As a woman, and others, speak out about Steam's online stand up comedy racism and the toxic community in Comedy Night

57  2018-01-14 by WeWuzKANG5

Here's a rabbit hole for everyone a game called Comedy Night on Steam and it's reviews:

Save 30 percent to purchase it now and witness the banter yourselves, some juicy quotes for everyone:

"However, as a women, I was constantly harassed and couldn't even say a one liner without being heckled and having obscenities constantly shouted at me. The game itself is a good and funny concept, but the players are absolutely disgusting to play with. I don't plan on playing it ever again."

"The concept looked great, and the reviews looked promising. I should have known this game was a mistake the second I joined the server. Someone was just screaming into the mic. The next guy went up and started playing music over the mic. He eventually got voted off, next was a guy who ACTUALLY started to tell a joke and immediately got booed from the stage. It was my turn. As soon as I went on the stage the audience just began screaming "suck my♥♥♥♥♥♥cunt." >_> Charmingly toxic. Before I could even talk I was voted off the stage. I get it there is plenty of toxicity towards female gamers, but come on dude at least give me a chance to ♥♥♥♥ing talk. Music guy goes back up and starts screaming racial slurs into the mic and getting cheered. I was quickly over that, and happily am requesting a refund."

"if you enjoy racist jokes from a google search, then the stand-up portion of this game is perfect for you."

"Full of a bunch of 14 year olds spamming the N word"

This one is spicy at the end

"The concept was a pretty good one. Stand on stage, try to be funny, get heckled, deal with hecklers, continue to try and be funny, and if it fails, get voted off stage. What it ACTUALLY is, is 10 year old kids screaming racial slurs, telling everyone to kill themselves, people with microphones up way to high so no one can hear them, a lot of hatred, people trying to be the center of attention, and no actual way to vote people off the stage. That aforementioned 10 year old screaming at everyone to kill themselves? Yeah, he's center stage, and you can't make him leave unless you're the host. If I wanted that in a game, I'd go play league of legends."


Online games were a mistake.

You couldn't pay me to get on voice comms with random people. I was joined a wow pug with some shitters and they demanded I get on discord for easy content.

I get on discord and it's just housewives and 14 year olds screeching.

Battlefield isn't bad when it comes to voice chat most of the time. Every once in a while you get the dude who is still learning how to interact with other human beings and has decided to experiment with anti social behavior but otherwise it's either mil speak or heavy squad oriented stuff.

Or it's shit like "Hey dude, wanna do some Jeep stuff?"

Lmao the end, we should invite her here.

Fucking gamers, am I right?

As a girl and a jew who is also aged over 12, fuck online voice chat.

Post (((gussy)))

I already did under my alt account, jewdank.

I already did under my alt account, jewdank.

Jewdank, our Lord and (((master))) has returned to us!!!!!!

Call me daddy

Call me daddy


And reveal my tail ? Before marriage?

Jews have horns, not tails.

How can they tell you're a jew from voicechat?

Unless you sound like this

Because she never shuts up about being a Jew.

you say that like its a bad thing

send bob an vagene

At least you outlived Anne Frank.

I can tell you're not a jew because your jokes suck.

That and the straight hair.

I have straight hair too, twinsies!

It doesn't count if you straightened it. Did you also get a nose job to look normal?

Yeah, so I can live among you incognito and undermine shit.

I see you've been assigned to take down The Young Turks. Don't worry, the rabbis will give you a real job soon.

Worrying is for poor people, not people who control the media.

How big are your tits?

At least take me to dinner first, damn.

Kosher meal?

Sure, and don't worry, dinner's on me. I can pay with my 6 million card.

If I ate you out would that be a kosher meal?

Only if you do it through a hole in a sheet.




No I will not make out with you

Nobody cares about your opinion, fuck of f

Wowwwwww are you upset? You sound upset

I'm thinking of something that never happened and should happen again

What could it be

omg, so fucking edgy, holy shit dude. I can't even!

I know right

so original and edgy, I am actually dead right now, unlike the 6 gorillion amirite! ZING

Laugh it off

Try not think about it too much

Oh that shouldn't be a problem hahah.

I don't see anything about how white people are terrible so I'm convinced this whining is the product of kkkaucasian privilege and this dumb bitch should shut the fuck up.

Holy fuck kill all gamers. Bring out the guillotine and chop off every single gamers heads.


I mean at least. Heaven forbid they say worse words.

What could go wrong?

Mayos ruin everything.

This is the perfect game for r/drama

Downloading this game right now.


A game were mic chat is the sole real feature and your goal is to be as "funny" as possible

"14 year old" the game

Truly GOTY potential here.

Basically they went into a free-for-all room and complained that it was a free-for-all.

I haven't played it, but I'm pretty sure you can just make your own room and kick people who you don't like. So wouldn't you kind of have to seek out a room to get offended in?

What it ACTUALLY is, is 10 year old kids screaming racial slurs, telling everyone to kill themselves, people with microphones up way to high so no one can hear them, a lot of hatred, people trying to be the center of attention, and no actual way to vote people off the stage.

this is basically r/drama the game. Sign me the fuck uuuuuupppp

uh what did they think uncensored open mic in an online chat room was going to be like though

some of these people are so coddled they dont expect it for some reason