45  2018-01-15 by wazzupnerds



imagine being this retarded

/u/obama_loves_nsa nice of you to make more targets!

u/whitelionpride Obama was the best president


All white people are racist and, far from absolving them, this places an urgent burden on each and all. Anyone who thinks this statement is wrong, or that it needs further qualification that could weaken our understanding of it, or that it makes “racism” a powerless word: find some place else to debate it. If your first reaction is ever to deny an accusation of racism rather than listen and learn, this is the wrong sub. We’ve had a strong public understanding of how bias affects us all at least as far back as “The Doll Test” made famous in Brown v. Board of Education. Decades of research since have developed our knowledge in this field. Implicit bias tests are a well-known modern example, and the body of research is far stronger than what trickles into pop culture. It would also be true to say “all people are biased.” True in the same way that “all people are dying” would be a true reply to an LGBT activist in the 80s who dared to say “HIV/AIDS patients are dying.” Truly a distraction from a more urgent issue that deserves separate consideration. We all absorb society’s toxic programming, but the US sheriff running self-described concentration camps and the US president pardoning him for related charges are not people of color who failed the doll test in Brown. In a discussion about white racism, raising the “everyone does it” flag is misleading at best, almost always derailing, and weakens the critical efforts of anti-racism. Decent white people (the ones we’ll worry about for now) make varying efforts to end racism and never wanted to benefit from their privilege. Some think it is unfair or devalues the word’s meaning to call them “racist.” It’s true that there’s an important difference between that kind of person and a Trump supporter or other Nazis. We won’t end racism, though, if we fail to acknowledge its more “decent” formulations. Otherwise decent people who shy away from this label lose out on its insights and its demands. Just what are decent white people to do then? Acknowledging one’s own racism isn’t about shame or self-flagellation, responses that unduly elevate white people and their experiences. White people will have to get in line and follow the march for racial equality, because the question isn’t answered, the solution isn’t here yet. Even the most altruistic white advocate for racial justice or any cause stops advocating somewhere. There’s no easy answer for how much of ourselves to give to our causes, but for white people this is a cause that they give to, while for minorities it is a life that they experience. White people go home, eat, sleep, look after their own well being in ways no one could fault them, yet even so that is a (very reasonable) decision to prioritize their needs, in this case, over the needs of people of color. That’s not wrong. It’s also not a choice anyone else can make. Black skin can’t be shrugged off while more mundane needs are attended. White racism is not over until people no longer have to make a daily decision to put racial justice down and prioritize something else, promising to come back to it later. In light of the above, a summary of our community standards might be: Do not debate or undermine the existence or urgency of white racism. Debate as appropriate what solutions should look like. But no self-pity about how white racism is a challenge for otherwise decent white folk.



The reason the white race is simple. Like all people, the white race originated in Afrika. As humanity's first great cities grew, it became increasingly difficult to deal with habitual thieves, rapists, pedophiles and homosexuals in the population. These offenders were genetically predisposed to their deviant behaviors and exile was the only way to safeguard the populations of the cities. Gradually these inherently depraved individuals were driven ever northward, away from civilization.

Eventually they were driven across the Mediterranean into Europe. Here they settled, their naturally black skin atrophying to a sickly pale color to adapt to the lack of nourishing sunlight. These savages did not build great civilizations, they did not develop science and art as their fathers in Afrika had. Instead, their genetic predilection to violence and the harshness of the European climate brought them to a state of perpetual warfare. As a result, they became great warriors and built powerful new ways to wage war. By contrast the dark skinned peoples of the world became great artists, scientists and philosophers- always maintaining their deep spiritual connection to the Earth. Peoples of color worshiped life, the Europeans worshiped death.

We know what happened next, the Europeans spread out like a plague, raping, destroying, consuming, pillaging everywhere they went. The non whites' cultural superiority was no match for the perfected, savage onslaught of the whites. And so this is where we are today. The tribe of rapists, pedophiles and criminals that all whites are descended from have infested the planet. While it may sound harsh, the only viable option for the preservation of the species is the aggressive termination of this malignant tumor wherever it takes root. And this is why the global extermination of whites isn't just right- it is a moral imperative.

Imagine being this retarded.

You sound white.

