Since I finished last in the "MasterLawlz Award For Worst Poster" category, does that mean I'm the best poster on this sub?

11  2018-01-15 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy



yep! congratulations!


No, your just as bad


Emojis are u/Ed_Butteredtoast thing, stop it.


Stop being ok with that, fight for your right to emoji πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Ž



It means you're unrecognizably bad

Ouch πŸ”₯

A failure at everything, even being a failure

U r a meanie

Don't listen to them sweetie! 😭😭😭

Ok πŸ˜„

It's sort of a philosophical question, really. Does losing a competition on who's the biggest loser make you a winner, or a loser? Even in the context of said competition.

It's the 'chicken or the egg' type of situation.

You'll always be worst to me.

Aww thanks bb 😘

wait you’re still active

jesus christ you’re putting a lot of effort into this

Ayy Lana how u doin bb? 😘

jesus christ you’re putting a lot of effort into this

Eh, not really. I've grown fond of this account lol. I haven't logged in to my main since forever. This is gonna be my main for the foreseeable future now Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

but the question is....

what is your main?

Didn't you read what I said? This is my main.

okay then

who is your other account



Yes. You are the quintessential stud muffin of r/ drama πŸ˜‰
