Some people on r/television believe that the Curry Comedian should've acquired superpowers from the extra hot food he eats and been able to read minds; don't like when others point out that telepathy only exists in fictional worlds.

32  2018-01-16 by BellyCrawler


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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You watch your mouth or I'll make you blow Aziz Ansari.

Women are children so all sex with them is rape.


This but unironically

Muhammed and his desert pirates were right on women


This, but unironically:

"The dominant way of thinking about rape is that there is “good sex” and “bad sex.” Consensual sex is “good,” while non-consensual sex is rape. However, the notion of “consent” actually reinforces rape culture. The “consent” model legitimates relations of domination, shields the real content of sexual relations from scrutiny, and silences, downplays, or misrepresents gender-oppressed people’s negative experiences with sex. The reality which the “consent” model ultimately obscures is that sexuality under patriarchy is an oppressive set of practices. These practices dominate heterosexual relations but also cannot be escaped by any other form of sexuality within patriarchal society.

The point of our argument is precisely that there is not any lifestyle under patriarchy which is in itself subversive. Additionally, we must stress that the intent of our argument is not to moralize at any particular lifestyle. Moralizing at individuals is just as ineffective as glorifying a sexual practice as inherently revolutionary. The point rather is that sexuality without oppression is only possible if we get rid of the whole damned system.

There remains however the issue of how to address sexual practices pending revolution. Sexuality is an issue which communist organizations will have to address if they hope to advance feminist aims. It would therefore be useful to find a replacement for “consent” as a model of thinking about rape.

Such a replacement framework might be difficult to generate. We have discussed how all rape is sex. But is all sex rape? Recall that at the beginning of this piece, we said that rape is central to gender oppression because it transforms the victim into a “being for another.” But as our argument developed, we saw that this is true, to some extent or another, of all sex. Is a distinction between rape and sex in general even meaningful? Some, notably the Maoist Internationalist Movement, have argued that all sex under patriarchy is in fact rape. On the other hand, we might find that there is some usefulness in denoting some distinction between the average heterosexual relationship and, say, sex trafficking. For now, we leave this an open question.

In sum, we hope that in revisiting what is sometimes called “sex negativity,” we can take steps forward in the effort to build a communist movement that is poised not only to overthrow the bourgeoisie, but also patriarchy.

Jesus, this whole thing has me sure that I'm not going to bother with a girl at parties. Chances are she might flip around and accuses me of sexually harassing her.


I don't think you'll meet a lot of these women in the real world. These snowflakes only seem to exist on the Internet.

In real life the women I know are actually more assertive and seem to have their shit together compared to the guys I know.

In fact I'd go the opposite and say that a lot of women like it if you approach them. Of course, this hinges on yourself not being weird/ugly, but since this is r/Drama...

The devil's always in the details, isn't it?

Isn't it pretty autistic to say that the only way you can gauge how someone is feeling is through explicit verbal messages?

Isn't it pretty retarded to spend forty years campaigning on a platform of NO MEANS NO and then suddenly decide that you shouldn't have to go to the trouble of saying no for it to mean no?