TIL comes out praising corporate blackmail of voters and collective punishment

4  2018-01-16 by GadolBoobies


Jews did this


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I sure did.

Imagine being so triggered that you thought this seriouspost was a good idea

You know you've posted well when AnnoyTheGoys comes in to rage at a Jew.


You know you've posted poorly when you're annoyed by AnnoysTheGoys.

Oh no how devastating.

OY, VEY. /u/GadolBoobies, you do realize that agendaposters are first against the wall on /r/Drama, right?

I have never seen people argue against getting a corporate headquarters in the town till that thread

/u/hellofellowstudents hates it because it increases propriety values and traffic

he like the city before it was cool and valuable

smh y'all dummies don't even geddit

No because keeping property values low so poor people can afford is incredibly stupid

Property naturally gains value people want to live and work there, to keep it low would mean intentionally letting crime and poverty spread as wide and as unchecked as possible

Wew that's a real baby boomer kind of thinking. People who've lived here for a very long time are no longer being able to, but we're okay because the property values are rising? It's not about race or whatever kind of ideals are in that package.

Seattle has <50% of its population as renters, so maybe our thinking here is a little different from yours.

That's a brilliant plan. If you don't have any low income housing, people with low incomes will just disappear, but all the crappy low-paying jobs will still by done. Maybe by robots or something.

I love how this is spun by the morons on Reddit, literally Fake News in the strictest sense of the word.

There were 3 options on the ballot for a MLK holiday, involving how to re-appropriate other holidays. Basically MLK was to be instead of another holiday- but how? The 3 options combined received a plurality of the votes, however no single options received the majority so nothing was passed.

Literally this was not about honoring MLK, this was about another "free holiday" that the affirmative action losers at the state offices could leech off of the taxpayers. It's funny - MLK day replacing Columbus day as a state holiday (one of the ballot options) was just not good enough. To truly honor MLK day, Arizona workers had to be allowed to be lazy for one additional day.