RiceGum (a Youtuber who will be featured in a Superbowl advert this year) gently asks a rape victim whether her rape felt good.

41  2018-01-16 by TheDaysOfWrath


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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This is the money shot.

It is old drama but it is surfacing again now that Asian Jake Paul is trying to virtue signal.

"ABCs are the worst chinese." - some taiwanese person on youtube

/ourguy/, amirite?

We're not hapas

Old and Gay

This shit is super old.

Damn this might be really bad for him

Is this some incel star?

Why do people hate someone getting ahead in life. Yeah this shit is lame and awkward and unkind but I fucking hate the culture of "hey look, in this dudes immortalised internet history he did this one thing x years ago, lets nolife spam his sponsors and try ruin any big breaks in his career, doesn't matter if he says sorry he has no right to anything but crawling in a hole and dying at which point I'll make a sad tweet on twitter saying that it was his decision and nobody could have forseen it" just like with the August Ames shit, she made a couple of comments and people hounded her to death some even told her to drink bleach then right after "Oh, nobody could have forseen this".

People just need to chill and try and get somewhere in life instead of looking for the next person to dogpile on.

doesn't matter if he says sorry he has no right to anything but crawling in a hole and dying at which point I'll make a sad tweet on twitter saying that it was his decision and nobody could have forseen it"

As is tradition.