Tranny on tranny internet violence : /r/asktransgender goes to war on /r/transgendercirclejerk

29  2018-01-16 by IAintThatGuy


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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This! So much this! Snappy bby you're woke af, unlike those idiots who won't recognize a good circlejerk sub if it came up and bit them on the ass.

Making jokes is LITERALLY MURDERING my friends!!!

Punch up and don't punch down pls or you're participating in brutal killings.

I am proud to have been banned from both.

Transgender "people" are fucking disgusting. Not even shitposting right now.

Even better, now some trannies think some other trannies are being transphobic. Now they're going to accuse each other of being the cause of their eventual suicides.

"internalized X" has literally always been a thing

Yeah, but using the term internalisation should usually imply that someone has adopted a trait of an abuser to escape the feeling of helplessness/anger. Logically consistent, that would mean trying to be empathetic and respectfully trying to point out the paradoxity of x person's self-sabotaging believes. In reality, it seems more like a justification to get the pitchforks out (and eat your own social movement from within).

It doesn't affect your life in any way whatsoever, so why do you care?

Girls Ladyboys are icky, don'tchaknow?

I mean, they are tho

Oh, yeah, girls are icky. bussy>gussy

It is gross, unnatural and, most importantly, the ultimate sign of low self-esteem.

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but most things today are "unnatural". Maybe you could try something more productive than having such a toxic view of people who are different than you?

Hey there, I am not saying they shouldn't be allowed to LARP as the opposite sex, just that I have all the right to tell them they are a bunch of creepy weirdos.

yea ok that's fair

Transgenderism should be cured, by any means necessary.

mostly a sexual fetish that originates from watching too much lesbian porn, until the guy is aroused by the idea of being a woman and then gets addicted to that feeling. Add to this the widespread anti-masculinity bullshit in schools and social media, all the "stunning & brave"-attention that is showered upon trans women, and for many spergy weirdos it can feel like transitioning is their path of least resistance.

...and some, I assume, are good people, who actually suffer from gender dysphoria.

mostly a sexual fetish that originates from watching too much lesbian porn, until the guy is aroused by the idea of being a woman and then gets addicted to that feeling. Add to this the widespread anti-masculinity bullshit in schools and social media, all the "stunning & brave"-attention that is showered upon trans women, and for many spergy weirdos it can feel like transitioning is their path of least resistance.

A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality

Here we show that the volume of the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminals (BSTc), a brain area that is essential for sexual behaviour, is larger in men than in women. A female-sized BSTc was found in male-to-female transsexuals. The size of the BSTc was not influenced by sex hormones in adulthood and was independent of sexual orientation.

Male-to-female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus

Regardless of sexual orientation, men had almost twice as many somatostatin neurons as women (P < 0.006). The number of neurons in the BSTc of male-to-female transsexuals was similar to that of the females (P = 0.83). In contrast, the neuron number of a female-to-male transsexual was found to be in the male range. Hormone treatment or sex hormone level variations in adulthood did not seem to have influenced BSTc neuron numbers. The present findings of somatostatin neuronal sex differences in the BSTc and its sex reversal in the transsexual brain clearly support the paradigm that in transsexuals sexual differentiation of the brain and genitals may go into opposite directions and point to a neurobiological basis of gender identity disorder.

A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity

To identify and delineate the nuclei and determine their volume and shape we used three different stainings throughout the nuclei in every 15th section, i.e. thionin, neuropeptide Y and synaptophysin, using an image analysis system. The most pronounced differences were found in the INAH3 subnucleus. Its volume in thionin sections was 1.9 times larger in control males than in females (P < 0.013) and contained 2.3 times as many cells (P < 0.002). We showed for the first time that INAH3 volume and number of neurons of male-to-female transsexual people is similar to that of control females.

Interesting, I might have to read and rethink some positions.

actual trans people do exist.

that research is from a time before every other spergy teen decided "the explanation for all my troubles interacting w people is i'm a woman."

Let's just deconstryct the idea if gender and see how that goes. We don't need well defined language and healthy social boundaries! Just whatever the caregiving circlejerk dujour gives the most political power to Trudeau.

Actual trannies dont want the spotlight and too many crazy trannies have got the spotlight for the worse.

They shitted up nerd culture and made it nofunallowed.jpg, see AGDQ. I don't want communists furries ruling over me, Trump and Hillary are already terrible politicians , and I hope they are the bottom.

