Nearing peak soy

120  2018-01-16 by __Adam_Jensen__


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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this just seems redundant, the sex offender registry is already online

He's just fedorable!

She's not gonna have sex with you Trevor

Might suck him of if he properly escalates the situation though.

Hey babe, read your article, heard you got raped. You doing anything later?

This but unironically.

I’m lonely and single

Holy shit. It's like a white night rode into a whole foods, injected himself in the ass with soy concentrate then started a blog.

Hey babe, read your article, heard you got raped. You doing anything later?

Hahaha, wow. "male feminist" - every single time.

Not even close to rape

Do they have loos in your jail cell, Aziz?

I don't understand your comment. Do you think that when someone isnt raping someone, they are raping someone?

We are all rapists now

found the rapist

Can you elaborate? Do you think that not raping someone IS rape?

not raping someone is the worst form of sexual assault you disgusting perv


caring about women's consent seems weird to you? no wonder you're a rapist

Werd= word up= I take you at your word. You're just clowning, son.

oh shit you got me

but I learned a new word and that's cool

You can now be hip and fly and down on the kids.

Read this in Tom Haverford's voice

Imagine being this thirsty

I want this date to happen. And I want them to live stream it. I would pay good money to watch this.

I'm going to print that article out, laminate it, and carry it with me wherever I go.

If I wake up from another binge and start to find myself leaning towards answering the call of the void, ashamed to regain consciousness yet again in some dirty, moldy alleyway, pants nowhere to be found, bleeding from every hole, needle full of god-knows-what still stuck in my arm, I will read the words of Trevor Marlin and know that I still have a long way to go before I hit rock bottom.

From the same author:

Why I Love Every Single Thing About Going Down On A Woman (And All Other Men Should Too)

"I’ve been skydiving, performed in front of thousands and raced cars at 150 mph. But to be an essential part of a woman’s orgasm — connecting intimately to the very core of her being, driving her to wave after wave of pleasure as she loses herself in sheer bliss — is better than any drug I could possibly imagine."


That's just bad writing.

Skydiving, performing in front of 1000's, and racing cars at 150mph are not drugs. And yet he switches the premise of his own statement from 'intense experiences' to 'imagining the effects of drugs.'

I can forgive him for his almost literally unbelievable capacity for white-knighting, but I can't overlook that kind of error in structure.

Women's orgasms are completely unnecessary

Don't hate, it's just biology

Women's orgasms select for sexually competent males.

women still get pregnant without having an orgasm, your arguments makes zero sense

Doesn't mean the baby has the best genes it could have.

If you think women having orgasms has anything to do with getting pregnant you are a fucking moron that was probably home schooled by christian fundamentalists..

Yeah dude, women totally don't have more sex with men who give them orgasms. Is that what your dad taught you when you asked where mom was last night?

You're a writer for this site aren't you?

I guess that means you don't have an argument :(

Please explain to me how billions of low quality males have passed on their genes throughout history then. Why did women go to the Dr to cure their "hysteria" while at the same time popping out 10 kids


Bringing a woman to orgasm increases your chances of reproducing =/= bringing a woman to orgasm is the only means of reproducing.

You have a real interest in defending bad lays.

So you admit female orgasms have zero to do with the biology of getting pregnant. Your argument now is orgasms well give someone better opportunity because they'll fuck more often. But you're still flawed. You're assuming that's the main reason women fuck, not how much money you have, what kind of drugs you're holding, your status in the community or countless other reasons. With your logic any and all these men are more "sexually competent".

You're one of those "nice guys" that will treat m'lady like a queen, aren't you?

I never claimed orgasms are required for pregnancy. Stop reeing and you'll see. It's ok, I don't expect you to admit you're wrong. Fragile egos can't handle that.

Fuckin fundies, amirite?

wow this guy is weird.

He actually recommends suffering an os impurum

the total barbarian

Yeah, this guy must be incredibly desperate if he feels the need to brag about his cunnilingus skills on social media and also asks out women that he hasn't even met. His next essay, Ladies, Have I Mentioned My Large Penis Yet, is due to come out next month.

That place is a cookbook.

It's like /r/menslib if it were a site

Edit: Wow that whole site is what /r/menslib would look like if it too had a shitty site.

/u/Chicup did you steal this from /u/Ultrashitpost, or did he steal it from you?

Drama, like Twitter, is being recorded by the Library of Congress. Plagiarism is a serious offence here, and even one instance can result in a site-wide ban in the right circumstances.

He's my alt, I sometimes forget.

Jesus Christ, what a pussy.


Row the fuck away.

I changed rtfm (read the fucking manual) to rtfa (read the fucking article).

Is that satire? How autistic do you have to be to think that this could be seen as anything but jumping at the chance to get a date, and to not realise how inappropriate it is in the circumstances?

Over/under on this being deleted by this time tomorrow?

Mate you know how far people will go to get faggot gussy. If a male feminist can pretend to be care about feminism several years just so they can a rape womyn.

If a male feminist can pretend to be care about feminism several years just so they can a rape womyn.

What is this grammar? Is this grammar even?

I am done not knew

these russians bots are really going downhill recently

these russians bots are really going downhill recently

/u/Minimum_T-Giraff suka blyat defend your honor.

