Ballistic missile threat inspires steamy incest fanfiction on /pol/

78  2018-01-15 by fuckdahatersbreh


There is no drama here you fuck

Don't hate on Charles II

  • Large, prominent nose providing enhanced sense of smell.

  • Bulbous, protruding chin pad to protect possessor from blunt-force trauma striking the face at a vertical angle from below.

  • Large, unintimidating eyes fooling political opponents into underestimating his intelligence.

  • Sloping forehead for aerodynamic purposes, substantially reducing wind drag.

Seems like a pretty good outcome to me.

Roll tide!

It's virtually impossible to get a boner while surfing. Fake af.

lacking authenticity, but pretty heterosexual

thinking this is true

I wonder how much of /pol/ is under 16.


>implying a /pol/ack could be this alpha


user reports:
1: heterosexual propaganda