Group behind multibillion dollar cryptocurrency project revealed to be using copied code with the original licenses scrubbed. Nerds and crypto cultists go to war in a github issue thread.

88  2018-01-15 by _Suprememe_


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Totally shocked that a bunch of Chinamen would do something this unethical.

Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.

They didn't build the goddamned railroad

Uhhhh, erasing the lived experiences of Chinese womyn and myn much??? Please stop mayosplaining. Chinese folx will NOT be defined using your preferred nomenclature; as POC they have the agency to define THEMSELVES using WHATEVER terms they want to!

Please sit down, open up space for a POC to voice their opinion, and decolonize your mind before even thinking about responding! Ty


Does anyone unironically say this?


Not yet

What about phallically-challenged Amercans?

Real talk tho, what’s wrong with Chinaman, you guys call white people white ghosts (which those mutant fucks are) “gwai lo” and call back people Hagwei, and act like that shit is all cool, but Chinaman is offensive? I can understand chink and jap and ching chong and slope ect.. but Chinaman?

chinaman means left-arm unorthodox spin. just ask /r/cricket.

Movie quotes are the height of culture. Maintain your personal safety with extreme vehemence.

Chinese people involved in scamming? What a shocking turn of events.

I actually have a story about this. My friend had this Chinese roommate in college, his family was from China, he had gone, but was a US citizen.

He ran a league of legends boosting service in his free time and had a bunch of Chinese mmo gold sellers on his skype.

My other friend was on his computer one day and noticed he had open conversations with Chinese gold/currency sellers and the Chinese roommate was just telling them they were a disgrace to "the Chinese" and screeching at them about how inferior they were to "real Chinese."

Guy was just infuriated at con artist Chinese people and kept trying to cinvince himself it wasn't the norm.

Who cares? All "cryptocurrency" is a scam. These Chinese are just more obvious than a few other scams.

thats racist pizzashill, when did you join the alt right ranks ?

He was a KiA before he became whatever he is now. You can take the neckbeard out of the reactionary sub, but you can’t take the reactionary out of the neckbeard.

Just another injustice for the mayocide to correct.

but did he yell "NI HAO MOTHERFUCKER"? that's what I'd do.

You should see what they did to my coke.

copy paste is THE most powerful tool for any developer,

This was said without any hint of sarcasm or irony. This is your modern day "developer".

Modern Programmer Guide

  • Step 1 - Google what you're trying to do.
  • Step 2 - Copy what find
  • Step 3 - Slap stupid logo on it, call it your program
  • Step 4 - Wait for millennials to give you their parents money

"You're outsourcing my position to India?? They can't do what I do! They write spaghetti code!" - Western programmers applying a hefty dose of doublethink to avoid facing the irony of having literally joked about their replaceability for years.

I propose a name change; developers should be referred to as "digital cooks".

They really are no different than someone following a recipe (a cook) except they pretend they are chefs (programmer).

....okay this one triggered me.

Nicely done

Don't forget western programmers are the people that mocked idiots that got their job taken by an immigrant

No point reinventing the wheel, open source projects exist for a good reason.

Well, using libraries is essentially a smarter way to do copy-paste, so they aren't completely wrong.

Hey, don't shit on something that work.

Hooray, cryptocurrency drama is something that exists now.

Stay tuned, TRX was just the first shitcoin to purchase loads of social media and even tabloid exposure. This resulted in a lot of societal lowest common denominator getting burned truly believing their Chinese garbage tokens would go to 10k. Tron is the first crypto pump and dump to rob droves of teenagers and stay at home moms, but it won't be the last. I'm bullish on this drama.

/> first crypto pump and dump

/> all other cryptos exist

The others are approaching the dump phase as we speak. Have to complete the metamorphosis from pump to pump&dump.

Yups... Pro tip once Goldman goes big get the Fuckkk out.

Ripple is on its 3rd pump and dump. It was literally designed to be able to sell a shitload very quickly. Every time bitcoin made the news ripple was there for some scam. Back in 2013, 2015 and 2017. It's amazing how it's all from one coin

Don't attack cryptos during a bear market, it's just rude :(


Confido primarily scammed crypto autists. Tron isn't notable for being a cryptocurrency scam, it's notable for being a cryptocurrency scam marketed towards people who haven't bought in to the bubble yet.

Oh, gotcha

I had just come here to post about discovering /r/transpositive

cryptocurrency drama is something that exists now.

Oh my sweet summer child. Crypto drama was so rife that even SRD realised its meme potential. It is so old that THIS IS GOOD FOR BITCOIN is too stale even for SRD.

Castrate all nerds.

ETH was invented by the white master race. You can trust it.

im glad we have people like you that post drama like this

I dig this shit up for you guys <3

OMG People realize they can print money, do it, and people are mad.

Bitcoin bubbles popping...

Can someone please tell me why we need 200 different internet coins that don't do anything?

Who the hell is buying this garbage?

/biz/ is a glutton for garbage. Most of the newer coins (including TRX, Tron's coin) aren't actually their own blockchains, they're just ERC20 standard Ethereum contracts which are trivial to produce. I could compile a contract called "bussycoin" with a trillion coins and immediately start handing them out in less than 15 minutes if I wanted to.

tbh I'd tip you a bussy

I’d invest in BussyCoin

Why haven't you done this yet, retard

I'm producing Bussycoin 2.0 as we speak

I just need to get /u/xNotch on board to buy in to my bussycoin ICO and I'll be set for life.

It's an easy way to set up scams.

I unironically own like 20k TRX. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see this post

But they renamed the variables so it's a totally new thing now.

This is good for bitcoin.

Great find. First time in a while that there's good drama on GitHub that's not identity-politics related.