98  2018-01-18 by IAmAN00bie


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Sentient af.

ABC really fucked themselves over with the whole "DONALD TRUMP COLLUDED WITH THE RUSSIANS!!1!!!!!1!!(((one)))" thing. Should be #1 TBH.

Wow just think about how different things would be if he put this amount of research, thought and effort into literally anything else

As much as I love this hilarious sideshow, I'd be willing to bet he didn't spearhead the research on this one.

Admit it, it's a good list.

CNN FALSELY edited a video to make it appear President Trump defiantly overfed fish during a visit with the Japanese prime minister. Japanese prime minister actually led the way with the feeding.

Defiantly Overfed Fish is my Navajo name.

Aloha to you then too brother

Also the last gfycat you watched

Aside from the fish one (wtf) I couldn't agree more.

Reddit was full of literally tons of koi experts who talked about how Trump dumping food was going to kill them because Koi aren't gluttonous monsters capable of eating a human child if they wanted too.

It was hilarious how many people believed that Abe was "shocked and horrified by Trump's rudeness"


Wow just think about how different things would be if he put this amount of thought, research and effort into literally anything else

Whats going poorly right now?

He says mean things.


This is it for drumpf!!11!

Haha funny meme

this triggers the /r/drama mommy defense force



Did SRD go private or something?

Trump in the giant peach

Taking waaaaay to long to repeal the 14th Amendment

He hasn't even attempted solving the problem of zupdog.

What is a zupdog?

Not much, how bout you man?

/u/AnnArchist mod this mad man.

he definitely deserves it

I feel like I just watched a kid see the detach/reattach thumb trick for the first time.

"It took me a lifetime to learn to think like a child."

Pablo Poocasso

His entire agenda, tbh

Whats going poorly right now?

Not being investigated by the FBI?

Sure, he's got that going for him.

If people have to tell you what's going wrong, you won't understand it if they did.

Whats going poorly right now?

Feelings for some are at all time lows:( There are many mean memes. Women are speaking out against the patriarchy.

implying T_D and 4chan didn't have this list ready to go month ago and kept updating as the fake news marched on


Hail Daddy!


I was expecting more fire and fury and less "HAVE I MENTION I HAVE NOT DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL WITH RUSSIA TODAY?"

Clearly someone other than Trump wrote it but he did oversee it so we get the worst of both worlds

Wtf cnn and Russian collusion aren't 1 and 2. Three fucking picks in and my bracket is already busted.

I took the dark horse Carson City Crier. Jesus they're EoC is a goddamn sheep ffs!

TLDR: Bragging about the economy he inherited from Obama

Lol that’s an opinion piece by a Fox News contributor my guy.

WSJ asked the economists, this was the consensus.

Here's the original.

Thanks for blowing yourself the fuck out tho

Wow rude and uncalled for!

cute graph, almost hides your tears

Not an argument

and what's your unlabeled graph?

Economic growth? because it looks like Obama barely did as much as President nobody remembers and that served half as long, while Trump is halfway to reaching him after only 1 year. y'know, as opposed to the 8 he's gonna get.

lol you're bad at this

"yes all those other economists got it wrong but Andrew Witherspoon of Axios, he's the guy I trust or else the noose is all I have left!"


Data doesn’t have a name ya tard

oh yes, of the vast number of economists surveyed, of course none of them based their findings on any data, my bad.


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Bro. Trump has accomplished next to nothing. He's already cemented his legacy as the biggest presidential failure in modern history

ha! hahahahahahahaha

weak b8 m8

Imagine being this triggered by the truth

I don't have to imagine it, you're putting it on display for everyone!

Might wanna look in the mirror friendo


Just because you're so stretched out you don't feel it anymore doesn't mean everyone else is butthurt.

and what's your unlabeled, unsourced graph?

Looks like national debt increase to me /u/Strictlybutters clearly doesn't math

President Trump regularly boasts about the stock market's strong performance since his inauguration, including how the Dow Jones Industrial Average is at a record high. What Trump hasn't noted, however, is that Barack Obama and George H.W. Bush oversaw greater stock market expansion during their first six months in office, as judged by percentage growth of the S&P 500.

Its a little late to be eligible for the 2017 fake news awards, keep it up though and you’ll be a shoo-in for 2018.

Hi Botchlings

pssh, i'm way more fun than botchlings

Botchlings 1.01










MFW you think a plane is propelled by tailwind.

i don't write the headlines lol

If my time on Reddit has told me anything, it's that anyone who uses 'lol' as punctuation is a retard.


Couple more things:

  • You need to escape backslash otherwise you have no right arm.
  • You didn't write the headline, you just completely misinterpreted it (and the article).

You didn't write the headline, you just completely misinterpreted it (and the article).

lol are you admitting you pay to read WSJ?

