Kelly Osbourne to Trump: Without Latinos, who will clean our toilets?

63  2018-01-16 by masodeq


Jews did this


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Yah damn right we did.

The Polish

Progressives really do want a slave underclass they just want to call it by a different name.

yeah, it's "latino"

not calling it latinx

the cathedral is going to have to confiscate your progressive membership card now, you fucking nazi

the cathedral

NrXtard detected

is this some kind of eastern orthodox joke?

‘The Cathedral’ is what Curtis Yarvin/‘Mencius Moldbug’, probably the most famous neoreactionary (people who want to reverse the enlightenment), calls modernity and it’s institutions.

that is gaily esoteric

It's great that you're dumping on him for referencing Moldbug when you both obviously picked up the term from SSC and are therefore turbonerds

>not being a meganerd in 2011 and reading unqualified reservations to feel smugly superior to all the Ron Paul fans in your high school

Nah, I just steal their terminology when making fun of progressives. That's pretty much where the entirety of their talents lie.

Latinx should is pronounced "Latin-X-x-...x..x..x..." by some fat puerto rican "DJ" who is just going to play that one spic song way too often mixed in with Party Rock.


Stop demeaning our toilet cleaners by using gendered language.

I mean, it's not really that they're a slave underclass, it's that nobody else wants to fucking do those jobs.

This is a real problem in agriculture.

There's a reason even deep red, rabidly racist anti-immigration activists support exemptions for seasonal workers.

Look at this faggot serious posting in drama. Thinking people will read this.

Keep yourself safe.

"I need slaves to pick my cotton."

-/u/pizzashill 1860

You know those guys are paying like 12 dollars an hour, right?

Just transferring the cost of housing and feeding slaves, you should know, you are a slaver after all.

In some cases it's more, but you do realize that it's seasonal, right? You're not going to be able to afford a house in the town nearby at that salary. The life will be one of constantly moving and being out of a job for 3 months out of the year. It's an OK deal if you actually live in Mexico/Guatemala/El Salvador and are sending remittances to your family, but an American isn't going to be able to do that.

Bro what in the fuck? You know like 12 dollars in hour in these areas is actually pretty good, right?

How much do you think people make per hour in this country, median?

Bro, did you not realize that this is seasonal? Tomatoes, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables that need to be manually picked aren't just constantly ripening. It's not a 40-hour-a-week 52-week-a-year job. When the Walmart up the street pays $8/hour for standing around, this is kind of a shit deal.

What exactly is it you're trying to argue here? I'm not saying they're good jobs, I'm saying nobody else wants to fucking do them, what should we do, not harvest the crops? Starve? To appease dumb ass hillbillies that don't know how the world works?

I'm saying that

nobody else wants to fucking do them

Is incorrect. I'm saying that:

nobody else wants to fucking do them at the prevailing wages

It's not like Mexicans are some sprites willing to work shit jobs that Americans are turning their noses up at. It's just that we have fought for certain labor reforms in the US, but somehow it's OK to basically import serfs for these jobs. Read the "Smell You Later" portion of this podcast, and tell me if these are the labor conditions that were fought for by the left not a century ago.

Why not just go the rest of the way? Let's have tenements and child labor and import Mexican kids to work those jobs. I mean, American's aren't willing to do that.

It doesn't matter WHY they don't want to work them, just that they don't.

Are you interested in paying significantly more money for food?

Harvesting crops will always be hard work, it will never be glamorous, it will never pay top-tier wages.

That's just a fact of this, and you, and everyone else that screeches about it would change your tune real quick the second you saw food prices without them.

No, it does matter why they won't work them, especially when idiots like you say shit like, "You know like 12 dollars in hour in these areas is actually pretty good, right?" And yes, I think we should be paying more for food. Having lived in countries which don't have an abundance of cheap labor, the food costs a bit more, but people make it work. I'd be in favor of expanding the food stamp program to compensate while at the same time making sure that labor practices are followed at farms.

Yeah, fuck the poor, increase the prices of food, and then expand food stamps, because that'll clearly happen.

You're literally saying "millions of poor Americans should starve because I don't like the fact illegals are willing to work shitty jobs."

I dislike the second part of your plan, so I'm just going to ignore it so I can call you a classist/racist.

