Why are people so scared to admit that diffrent races are not exactly the same?

0  2018-01-14 by Beefbabydeluxe

Their are reasons some races are taller then others and only black people run the olympics and so on and so on.... Why is it so bad were not all the same.... Isnt that a good thing i thought.


Never a more proper candidate for the mayocide trial runs than this one

lo quality

I like this account.

We are all equal, now give me your fucking money

It depends, I think people are hesitant to admit IQ differences, which is racist, because right now there's reason to suggest that environmental influences play a larger role than biological influences, as the IQ gap between African Americans and Caucasians has been gradually decreasing since 1964 with the passing of the Civil Rights Act (It's decreased 16 points).

Until or unless we can properly exclude the role of Social, Environmental, and Cultural influences then it's impossible to adequately state that there's a biological racial difference between IQ, and doing so would be racist because there's reason to doubt otherwise. Saying that black people are statistically a few inches higher, as a result of having alleles or are more susceptible to sickle cell disease, isn't and Genetic and Biology textbooks mention it all the time.

Thats all true but i ment physical characteristics

Yeah, people who claim that there are no phenotypical physical characteristics as a result of genetic differences are idiots.

Because there are people (Amerikkkan mayos mostly) that believe color of skin=race and that race is like in RPGs, so being black gives you -3 INT and +2 SPD, and that they carry on the wills of all white people ever to defend the noble white man from the clutches of (((globalists))) and tanned people.

These are grade-A lolcows, they never dry up and are so infinitely retarded they give off good laughs for extended periods of time.