#MeToo: Would You Use a Blockchain App to Consent to Sex?

39  2018-01-17 by sooperloopay


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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What if you don't own a phone? Poor people can't have sex? THAT'S AMAZING!!!

Ed bby I already have the app

Come to spain already 😘😘😍

Spain? Ewwwwwww!

rude 😔

Aww <3

We have paella! 🤗

>going to North North Africa voluntarily

What if you don't own a phone?

I hope you enjoy autoeroticism in this case.

power to the people

Just when I thought Millennials couldn't be more fucked up they go and prove me wrong.

Well done!

I'm tired of living in a fukken Don Delilo story. I want out.

One of the blockchain’s wonderful traits is that it enables people to interact in ways that normally require trust

ewww trust, normal human interaction

So gross and icky and yucky

Yeah wait 12 hrs to confirm on the block chain before you can do anything. And imagine how big that block chain would be? Everyone who wanted to fugg would have to have that bitch downloaded. Tech companies can the collect all your sexinfo and advertise shit to you.

Could be made fast and relatively small with the right architecture. Could validate based on proof of sex.

Proof of cum

Would You Use a Blockchain App to Consent to Sex?

Depends if I like the user interface or not. Also, can I use it to mass send pictures of my junk to everyone in a certain radius? If yes, then definitely.

You’d have to be the biggest retard imaginable to use this app. This app can only fuck you and work against you, no jury will give a fuck if she consented on the app and testifies otherwise and if the app shows she doesn’t consent (or even just says nothing!) then it might be used against you.

all depends, will the coin moon anytime soon? i mean, HODL that fucker, my god think of the money you can make off the backs of the millenial fuckwads!

How many validator cycles is considered solid consent?

What if someone's finger slips on no? Is the yes inexpungeable? Does that entitle one to one free rape?

Boy, the future sure sounds complicated.

Why can't you just say you were coerced into recording your consent on the block chain? Like all things bit coin/blockchain related this solves a trivial aspect of the problem and ignores the real difficulty.

Why can't you just say you were coerced into recording your consent on the block chain? Like all things bit coin/blockchain related this solves a trivial aspect of the problem and ignores the real difficulty.

don't people already get coerced into signing legal documents/papers all the time with no legal consequences?

Equally, it completely ignores that a woman might wish to withdraw consent later even though she gave it happily enough at the time.