Look at this faggot.

9  2018-01-14 by SwankDogsbody


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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All gamers are fagets who should keep themselves safe.

Apparently it really was a success, I mean I know speedrunning is not exactly as sign of mental stability itself, but the whole stream was autistic as fuck.

And it was full of trannies.

/u/NerdBene go back to facebook, twitter or whatever normie cesspool you came from.

Can someone explain this for people who have a normal BMI?

Autistic trannies stream themselves play videogames the wrong way trying to raise money for some bullshit every year. Cringe across the board. Guy bitches that people are bitching.

This more or less.

AGDQ is a speedrunning event for charity. It's by far the biggest event in the community, which means a lot of people that aren't into speedrunning watch it. This means that a lot of people who aren't in the community go online and complain about the event, which tends to annoy the people that are there even when GDQ isn't going on.

The big controversy of this specific event was the decision to place the Twitch stream in subscriber-only chat mode, ostensibly to limit the amount of racist/transphobic spam that would occur in the chat (a problem that definitely did exist, though the degree of it can be debated).

Predictably, this led to a war between two groups. One group called everyone who wanted the chat in sub-only mode SJWs and "fun police"; the other group called everyone who didn't want the chat in sub-only mode transphobic mysogynist racists.

Thanks, this was actually rly helpful.

Safe to say that anyone posting online about speedruning is a faggot

You just did yourself, my dude

hey screw you man


This speedrunner seems to be on the right track.