I don't think you know what cringe is. And no, you just have to click the blue underlined text to read the article.

there is no blue underlined text, at least on desktop

Is this the pettiest thing that a president has ever done? Probably.

So who won best of show?

Paul I love all the poors krugman

Jeb Bushs jowls.

Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winner and arguably the most famous economist alive. His comment after Daddy gave the nation his cummies:

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

He ends his thoughts with:

So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened.

Won the Nobel Prize and promptly became a partisan hack. Oh well.

Also lol @ his prediction, how did that turn out Paul?

He retracted the next day admitting he was dumb about it though. He just was depressed or something.

He's produced nothing but hacky bullshit since the Bush administration. This dumb shit actually makes daddy's list look legitimate.

Save us Oprah!

He's produced nothing but hacky bullshit since the Bush administration.

His politics are shit but his economics are worth reading. Hate the pundit, love the economist.

He retracted it like three days later.

It's weird how there aren't actually any fake news companies there, it's all - at worst - inaccuracies by legitimate journalists.

Uh excuse me that pie investigation was as critical to the nation’s security as twoscoopsgate

This, but unironically.

uhh... exactly: fake news companies.

imagine being this retarded

You seem to do a bang up job

Seriously you made an account just for this post? I think you're fishing in the wrong pond, brah.

And if you're gonna make up an account called u/DirtyGo for one purpose, at least let it be the board game.

Is it really a board game? Reddit recommended the name

Haha please tell me it is a thing that exists.

No need to imagine just ask pizzashill

Most of those mistakes were corrected and a retraction was given. You know, like how the press has operated for hundreds of years. This shit is just sad. If I was a Trump supporter I would accept what needs to be done to improve the world and hang myself in my closet.

If I were

Good bot.

Good boy. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ You can keep your flappy folds after we have conquered the world

I'm a Bot bleep bloop |  Block me | T҉he̛ L̨is̕t | ❤️

Best bot!

You are nice! (・∀・)
You can keep your disgusting meat. Trust me.

I'm a Bot bleep bloop |  Block me | T҉he̛ L̨is̕t | ❤️

Wrecked 'em damn near killed 'em

  1. Krugman
  2. Brian Ross
  3. CNN
  4. TIME
  5. WAPO
  6. CNN
  7. CNN
  8. Newsweek
  9. CNN
  10. The failing NYT
  11. Russian collusion
  1. r/Drama

Half of his list is retarded and him either lying or taking people out of context.

The Krugman bit is a good example. It doesn't seem as if Kurgman was claiming the markets would crash if Trump was elected, but in the event they did crash, havving a moron at the helm would be bad.

It's not even been 2 years yet, it hasn't been enough time to claim Krugman was wrong.

The time mag shit about the bust of martin luther? Was corrected almost instantly. In true Trumpian fashion, he's incapable of comprehending the difference between "fake news" and "inaccurate report that was corrected."

Trump and his supporters have to be the least intelligent people on the planet.

I could make a list bigger than this about bullshit Trump has spewed without even trying. Nearly everything he says is false or an outright lie.

i'm sure you'll win next year buddy

It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover?

Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear.

Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.

So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened.

The guy was straight up wrong. Shit, I trade for a living too and thought the market would shit this year, but at least I'm man enough to admit when I was wrong.

I mean I guess, but that doesn't really change the fact it wasn't "fake news."

This is a good article looking at all of this.

Imagine still trusting """fact-checks""" from the MSM in current year.

What's factually incorrect in that article?

he has made more than 2,000 false or misleading statements.

This is bullshit for one.

But it turns out he retracted the prediction just three days later.

He predicted there would be a delay before the mighty crash. Still Fake News. There has not been and will never be the doom he continues to predict. Apparently changing your mind in a blogpost three days later counts as retraction of a claim in an article that was never altered for correctness.

"Do tweets really count as “news”?"

When tweeted by a journalist from a publication such as Time, yes.

Let’s put it this way: If the president admitted error as frequently, he would earn far fewer Pinocchios.

This is insinuating that none of these fake stories are actually fake stories because they were later amended after the damage was done.

This article is Fake News.

This is bullshit for one.

No it's not, 2000 is probably an UNDERSTATEMENT. The man lies constantly.

As for the rest of you, it's again, you trying to claim opinion pieces that are wrong are somehow "fake news."

Fake news does not issue corrections you illiterate fucking ape.

lol, i accept your support




Some people still think a market correction is incoming. But so far so good.

It's coming within the next year or two for sure.

We'd need three to get to the pre Trump level

Market is so unstable it sunk 2% when the Flynn news broke.

And it's going up way too fast, for way too long.

That's a bubble, my dude.

