Chelsea Manning is running for Senate!! and a few users of r/asktransgender discuss what's worse: living in literal NAZI Germany or that sack of shit rapist Julian Assange

30  2018-01-14 by virtualady


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Bradley Manning

I thought he died in gitmo or something

Manchurian candidate.

i wish.

He did.

What's the big deal? Amerixxxa has already elected a ladyboy. And what's wrong with Assange? If you don't want your dirty laundry out there, don't shit yourself with horrible IT security and chronic mishandling of sensitive info.

What's the big deal? Amerixxxa has already elected a ladyboy.

Michelle was never elected.

Some "broad" was elected down there recently

Virginia elected someone to the state house or senate who is openly trans, IIRC. It was a big deal for a few hours on election night but any news that contradicts the narrative that the US is literally Handmaids' Tale and daddy is rapist Hitler gets memory hole'd pretty quick.

Yeah that's the one thanks.

She she her she her she she she her.

Time to perpetuate characteristic femininity and reinforce the notion of autogynephilia in trans MtF.

autogynephilia in trans MtF

I thought that was mostly with later transitions, while earlier transitions are more likely to want bussy.

Kids who are very femme from a young age who transition early tend to want male partners to fuck them. Less-femme people who transition late are more likely to be autogynephilic and have more varied sexual desires. I haven't investigated Manning's preferences, but the late transition and the hyper-feminine images he has put out lead me to believe he is an autogynephile seeking validation. This particular image was one he approved for use in the NYTimes. Low-cut top, 'love' written on the hand... absolutely screams autogynephilia to me.


Just for anyone who hasn't heard this debate before, this is all a fancy way of saying that Manning (and Caitlyn Jenner) want to fuck themselves.

No, it just means they are aroused by the idea of perceiving themselves as women. Slight difference. Many of them remain heterosexual and seek female partners but try to pass themselves off as women in a 'lesbian' relationship. Not necessarily any desire to fuck themselves. They still want external validation.

Ugh. That thing is so fucking disgusting. I’m going to puke.

> Imagine spending this much time caring about the subtle different flavors of tranny.

I'm actually quite sympathetic to intersex types. They have much more concrete reasons to transition than the types with no discernible genetic anomalies.

flavors of tranny


/u/Leitos is true connoisseur.


This real worst is posting NP. Fuck you OP


I'm conflicted. I admire the courage it took to do what she did and sit in horrible prison conditions for as long as she did...

...but god damn this is going to be a mess. I hope she's got her iron skin out, becuase the GOP is going to come after her hard.

You're a fucking coward, and a transphobic brocialist.

I love how reddit worshipped Wikileaks and Assange all the way up until the Dems started with the "Russians hacked the election" narrative and then they flipped and now they're evil.

Fucking over their country's government and military? Completely fine, they're just fascist neocolonialists anyway.

Being vaguely associated with their neolib party losing an election where they fielded the most unlikable cunt on the planet? Unforgivable.

Hi Botchlings

To be honest what did he reveal? Anything that he as a lone hacker could reveal wouod be clear to a state run intelligence agency in russia or china.

Its fucking shameful the state of cybersecurity atm worldwide. An ex NSA head said the current state in soccer terns is; it's 20mins into the game and it's 462-465. It's all offense.

The NSA/CIA/FBI and top parts of raytheon/boeing shouod not be hackable. As a human country, no single man should have enough access to do anything near what assange's work showed.

You can’t just fix cybersecurity. It’s not like it’s a physical thing of plugging up holes. There are millions of ways to get into a network and it only takes one for a person to get into it.

For example,. The Iranian nuclear program was crippled by an office worker plugging in a flash drive into a computer, that was then used and the flash drive was used on an air gapped machine that controlled the centrifuges. This technique of using flash drives wasn’t new, it’s been around for at least a decade and the Iranians had safeguards against it, but stuxnet was clever, it waited months before activating, and it wasn’t until stuxnet had infected millions of computers throughout the world and started behaving oddly that it was discovered. It bypassed every anti-virus and every monitoring system there was at the time for months.

Another example, the OPM hack, was a result of one contracted getting phased and having their credentials stolen cause they entered the password into a wrong site. One lowly contractor who had very little access caused one of the largest data breaches in U.S history and gave the Chinese millions of people personal data including ssns, amount of debt, if they had had affairs.

Nothing out there is unhackable, at all. It’s like trying to defend a sand castle built at low tide with sand walls. You can slow things down but eventually it will happen. Insider attacks are even harder to protect against, which a lot of the nsa and cia data breaches were a result of. It’s takes a massive big brother system to even think about combatting it and in reality that doesn’t even work Computers and networks as a whole are the real problem in cyber security,. Things are a lot safer locked in a filing cabinet then they are on the most secure computer network in the world.

There is a fundamental argument about wether security vulnerabilities are sparse (finite enough) or dense (there will always be more). You have expressed the dense idea, but I don't think it's clear. It could be sparse given the right circumnstances. We have decades of insecure software built. If you put serious effort into rebuilding it from scratch at every level, there might be proof enough to call it sparse.

the GOP is going to come after her hard.

/u/addy-bee you retard. The GOP is going to push Manning just like they pushed Sanders because both of them are retards who help the GOP by making the Democrats look retarded by association. Just like you male all trannies look retarded.