#WeGotThis πŸ†βœ‚οΈπŸ‘

29  2018-01-15 by Oh_hamburgers_


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Oh snappy.




Oh man I fucking love the Zozzlebot.

He looks terrible. I can't even fathom the kinds of MK Ultra shit they did to him.

Something fucked his head up if he truly believes people will elect someone who leaked classified information, got locked up for doing so, then became a tranny and jumped on the soapbox.

This is clearly what he agreed to do in exchange for the commutation of his sentence by the child-murdering satanic Obama cult.

The only difference him and Wu is that he did something worth remembering and both of them are running for elected positions.

I can't even fathom the kinds of MK Ultra shit

This is basically the end result of children on the internet. Parents who don't monitor their children's access. Teach them right from wrong.

Propaganda gone wrong.

Video games --- addicting and warping people's mind --- both the children who play them, and the parents who let them be a babysitter.

Propaganda artist who attempt to manipulate minds online, and the "people" who fall for that garbage.

So Sad!

I can't even fathom the kinds of MK Ultra shit they must of done to him in lockup.

I heard they just lock you in a room with a computer that can only access r/subredditdrama

Day of the can when?

literally the top post rn

Oh, whoops. It was a different video link so I didn't think it has been posted.

just downvotes my ass.

Don’t tell me what to do. You’re not my real mom.

I'm her friend though, she told me to tell you to give her a call some time, she misses you.


If 4chan can get a tranny elected president before a woman, well that be just swell for dramacoin.

Unfortunately we all know a different Chelsea will end up being the first woman president.

Everyday I'm bussying

Everyday I'm bussying

Everyday I'm bussying

Everyday, everyday

I would give my left arm to have Bradley Manning be the DNC candidate for President in 2020 and every 4 years for the rest of eternity.

First Woman President lol

love your emojis

That super feminine jaw.