You know how I know a "feminist" article was written by a man? When the guy writes that MRAs watch harem anime while complaining about a person who he don't even knows that edited the latest Star Wars trash to have no women on it.

20  2018-01-16 by SonyXboxNintendo11


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Does everyone in Brazil think you're retarded too?

Real talk, though, imagine your kid being born and you thinking that he's going to be a lawyer or a doctor and instead he ends up spending his adult life editing out women from kid's movies.

Id rather that than he end's up writing gay ass articles for ""

MRAs are soyboys themselves, and harem anime is cancer that needs to be scrubbed from this Earth.

Harem Anime is only really good if it's a side-genre. Pretty much every terrible Harem anime is Harem focused.

Or if it doesn't exist. Period.

whats harem anime


Fuck you. Ouran host club is the bomb and Kyoyo senpai is so dreamy!

"You are an absolute walnut"

MRAs are soyboys themselves

I won't argue with that, since I guess the fact that I oppose the gender-shaming of "soyboy" means I am a soyboy in your eyes. But at least know that MRAs didn't actually make this edit, this was just a feminist spreading lies. We have more important things to care about.

I'll go back to being a beta soyboy now.

Great copypasta. One tiny nitpick though: try sounding less like a faggot.

since I guess the fact that I oppose the gender-shaming of "soyboy" means I am a soyboy in your eyes.

You care about "gender-shaming" or something. That sounds like Tumblr talk. You are a soyboy because you care about gay issues no one cares about.

I'll go back to being a beta soyboy now.

Okay, have fun with that.

That is some serous tile gore. You write like a special ed ELL student.

Jesus, who cares about some gay games if?

Fucking feminists looking for fucking anything to cry about