I have no idea what you're even trying to say

>nerd culture


It was a shithole, but it was our shithole, I suppose.

in what deranged universe does more trannies = less fun?

I just gave an example, the speedrunner community turning from a fun spergfest to a corporate souless machine to preserve the feelz of the trans.

no, i mean how could you possibly think it was more fun before that? that's just objectively wrong.

I mean, the first time AGDQ had anything actually worth watching live was this year.

You post a little too much on Switch, try to look less happy when the wifey let you play it.


don't try and change the subject, you know they've never done anything as dope as that Double Punch-Out run before

fuck I need to see those BMZ and Contra runs too

AGDQ is unquestionably at its peak

Fake women = less fun

Not compared to zero women, no

Poisoned food is worse than no food.

Sometimes, usually nah

Yes? Every time I drop food on the floor.

now that’s two kinds of retarded right there

two kinds of retarded

  1. chop your dick up
  2. traps are not gay

yeah that’s fine.

anyway, you know dropped food isn’t “poisoned,” right? and getting one calzone fewer than usual isn’t “no food.”

Look, as long as there aren't any "women" with dicks, I have no argument with you.

but those are good too! just go to pornhub and type in “t-girl”

No counterfeits for me. Thank you drive thru.

Nerds don't have culture you pathetic frogman.

It doesn't affect your life in any way

Good, let's keep it that way.

Saving this comment for every time someone complains about how this sub is now a leftist hellhole

People do that?

It's been becoming more and more common, usually in threads about Daddy doing something dumb.

We SRD now.

This retard has been periodically crying about how /r/drama has fallen to SJWs.

He unironically thinks that birbs are a secret SJW meme.

This retard has been periodically crying about how /r/drama has fallen to SJWs.

He unironically thinks that birbs are a secret SJW meme.

Edit: here's another one.

I think people should have the right to do anything they want with their own bodies, but we have the right to criticize them.

If someone wants to chop of their own thumbs, they can do so but I can tell them it's an incredibly bad idea and they're likely mentally ill.

the difference is when they start using tax payer dollars to talk to children in public schools about why chopping off your thumbs is "normal behavior"

Why are you so mad?

Am I?

Not even shitposting right now.


Don't Copy People's Posts and Make Fun of Them Questioning Their Gender Identity. Why do I have to say this?

Because deep down you know it's sort of funny, at least it is compared to what's considered funny on reddit.

I'm tired so I'm gonna go super low effort. Otoh Anime memes are pretty much the cutting edge of trans humor, so maybe this will push someone past the breaking point.

On further inspection, /r/transgendercirclejerk seems to have some self-aware people.

Seems all those who post there are self aware and have a good sense of humor about themselves. Definitely not a hugbox.


Without systemic prejudice, so what?

Huh, so you can be as big a twat as you like if you're trans? Sign me up.

Och. Another trannyposter. Good friendo.

every other day there is a post at the top of this sub of someone like me who killed themselves


Maybe transitioning isn't the solution, then. 😘

Can't expect the mentally ill to listen to reason. SAD!

I always enjoy seeing trans people try to act like badass shit-talkers on the internet as if they aren't the same people who will literally kill themselves if you refer to them by the obviously correct pronoun.

Even better when they get triggered at other trannies making self deprecating jokes on a circlejerk subreddit that never reaches the frontpage or tries to advertise itself.

Laugh at the weirdly small forearms until they keep themselves safe.


kys hamboy

Stop selling her steroids, first.

too late, you have already fallen into those meaty clutches.


Murder it.

how can you disable roid rage with a concealable weapon?

haven’t you paid attention to the legislature meetings? once a prospective rapist gets past that bathroom door, they can’t be stopped

Right, so quit letting rapefugees in the door.

refugees don’t use bathrooms, they’re good

Don't let them in anywhere.

then how will they prepare the soup? you’re not using your head

test gay ereee

They straight up weaponize that fact in debates, which is no surprise at all because trying to manipulate others with threats of suicide is very common among the severely mentally ill.

It's so fucking embarrassing whenever trans communities get into slapfights over which community has suffered most and is the most suicidal. They pretty much weaponize the latter in arguments.

"um sweetie.. did you know that 110% of trans folk attempt suicide? maybe think twice before downvoting me... 🙁"


Aaand another hive of igorant assholes. How cute.

Talking about the people in this thread, btw.

Why do you have so much sand in your neo-vagina?