It’s deeply upsetting that “94% of Bitcoin wealth is held by men”. We need ways to get women into crypto and help them seize opportunities to become crypto rich ASAP, otherwise in the post-crypto world gender inequality may be orders of magnitude worse.

151  2018-01-14 by Walraven_van_Hall


Cassandra Shi‏

Your ego must feel so good virtual signaling your male dominance through fake rationality using straw man arguments.

I got BINGO!

Has she thought about i don't know buying crypto currency

Buy? BUY?!


Graphics cards are on Amazon rn. Buy em

With the current prices, you have to mine for actual gold in order to buy them.

This must surely be good for /r/AMD_Stock! (We really need it, (((Goldman))) keeps nuking us to the stone age)


but i thought men are just supposed to give away all their shit to make it fair!

It’s a systemic problem. Women need to be taught from a young age that it is a good idea to buy crypto currency, and men need to be taught that it is okay to leave their money in joint bank accounts.

In the mean time, women should get a discount on bitcoin until there is gender parity.

94% of bitcoin wealth will be wiped out by random fluctuations and price drops when anyone tries to cash out more than 100k at a time.

said the r/drama user


Just ignore u/Ed_ButteredToast. He's just shilling for Dramacoin.

Don't you mean Kill Yourself Coin?

finally, a cryptocurrency that's right for me

the money is used to prevent suicide, sorry

The only sure investment is gold.


It's really not. Gold hardly fluctuates, you'd never make anything. You try and convert money to gold in the advent that you think fiat currency was going tits up.

the rest will be made useless after the mass suicides

Lol I know a guy who bragged so much about hoe he has like 300k in his bitcoin wallet. He invested all his cash 'on paper' he made great returns. Then he needed money so he tried to cash out some. By the time he could withdraw 50k, it took fuckin months, amd he w8nds up with less than 10k in actual cash in hand due to fees and the exchange fucking him. Then his account at the exchange just dissapeared with the rest of his money, and to top it off he got a nice letter from the Gov asking for 40% of the original 50k. He had to move home and declare bankruptcy.

By the time he could withdraw 50k, it took fuckin months, amd he w8nds up with less than 10k in actual cash in hand due to fees and the exchange fucking him.

People on darknet markets actually offer cash out services that drug dealers use to exchange their bitcoins for cold, hard cash sent through the mail.

There's also a service called LocalBitcoins, where you can exchange Bitcoin for cash and vice-versa in person. I think it might be a bit riskier (legally), but as far as I know, only sellers have been arrested, not buyers. I'm not sure about the laws regarding this though.

People regularly cash out millions. How do you think large scale mining operations operate?

Fully agree. We should also get more women involved in Ponzi schemes.

Mary Kay and Lulu Roe not enough?

r/antiMLM is a great sub btw. Endless entertainment

I hope it's arsenic


How are men supposed to get rich on crypto if they can’t get women to buy their coins at the top of the market?

These fucktards do understand that money doesnt magically appear for cryptocucks right? These men get paid by other men for their "assets". How can that increase gender inequality

This is the same as the "why aren't there more women in tech? This is a BIG problem!" bullshit.

Like, please, the computer club at my school was 100% boys and most of the girls made fun of us. It's not my fault that getting fingerblasted behind the bike sheds led to a less lucrative career.

fuck whitey

Actually since chicks don't like technology your better strategy is to transition the people already in crypto.

Working for other things, like videogame speed running


I bet you could get vitalik to transition, that's a pretty big chunk already.

cryptohate > cryptocurrency

You can have both.

million dollar pandering idea:

womencoin - the first cryptocurrency for women, by women*

And they're worth 70% of bitcoin's value.

Which is actually really good.

holy shit this is not a bad idea lmoa

laugh my off ass

You could accomplish this with a really low cap coin. You could probably also do some kind of wallet magic that would scale the coin in such a way that on femcoin is always worth 70% of a BTC but your actual supply of coins fluctuates.

bud this is 2018, that's a billion dollar idea. The dudes over at trollx will be tripping over themselves.

First thought that came to mind too.

Womencoin - The first Crypto Currency for Women, by Women*

  • Backed by men

if a man buys it, they only actually get .6 of what they pay for, for reparations.

it'll be a transwoman who makes it for sure

instantly fails


You mean to tell me I can buy hundreds of women for just a dollar? We truly live in a golden age.

It spiked a fair bit yesterday for a couple of hours. Could have been worth a pop.

lmao I can actually buy every coin.

Really? You have $176,000 laying around?

What are you all? poor?

$0.003725 USD

implying women can make a cryptocurrency without a man doing it for her

And then mostly men would buy it, because apparently women don’t wanna buy crypto.


If that's whats being rich is like I'm fine staying poor

Fucking Lmao😂

ecks dee


At the very least, that is an easy lay and ghost.

He will need to wear a condom and flush it down the toilet, however.

Ah fucks sake I can't wait for a crypto feudal timeline where idiots like this are silenced along with white women

Womyn aren't retarded enough to take part in a system that's build to redistribute money from normal people to pedo neckbeards.

I'd love to know how much new money is actually going into the crypto system. It'd be hilarious if it was just the same people mortgaging their homes to buy off each other.

dont forget the russian mafia and money launderers everywhere

How dare women be interested in different things than men? These days there's constant moaning that the vast majority of high stakes poker players are still men. It's not sexism that fewer women want to risk thousands of dollars playing cards or speculating on novelties.

I've got like my last $40 and I'm thinking of just taking the plunge and buying etherum. Even if its a few dollar increase, it translates to a lot in rupees, and I need to get myself some shit.


If incels taught me anything women love pump and dumps!

Women don’t have any reason to have money

Holy shit, watch reddit like bitcoin for the first time by bringing in vaginas. Then it could never fail.

Bitcoin is also mined by use of electricity, which contributes to global warming. Ending Bitcoin is part and parcel with environmental racism.

Womyn's Empowerment =

  1. Identify problem.
  2. Find someone else to fix it for you (probably men).
  3. Profit.

this shit is peak CURRENT_YEAR, now that the hobby that exclusively men pioneered and developed (and was totally shit on by gussy until now) is lucrative, the holes need to get in on this and it's totally sexist that they weren't included to begin with

That would be pretty funny if the article was agitating about anything of this sort.

Instead it was actually a pretty interesting portrait. I'm torn because on one hand OP is a humongous faggot, but on the other hand I enjoyed reading that.

What is this shit OP? Where the fuck is my drama? Even the comments have no drama.

KYS, bro.

Shut up

Nearby was Chante Eliaszadeh, 22, a law student at the University of California, Berkeley, who started the Berkeley Law Blockchain group. “Obviously the bubble’s going to burst and everyone’s going to need a lawyer,” she said.

Well there you go, this woman is gonna end up rich. Sexism solved!

Buy ETH. It's so easy a woman could do it.

Bitcoin "wealth".

Mr.Buttram sounds like a discerning character.

Why is girls in quotes

2 or 3 reasons.