OK dipshit. You do realize that certain types of foods won't have their prices go up as well? There are plenty of crops that have mechanized harvesting and we aren't importing Latin Americans to do our dirty work. The poor won't starve. Maybe learn about agriculture before spouting off.

The vast majority of them WILL go up, by an absurd amount.

Americans really don't seem to understand how amazing free trade and immigration is for the US economy.

It's really baffling.

The vast majority of them WILL go up, by an absurd amount.

No they won't, and not by an absurd amount. Where are you getting this? Go to a country which doesn't have Latin Americans and see how much produce costs.

All that says it's that the richer people are, the less (as a fraction of their income) they spend on food. Did you just Google and post the first link you found hoping it would support your point.

That's not what that says. And there's a lot more to it than that.

Compare the US to other western countries with median household incomes as high/nearly as high.

Just because you can't comprehend something, doesn't mean I'm in the wrong.

Here's the story. Thirty years ago, the average household spent about 17% of its income on food. Today it spends about 11%. It's a global trend: Food is getting cheaper relative to incomes everywhere with rising incomes. But there's also a distinctly American thing going on here. We spend less of our cash on food than any other country -- "half as much as households in France," according to Dorothy Gambrell.

That is what it says. Please, tell me your interpretation, citing the original article. Also, I will cite parts from that link that supports my point:

Americans spend just 6.4% of their household income on food

There are only eight countries in the world that spend less than 10% of their household income on food. Four of these are in Europe: the UK is third at 8.2%, followed by Switzerland at 8.7%; Ireland spends 9.6% and Austria 9.9%.

The remaining four countries are spread across the globe. The US spends the least at 6.4%, Singapore spends the second lowest amount at 6.7%. Canada spends 9.1% on food, while Australia spends 9.8%.

Your second article supports this notion:

Here's the story. Thirty years ago, the average household spent about 17% of its income on food. Today it spends about 11%. It's a global trend: Food is getting cheaper relative to incomes everywhere with rising incomes. But there's also a distinctly American thing going on here. We spend less of our cash on food than any other country -- "half as much as households in France," according to Dorothy Gambrell.

If the US didn't have Latin Americans harvesting our crops, we would be spending about 50% more on food. This isn't "an absurd amount" and is roughly in line with what I experienced.

This is insane, you're either trolling or willfully ignorant.

How in the fuck is 50% more on food not an absurd amount?

That is what it says. Please, tell me your interpretation, citing the original article. Also, I will cite parts from that link that supports my point:

That's NOT what it says, again. That might be one element of it, but it's also comparing the US to other western countries with household incomes as high or nearly as high and the US still spends significantly less on food.

How are you not comprehending this?

Because we are spending so little on food as it is. If tomatoes cost $4/lb and not $2/lb, that's not an absurd increase. And the point I'm making is that the US is spending very little on food compared to other high-income countries because we basically have slaves.

This is unreal, you unironically think 50% higher food prices for poor people isn't a big deal.

Again, it's not all foods that will go up in price, and the poor people will also now have better paying agricultural jobs. You unironically think that it's OK to have Mexican slaves because it makes food cheaper.

THEY STILL WON'T WORK THEM, LOL. And the fact you think fairly high paying seasonal jobs = slave labor is hilarious.

Like I said, this is your brain on left-wing crazy.

And the fact you think fairly high paying seasonal jobs = slave labor is hilarious.

$12 an hour for 3 weeks until the harvest is done - so high paying. Get out of your retarded tech bubble.



No. I recall when the Alabama thing was happening, one farmer was raising wages up to $25 an hour, and he was starting to get bites. Why do you think this is unreasonable? Do you think these wages are making up all of the cost of the final product?

Holy shit. This is left-wing crazy in action.

This guy thinks people should be paid over 30 dollars an hour to harvest crops, with little or no care about food prices.

Just unreal.

I don't think anyone should be paid any sort of wage. But I think immigration laws should be respected, and it would appear that $30/hr is the market rate for these types of jobs. That sounds like a pretty right-wing position to me.

Maybe you can read this article on your walk. It'll explain a few things to you:

And the pay? Between $10 and $12 an hour, generally. Sometimes a bit more, sometimes less. But, because there isn’t year-round work, according to Salvador, “these families are earning $10,000 a year.”