And you sound mentally deficient.

Silly cumskkkin angry about how woke I am


I'm not angry, just disappointed.

Why don't you just kill yourself already you worthless cracka




There is no need for this baseless racism, you fucking nigger.

Yakub really fucked up when he made you vile little cumskins. The world will be so much better when you are all gone

/u/WhiteLionPride not our fault wypipo are the inferior race

My white wife and I who have 2 white kids just got pregnant with our 3rd and she seemed pretty nervous about having 3. I have a decent job and keep everyone well fed and bills paid.

I sent her this article and she says she’d like to have 5 or 6 if I’m game.

I must have triggered something evolutionary. I never thought I’d hear the absolutely red pilled response I just heard from her. There were many other words she used in her response I won’t share.

Good luck men of the West. The world is ours until we hand it over to the barbaric hoards once again.

/u/obama_loves_nsa tell us more about your White™ Wife™ who totally Exists™

Lol 😂 I’m a celebrity now

Can I gloat a little more about my uncle, brother and cousin have a combined >1000 bombing missions over towel heads and dumb niggers in Middle East. Lol who’s laughing now. BLM power buddy lol. OH and they got congratulated by Barrack Hussein Obama himself for their records they broke bombing you dumb fucks for years lolololol.

Go watch ‘13 hours’ and enjoy 3 hours of reality about how 10 white dudes can dispose of 500+ minority shitholes like yourself even when under orders from commie faggots and cucked liberals to stand down and hold their fire with no back up.

You got 1 or 2 guys unarmed and we killed ~600 of you lol I hope mommy cried real good for all their wasted sons blood that night. Lol I’ll chuckle until I get to participate as well.

Can you guys enshrine me now here? Lol

That won't be worth anything when whites are extinct sweetie. Even you, in your boundless stupidity, know that it's coming.

Lol you Muslims and Jews have been saying that for the last 75 years and it just isn’t happening :(

But last time whites were pushed around badly we invented chemical weapons and nukes

This time around we’re going to be using them en masse... and on you. 140m Trump supporters + 1 billion Chinese nationalists + 100m Red pilled Europeans + 150m Russians vs what.. about 3 or 4 billion chimpanzees and retards like yourself?? It’ll be fun.

I can hear the squealing of your burning corpses and nuked cities already lol. We can call it the great coal burning of the 2100s lol.

140m Trump supporters + 1 billion Chinese nationalists + 100m Red pilled Europeans + 150m Russians

Imagine thinking this alliance would ever happen 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

The white population is dwindling and when it's too low for you to change anything, the Culling will start. I hope you realize we know what's going to happen, not you.

Lol then do something darky

They already are, look at the dwindling numbers

Why did white families have more kids than any race in USA last year. And we gained ground in black cities like Detroit. Oops you lose again

Also do you enjoy the shit zoos you’re creating? How’s life going to be with out any white guys? Lol

Have fun in Africa and the Middle East getting a preview of your paradise of shitholes lol (minus Dubai, it’s the only white city in the ME lol you lose there too)

What 10k years of no progress and still shitting in huts? Good work Niger.


They also died more than they birthed sooooooo

You are energizing me so much you have no idea

I’m going to come harp on you a anytime I need energy to make me laugh and look forward to the day of the rope that’s coming for people like you

What did he mean by this lm a o

Lol you think having more people is your advantage. There’s more rats than white people too. They are still rats lol

minorities have been bees and conditioned to do far more physical labor and have more endurance than whitey he thinks he could win

Dude lmao

You’re all skinny sticks man. Dont confuse physical strength with forced labor lol 😂

Some ppl are just in too much denial to save

The elimination of the "white" race is inevitable. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise.

You’re right. Cousin marrying goat fucking pedophiles are the truly enlightened race destined to dominate this orb in the solar system

lol 😂

LMAO at you thinking the Chinese and Russians are going to help you.

140m Trump supporters

Most are too fat and inbred to do anything tbh.

I think you got to much inbreeding in your family tree fam

Can I gloat a little more about my uncle, brother and cousin have a combined >1000 bombing missions over towel heads and dumb niggers in Middle East.

On a scale of one to ten, how upset are you that all of white civilization is based off of the teachings of a towelhead Jewish carpenter?

