Is Aziz Ansari so very sorry? Srd discusses

72  2018-01-15 by Randydandy69


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Have any of those people been on dates? It was obvious he just wanted to get his dick wet and she wanted to be his girlfriend. As a woman I apologize for the #metoo movement. Bitches be crazy.

Go to a French sub dude. Post the results.

They shave now, mainland Chinese bitches keep it hairy tho


I used to work at a LAN center years ago (yah I know, they don't exist anymore) and we would have competitions to see who could convince a cam whore to show us her armpits the quickest. Glad to see the degenerates are keeping this tradition alive after all these years.

Have any of those people been on dates?

SRD vs relationships. Who would fuck up a relationship faster?

SRD would get sidetracked talking about Trump while relationships would get right down to business.

Now I wanna see a cage match between SRD and Relationships

"I have been named a monster, and do not deny those claims. I am the monster that I fear we all can become. So sit back. Read, or listen, to someone who has passed between realms. Listen to the words of a fool. If they cannot make you less foolish, at least let them give you hope. For I, of all people, have changed."

I don't like throwing the white knight accusations lightly, but come on.

Wait is this his declaration?

Ok no, forget it, this guy has dead hookers on his basement

No, it's someone in the thread quoting a fictional character they like.

And he wears their skin while he walks around his house.

The year is 2138, everyone is black except the honkeys in the zoo.


Imagine being so afraid of Aziz Ansari physically assaulting you that you give him two blowjobs.

It should be unacceptable for even women to be scared of Aziz Ansari.

anything to be scared of Aziz Ansari

FTFY. A guy that's completely paralyzed could beat him in a fight. A speck of dust could beat him in a fight

An unfertilized egg could beat him up and fuck his mom.

I am still laughing

More men need to come out in support of Aziz. This woman who led him on by allowing him to eat her out and suck his dick (TWICE!) decided she didn't want to fuck, took an Uber home (that he paid for!), and then received an apology for his misreading the situation.

She then goes on to later air out her dirty laundry anonymously!

What about Aziz's blue balls? (There's no way he came from those dry BJs!) What about Aziz's right to privacy and his goddam constitutional right to face his accuser!

Me too? Men too! Men need to band together and protect each other.

More men need to come out in support of Aziz.

You fucking misogynist.

Maybe if The Sisterhood wasn't wearing Traveling Pants they wouldn't be getting their knickers in a twist over men following their biological prime directive.

MEN are doing an excellent job banding together. Aziz, and all the other Hollywood male feminists aren't privy to that protection, however.

Because they continuously and purposefully advocated for the new standards that they're getting fucked by.

And they did it on the basis of a metric fuckton of those "toxic masculinity" articles from MotherJones.

But like Scar in the Lionking, Aziz and all these other cucks are getting eaten alive by the monster they fed and grew.

There's a reason they're being derided and their manhood is being continuously called into question. It's a warning that you can't avail yourself to the sympathy and patience you flat out REFUSED to give to others when they were accused.

nice pasta

roymoore for prez btw

Goddamit this is now a meme to me.

I have been named a monster, and do not deny those claims. I am the monster that I fear we all can become. So sit back. Read, or listen, to someone who has passed between realms. Listen to the words of a fool. If they cannot make you less foolish, at least let them give you hope. For I, of all people, have changed

creepy and gross yuck



y i k e s


y'all folks


I just can't imagine doing this to another human being.

We know. SRDines are permavirgins.

He must not have an imagination then. Lol this makes me laugh.

I see his name a lot. Does /r/drama need a VegetatheMAN?

we're at a point where we're still following the old guidelines, except what we grew up believing and the behavior learned as a result isn't how we want it to be.

/u/shosure Except even this is an oversimplification. Different women want different things. Women don't all agree on "how they want it to be" and if you talk to them I think you'll find quite a great deal of variance. The overarching problem is that nobody knows how to communicate, and furthermore communication is actively seen as "bad" in some situations.

It is an accusation of Aziz Ansari doing something creepy without explicit consent

Imagine a future where every sexual advance must be prefaced by "Do you consent?"

So, only tangentially related...and I know you're all probably sick of Star Wars drama, but I really want to float this somewhere:

Rose sexually assaults Finn in TLJ, right?


Pretty much every kiss scene in any movie could be construed as sexual assault

Hell, Rocky practically rapes Adrian in the first movie, he got lucky that she just happened to like it

Pajeet is a rapist. Who would have guessed!