This addresses how $10-12 an hour turns into the equivalent of $5/hour if you were working 40-hours-a-week 50-weeks-a-year.

A wage increase will mostly affect fruits and vegetables, because commodity crops — corn, soy, wheat, cotton, and others — are highly mechanized, so most of the work is done by machines. With produce, about a quarter of every dollar we spend at the supermarket goes to the farmer. A third of that quarter — about 8 cents of your produce dollar — goes to the farmworker.

So not everything will go up in price. If farmworker wages triple, they get 24 cents instead of 8, that means that produce should only rise from $1 to $1.16. Oh man, that's exorbitant!

I used to like your arguments, /u/pizzashill, but this is pathetic. Left-wing? Really?

You do realize most farm labor is just picking fruits and vegetables? Which make up a tiny, heavily-subsidized portion of household food budgets. Which are in turn tiny compared to exorbitant rents worsened by immigration-fueled housing shortages.


Pizzashill, u gotem!

That's like, 20% higher than AUS!

Pizzashill doesn't have a job. He's just another fat white male who spends his days waxing retarded as on the internet.

Spends less on food.

Fat as fuck.

'Merica baby

Ahead of schedule and under budget.

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When he says "it's only seasonal" he's basically saying per year the toilet cleaners are only earning $3-6 an hour on average, and not $12.

mfw pizzashill needs it explained to him how basic agriculture works...

Those same jobs are in California where it's 11/h minimum wage though

If you value money or sovereignty you'll quickly have neither.

Oh yes, because everyone knows the scary brown people are a threat to "sovereignty."

We can all just live without borders and everyone will sing happy songs. Congratulations on sticking up for human traffickers.

Just because you have a rape plane doesn't mean everyone you take on said plane is involved in some type of rape.

No, it's that no one wants to do those jobs at those wages. With regard to agriculture, why are people surprised that Americans don't want to work backbreaking seasonal jobs at $20/hr? Notice that it's always migrants doing those jobs as well - if they have American-born kids, they don't want to continue picking tomatoes while living 20-people-to-a-shack that the farmer provides.

Those Americans should consider themselves lucky to be able to do break backing labor for peanuts! The nerve of them thinking they should get a fair pay

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Australia has this figured out with working holiday visas for fruitpickers targetting European backpackers. Funny thing is we don't end up with roaming outlaw backpacker gangs fucking our shit up.

Don't downvote the lolcow you fucks


i c u

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2.5 year old youtube clip. Keep yourself monetized.

Only poor people get beaners for maids.

I will clean my own damn toilet. With Kelly Osbourne's face.

Strike that, I will just use her face as a toilet.


I get no sexual pleasure from it.

so you’re capital-S/small-s then?

I am just doing what is right.

typical small-s

don't know what that means

i don’t think you could handle it


Lol if you don’t have a self-cleaning toilet

>not just shitting in the gutter

I pity you.

Her name is Estrella and she's empowered, bigot.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Toilet Cleaners Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Flush The Toilet Like Nigga Pull The Handle Haha

this is from two years ago you late bitches

mod her now

Black people

but how do they know when they accidentally get poo on their arms.

in their sleevies!

You should be deported for this post tbh

Yeah, because Kelly Osbourne is totally representative of my politics.

Greatest cringe of all time? It’s good to know my 20+ years of rawtism can be eclipsed in an instant.

isn’t this from 2016

Yeah, liberals have learned a lot since 2016. They totally haven't doubled down on their insanity lol.

they certainly haven’t doubled down on this specific talking point lol.

what does that have to do with anything?

They Have To Go Back

so Marco Rubio’s a lib?

Reagan made a couple of huge neolib mistakes: CA gun bans, and illegal amnesty. Total disaster.

She shit her pants and blamed Starbucks a while ago. That was the last time I heard about her.

why didn’t that get reposted?

I posted it here but no one seemed to care :(

oh, i remember seeing that and not remembering who kelly osbourne is

Permanent Revolution will eat you, too, rich liberals.

Just shit on the street. Do you see India needing immigrants?

But she's british and polish ppl clean their toilets.

Sure when Trump calls out countries as "shitholes" it's just being honest. But when a MtF liberal calls out Latinas as housekeepers all the snowflakes get up in arms.

i think you're thinking of Chaz Bono

No, it was definitely one of the presidents that said it.

is that a band?