasta m8

My nightmare of course is if he decides he's non-binary or a trans girl... I can only imagine the pressure that would be put on me to 'support' him.

/u/Anti-Tim May Allah make your child a trans girl who lives a happy and fulfilling life.

May Allah make your child a trans girl who akbars himself.

I like how she hopes he isn't "non-binary" or trans, solely because of the burden it would put on her. Never mind the poor kid himself, it's all about teh wammenz, right?

The feminist movement is roughly 30% Narcissists, 30% histrionics, 20% borderlines, and 20% little kids too dumb to recognize a circle-jerk when they see one.

The drama movement is roughly 30% Narcissists, 30% histrionics, 20% borderlines, and 20% little kids too dumb to recognize a circle-jerk when they see one.

The drama movement is roughly 30% Narcissists, 30% histrionics, 20% borderlines, and 20% little kids too dumb to recognize a circle-jerk when they see one.

The drama movement is roughly 30% Narcissists, 30% histrionics, 20% borderlines, and 20% little kids too dumb to recognize a circle-jerk when they see one.

Are these people mentally ill?


Somehow TERFS are worse than normal rad fems.

Have female role models, talk to your son about them and why they inspire you.

u/tovasshi I have female role models, they inspire the hell out of me, and I never had to put any effort into being inspired by them because they're such strong people. But none of them ever needed to complain about men holding them back. I guess they were just too busy kicking ass to notice anyone trying to hold them back.

So my question is, how many times do I need to self-flagellate today to make up for the sin of being inspired by the wrong women?

There are a billion nice guys. It is really hard in this toxic patriarchy to grow as a good man. If your friends are good men rather than nice guys then your son will flourish.

With 3.5 billion men, it seems like it's quite easy to grow as a nice man if 1 billion men are nice guys.

In this subreddit? Oh lol. You're funny.

The other thread is locked, so it's sort of hard to reply to you there.

I'm honestly curious if you think 30% of being nice guys is such a small number that you seem to be suggesting.

I'm an adult male who looks at the world a lot like Andrea Dworkin/John Stoltenberg

IOW I make two-year olds look intellectual and emotionally mature