Political correctness drama in /r/OldSchoolCool about the right word to use for Snow Niggers that somehow turns into discussion of hapas

35  2018-01-16 by IAintThatGuy


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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u fukt up.should have kept reposting until you got a Happa quote u/IAintThatGuy

I'm 49

Imagine being as old as u/tsaomao and still having beliefs as embarrassingly incoherent as his

Nice shot. Not effective, but sure, you go with that. On the internet, no one knows you're a dog, fluffy.

Why should we care? Social justice is a scam.

Yep. So is prejudice.

Must be harder to be a troll these days.

Imagine being literally 49 years old and being as much of a passive aggressive bitch as you

That's some sad shit, hombre

Surely as sad as trying to piss on someone by shaming them on /r/Drama. Why don't you go masturbate that frustration away? Or are you NoFAP?

Whoa, the passive aggressive bitch got a little less passive! What's wrong, mad because I can still jerk off and you haven't gotten more than a half chub in the last 15 years?

Thanks everyone for honoring my little divergence into Hapa experience. I'm afraid I can't fulfill your fantasy of knowing more about my chub dimensions and frequency, but I'm sure you can find plenty of small penises to enjoy on Pornhub, just gotta find the right keywords, huh?

Is tsaomao the key word?

Sorry, can't respond without overwhelming sarcasm and irony.

Oh don’t hold yourself back, we’d hate to be denied the fruits of your half a century of idiocy

The response in and of itself was sarcastic/ironic. Therefore I can only assume in your youth, it flew over your head.

I thought a free online course in social justice used to be called shitposting on tumblr.

Um, "Snow Nigger" is used to refer to mayos, sweetie. Try again, ok!

"Leathery looking alcoholic sled dog fuckers" was too long.

Yeah that is our word. Sorry Inuit but you will have to settle for eskimo as a slur.

Well thanks for making sure I do not subscribe to this sub!!!

What are you? Some kind of snow-nigger lover?