The cringe comes to /r/cringeanarchy when someone argues that Donald Trump is the first black president.

11  2018-01-17 by IAmAN00bie


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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If you asked any cynical Black person in the 1990's how a Black man would be treated by the media/ opposition party , when running for the Presidency if he actually had a chance? You would hear a word for word of how Trump has been treated.

Trump gets asked "What's the deal with turtlenecks and PT cruisers?" Non-stop? Savage, if true.

r/Cringeanarchy: Where the cringe is always in the comments

orange is the new black

¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Bill Clinton is and will always be the first Black president.

Kids by different women, a love of fast food, and piles of debt - sounds black to me.