Good enough to hijack american democracy.

I bet he is just shining on his best friend. The author will text this article to the actual Trevor Marlin with the text "Sup Faggot, I wrote the gayest letter in the universe and slapped your name/email on it. Go fuck yourself, ya cunt! Lets get beers later and read your replies!"

cuck soi-boi small-souled bugman loves the red colored wine! Just like you, gurl!


If I wrote something like that, attached my name, and published it for the world to see, I'd hang myself to preserve my dignity.

No relax, god would also laugh at you

I wish there was a god laughing at all of us

The universe is cold, dark, and meaningless

Preserve? What's left?

Suicide at least indicates I recognize the need to atone.

The conversation no one else is having

This has got to be satire.

Just your typical male feminist.

The site itself is legit; wouldn't be surprised if the writer were a troll who managed to slip through the cracks, though.

I genuinely feel bad for straight men that you have to go through this shit... Come to the gay side, boys — we have bussy!!!

That's right, gay guys are never drama.

Its a different kind of drama

But what might have been hardest for me to read was this line: “You guys are all the fucking same.”

this is peak fedora, not peak soy

why does everybody here always get stuck on the latest meme they've caught wind of?

why does everybody here always get stuck on the latest meme they've caught wind of?

Because we're all retarded. Duh.


why does everybody here always get stuck on the latest meme they've caught wind of?

Why, indeed.

cultural memetics was a mistake

Dawkins was a mistake.

well, duh

more like r U gay(te), Frieling

why does everybody here always get stuck on the latest meme they've caught wind of?

We're too stupid to remember the rise and fall of 'cuck' and avoid adopting other dumb meme fads, apparently.

I feel so old. :(

Last date I had as a single I ended up finger banging her for an hour and then she told me we were going to fast when I wanted to stick it in. I think thats romantic in its own special way.

Finger banging for an hour? Just for her pleasure?

You might want to meet a friend of ours, Trevor Marlin, sounds like you have a lot in common

Just for her pleasure?

I'm the king of finger bang.

Go to one of those restaurants where the waiter can read subtle nonverbal cues that you want red wine with your fish.

I hope this guy gets charged for rape

Fuck you and your mother OP, I didnt need to read this creepy soyboy shit today

Oh no.

I hope he's just a rapist and not the serial killer I suspect.

Good call, I was feeling some sort of socio or psychopathic vibe

Plot twist, it's a trap to actually rape her disguised as soy.

This is the thirstiest thing I've ever read

One where your enthusiastic consent is the bare minimum requirement for even something as innocent as an order of fries

Fuck me.


Where the fuck are people getting all this enthusiasm? I haven't been enthusiastic about a single goddamn thing since September.

Have they been running the enthusiasm wells dry and leaving none left over for me? Is that why they smile with their mouth open? They can no longer contain their ill-gotten surplus enthusiasm with a regular smile? Bastards.

It has to be fake. No one is getting enthusiastic over an order of fries unless they just got rescued from being held captive in a home in riverside.

its been ages since i had fries actually, i can see getting enthusiastic about them if theyre especially good

Well, now you know what's planned before the "date."

bitch u know if dat shit fried in beef tallow like old skool mcd's u be enthusiastic as fukkkkkk

It actually ends with him directly addressing the lady in question. As if somehow the writer was so important that this would be considered a "public letter". What a conceited little twat that writer is.

Who the fuck are you, Trevor Marlin? Grace wanted to be a celebrity girlfriend, not go on one pathetic date with a broke nobody.

wanted to be a celebrity girlfriend

We all know this is what she is pissed about. She even exchanged digits while on a date with another guy.

It's like, if you're going to act like an opportunistic ho, don't be surprised when you get treated like an opportunistic ho.

Now he's a guy who's got an entire Reddit thread about him!

Grace wanted to be a celebrity girlfriend

She's 100% the girl that says she doesn't fuck on a first date cuz she read in some article it's how to get a man, but she's a skank and does it anyway, and when she doesn't get the man she blames the dude for her skank ass behavior.

She wanted it.

When it didn't get her a man, then she pretends she didn't want it.

Source: Skank.

It's not entirely her fault. She wanted to be seduced by a suave celebrity, but instead Aziz turned out to be a cringey nightmare.

Halfway into the encounter, he led her from the couch to a different part of his apartment. He said he had to show her something. Then he brought her to a large mirror, bent her over and asked her again, “Where do you want me to fuck you? Do you want me to fuck you right here?” He rammed his penis against her ass while he said it, pantomiming intercourse.

Nightmare? Sounds sexy AF

Wow, he's the real nice guy

Not even close to rape

Is this satire or some shit? I can't even tell anymore.

It’s like the soy boy version of Smoove B

No fucking way I'm reading more than the first three lines, I fear that if I kept on reading I'd want to really off myself again.

I did, and I do.

This needs to be on r/niceguys

The site is literally called The Good Men project

Seems like /r/menslib the website.

That dude knows she sucks dick at the drop of a hat, and that she already fell for the male feminist routine. Swimming in Aziz Ansari's wake.

Imagine for a moment, the cunt hurt that would be felt, if a bunch of MRA's got together and put up a website telling woman how they should behave called "thegoodwomanproject".

Niceguyism has done a complete 360 holy shit