Why is this sub so leftist now?

0  2018-01-17 by RadonRedux


So we can run off at least some of the losers like you. The balance in the force is off, and there are too many "alt-right", daddy loving, potty mouth infiltrators.

Gotta keep that radical centrality up.

There are like 500x more SRDines, than right-wingers, and almost none of the right wingers are 'alt-right'.

Balance to you people is like 'balance' in star wars. Somehow, it's only 'balanced' if your opinion is the only one allowed to exist.

That's because we've shamed them into silence, for now. Loosen up and they'll sperg everywhere crying at ppl being mean to daddy.

Stop talking like anybody wants to be associated with you, Ed. You’re fooling nobody.

I'll just pretend I understood your comment.

😭😭😭💦💦💦 more.

No I really mean it. This isn't sass. I didn't understand your comment :(



oh my god can you just kill yourself already you whiny dickless little bitch? You are the single lamest person on this sub which is impressive

Well, I'm no srdine, I got banned from there for offending the people who like "live-streamers".

Liked and reblogged

What a load of shit, get the fuck outta here.

t. anarcho-fascist

there are too many "alt-right", daddy loving, potty mouth infiltrators.

Not really though. There were like a couple aside from me but they've all been banned by the badmins

What up yo

The real problem is the mommy lovers like u/ed_butteredtoast. Hillary lost! Imagine being so retarded you support a failed candidate a year after they lost

It’s not and never was. Get more secure in your political ideology, faggot.

Hi Nunast!

Waves with single finger extended

I hope it's the middle one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

None other

Globalist cuck!

It's kess 'leftist' than it is partisan Democrat.

They love to deny what's happening, but they made the exact same denials when they took over SRD.

Yah this sub which has been ran by gay dudes and chicks since it's creation used to be such a right wing safe space. Are you retarded? Obviously it's a rhetorical question since you very clearly are

There are always like, five unironic trump supporters on any Daddy drama thread who can't take any humor and end up getting assblasted.

It's their m.o.

Agendaposting and seriousposting while pretending they're just shitposting and dramaposting.

They could at least link to more actual reddit drama instead of le resistance news articles.

They don't like drama, they like political zingers

pulled in by the gussytational waves

Mostly admins banning the right-leaning people here for one reason or another, partly the fact that this sub was always further left than it occasionally pretends to be

it's not

Slow attrition as people get banned for wrongthink

right wing = more drama overall

liberals = better individual drama

This but unironically

liberals = better individual drama

are you referring to some kind of food-based astroturfer that lurks these halls?

Lol this sub is radical centrist sweaty

Bro you need to mellow out and let a group of brothas run a train on your gf.

Hi u/jac983!

Transgender people are the future.





ecks dee


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Lol, btfo.

i’m just so conservative that i prefer a world without the caucasian mistake