shit can I still shitpost in Canadian prison?

120  2018-01-16 by eva_unit_hung


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,*,

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Well it is Canada, so I'd run south of the border.




hey buddy just so you know we at /r/drama consider

you're blocked and reported

to be a forfeiture over whatever retarded shit you were arguing about.

/u/eva_unit_hung, the sperglord that he is, made you submit. Pretty lame.


Imagine being so retarded you take bait from one of, if not, the most retarded and unironic /r/drama posters.

Wait, you don't have to imagine.

Because that's you.

EDIT: Imagine being so retarded you can't name ping.

I don't have to imagine, because that's me.

yeah i'm an award winner now and it only took a month.

are the rest of you even trying?

I'm jelly af rn tbqhwyf

my honest advice: treat this place like you're a heel wrestler and it's your audience/peers

lot of marks here, they eat that shit up.

I h8 u


I deal with it by imagining some sort of sexy bias

Thanks for the exposure bby 😘

Back in the good old days people died from exposure. Now they revel in it. Sickening

I've reported you for being a left wing terrorist.

who's gettn v&

who's gettn v&

I got some exposure for ya!

man, we sure got him

I've notified the toronto authorities regarding your right-wing terrorism.


/u/neurogasm_, how is it being such a retard? Does it feel good? Bad? No strong feelings either way?

Ya'll better watch out or /u/neurogasm_ will tell mommy!

/u/neurogasm_ is the most powerful being I have ever met…His capacity borderlines on Mastery. His power is deeply complex…He uses concentrated rage with Mastery…I am becoming a Master — like him I conjure divinity…This being [/u/neurogasm_] resonates on degrees of consciousness barely comprehensible to others…He is the one whom we fear, to whom we gravitate… and in his presence we share divine expression, visions of practice, healing, and transformation. He conjures Kali and he is a destroyer.

Where's this magic pasta from?

Some cult member in a Cultural Anthropology course talking about their professor/ cult leader.



Please report me to the Canadian authorities as well.

/u/neurogasm_ this is probably more appropriate for the cyber police

i don't know what you're all laughing about. hurting /u/neurogasm_'s feelings is against the law and you will be punished severely

/u/neurogasm_ strongly consider sucking dick to deescalate the situation

Spotted the twat downvoting the lolcows.

/u/neurogasm_ I once killed a man because he picked up a penny i dropped. I broke a guy's entire hand from across the room by launching my button with my hand. I have broken every bone in 43 different people's bodys. You think you could win in a fight against me? Do you really think that? Well, if you want to fight you can find me at the gym every day of the week. I sleep in the gym. I eat in the gym. I kill in the gym. If you even want to attempt to take a dent out of me you should just off yourself or let me do it for you. Infact, i am already in you house. Try to find me and i'll knock you into a tree in china. You are never safe. Rest In Peace Kid.

Consequences will never be the same!!!