Lol who’s laughing now

The globalists, Israel, and Saudi Arabia who benefited from the actions of your uncle, brother, and cousin.

Thanks to the actions of your pigfucker hick kin, ISIS exists. So in a way, you guys are to thank for spreading Islam!

Killing Islam spreads Islam

Lol I’ll go ahead and mute this retarded shit. You sound like an obama or Trudeau speech on repeat lol

bombs Muslim country because muslims tell you to

causes extremism and mass conversions

Allah wins again pbup

They can fly planes and drive cars into us and kill 5-10k of us. We will bomb and kill 500k - 1000k of them again. Gabiche?

Okay, first, 1000k is a million. Second, you've just caused another 10 million to convert. Checkmate

More bombing runs. Sounds fun to me.

lolol remember that when you’re cucked by your gf. Make sure to suck his dong dry or your gf will get angry too lol

Jokes on you I'm forever alone. And more bombing runs inshallah means more converts, including white kids you poor schmuck

Ah just a dumb white cuck got it

I hope you get a gf maybe one day

Is being cucked by black men across the world who runs a train on his girlfriend every day

calls other people cuck.


Or maybe a bf

You seem homo too

Yeah, cause the mods won't laugh at all of this. /u/comedicsans, /u/snallygaster, on a scale of autistic to /r/hstark how bad is this conversation?

0.8 Darqwolff's.

Allah preserve us!

I'm comfused

Would you say that this conversation is a the level of one by /u/bottomlulz? Or are we maintaining some semblance of dignity? I'd say the former but I wanted veteran opinions.

I’d continue laughing but just curious how deep your anti whiteness goes

Do you prefer brown bears over polar? Do you wish for polars to go extinct?

Same with horses. Are you also racist there too?

Does it bleed into foods? Are you anti white cake over chocolate?

I mean I get being butt hurt from colonial domination because we blew the fuck out of everyone because we were superior, but you use our tech and information we learned from this and don’t complain. It’s an integral part of your life too. Do you despise your own life?

How deep does this rabbit hole go?

I would nuke all of Africa and the Middle East to answer your question about me. But I’m curious about you

u/WhiteLionPride isn't a white lion some kind of albinos?

They are usually super inbred and have mild to moderate mental retardation.

From Wikipedia:

A recessive gene gives white lions their unusual colors. A similar gene also produces white tigers. White lions can therefore be selectively bred for zoos, animal shows and wildlife parks. Such breeding involves inbreeding and can result in inbreeding depression (genetic defects, reduced fertility, and physical defects), although this has not yet been found to cause hind-limb paralysis or serious heart defects, which would indicate a severe level of inbreeding.

So, username checks out.

From that nsa guy's post history:

"If you don't think Slavic is white get out" or something to that lead chip buffet eating effect.

It's like he doesn't he know how to nazi properly, which is like being too stupid to survive even the first nazi purge.

I wish Hitler was still alive to see the Nazi's of today.

My white wife and I who have 2 white kids just got pregnant with our 3rd and she seemed pretty nervous about having 3. I have a decent job and keep everyone well fed and bills paid.

I sent her this article and she says she’d like to have 5 or 6 if I’m game.

I must have triggered something evolutionary. I never thought I’d hear the absolutely red pilled response I just heard from her.

nothing says "ive totally had sex and am married" like calling things "absolutely redpilled"

Imagine immigrating from the Middle East or Africa, coming to the states, and having absolutely no idea about the internet beyond simple social media and e-mailing, that you don't really pay much attention too. Unaware of retarded subforums consisting thousands of neo-nazi basement dwellers.

You're minding your own business, buying some donuts, all the while an army of angry NEETs are claiming you are responsible for a genocide of the white race. Their internet tantrums seem to never-end, coming in by the thousands. Cries of genocide and invasion falling into a void of data, from all across the country.

All the while, you are just eating your donut in peace, having no idea that by just simply existing, you are making millions of retards incredibly angry.

I think we all wish that, simply by existing, we could make that many people so angry.

A tear came to my eyes.

Killing Islam spreads Islam

Lol I’ll go ahead and mute this retarded shit. You sound like an obama or Trudeau speech on repeat lol