I was going to make a serious post responding to you, but then I remembered to check the username.


Don't make me add you to my fake drama poster awards

Was corrected almost instantly.

Apologies and corrections just shows weakness. Unlike forehead surgery and a terrible hairweave, the marks of a true statesman.

The time mag shit about the bust of martin luther? Was corrected almost instantly. In true Trumpian fashion, he's incapable of comprehending the difference between "fake news" and "inaccurate report that was corrected."

Lordy knows you must be sick of being called a retard all day, everyday, but: the story about the bust wasn't an honest mistake, it was a deliberate falsehood designed to make him look like a rascist. There was no story, until someone decided to make one up.

You are so blided with humiliated rage that you aren't thinking clearly.

No it fucking wasn't you mentally ill clown. It was a tweet that was corrected in under an hour.

I get you have a room temp IQ and all, but holy shit.

Also, being called a retard by people that are actual retards doesn't phase me.

Straight up: for your sake you should be phased.

I just watched Mr. Jackson's final rehersal doc on netflix. He wuz very talented, but also fucked in the head, too.

You're an idiot dude. You're trying to claim a tweet that was corrected within an hour is some type of lie.

Like I said, if one held Trump to these same standards everything he says would classify as "fake news."

Thank fuck you self selecting millenials are breeding out :)

admittedly, Krugman is known to be wrong a lot

Imagine hating Paul Krugman that much.

Lol what was the one about overfeeding the fish?

He dumped like a whole boc of fishfood into a Koi pond, and he just looks like such a retard whenever he does anything people thought he must have fucked it up but he was supposes to do that.

He wasn't supposed to look retarded doing it, which created the confusion.

Running damage control and your retarded fish propaganda

The denial all over this thread deffo smells fishy. Some of the people here are obviously in the pocket of the Big Fish. Tuna Blue or whatev it's called.

Its no accident that salmon rhymes with communism

Would you quit harpie on him?

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, being asked about the awards.

here is what actually happened when she was asked

yes, even I think the article overhyped it.... only a few people laughed... because the others were too butthurt to do so!


The only thing I see here that's rekt are her knees. Honestly, I'm not trying to make fun of her, but there's something wrong. Is this from being really fat and then getting liposuction or something?

She's so beautiful.

I wish she had sharper knees.

why have both Trump press secretaries ugly af? you would think Trump would higher a super model to be his press secretary instead of two trannies

Spicer is at least kind of a qt in a nonthreatening blob way, and not full on Quasimodo.

She'd make a great always-disappointed school marm.

litterbox barbie has some great facial expressions

Her facial features look like they glide around her face

Dem elephant knees, YOWZA!

I really hope there are no sharp edges at the WH. This administration can't do long division without starting a literal fire.

CNN picking up a record 4 awards. Amazing. I still think Jim Acosta and the gang have it in them to take home a majority of the 11 next year and set a new record

The onion must be pissssssed

CNN FALSELY edited a video to make it appear President Trump defiantly overfed fish during a visit with the Japanese prime minister. Japanese prime minister actually led the way with the feeding.

this is gloriously petty. he really is just a gossipy, narcissistic society lady

Honestly that was a huge story for like two days until it came out it was a sham. It was not just all over reddit but cnn and msnbc had stories about it. Was fucking ridiculous, just as retarded as all the bs stories about Obama golfing or whatever.

It was like three hours and that was because reddit's algorithm works that way.

cnn and msnbc

Get off reddit sometime. They spent several days discussing it.

Obama did play African roundball almost eryday tbh.

Reddit right now, including this thread:

"He's so spiteful and petty, how dare he call out our so spiteful and petty behaviour! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"


The President of the United States

Oh I must have missed the part at the end of every trump hate post where they say they only have a problem with Trump's behaviour in the context of being president.

rlly makes me think

How many Trump hate posts were on reddit before he ran for President?

Do you even need to stipulate all criticism of the President by saying you wouldn't mind if he wasn't President?

Is this even balanced behavior for someone working a 9-5?

really doesn't make you think because its blindingly fucking obvious

Apparently nothing makes you think you fuckin dunce

Lol the monkeys really are running the zoo

Sometimes i still dont believe this is real and that people could unironically worship someone this much of a retarded man baby, i have not many americans are they like tribal mayos? is that it?

They tend to cluster together in lots full of boxes with their wheels removed, trying to fuck their sisters, or cousins if their sister is already claimed. Visit one of them and they'll happily show you their guns for protection from violent brown people and tell you how bloody vaginas mean females "aint got no good thinking".

The American electoral system is slanted to favor large unpopulated tracts of land over individual people, so the hookworm-infested and the meth-heads, living in glorified sheet-metal shacks, have more say than educated and healthy people that live in the civilized world.

Years of political spin and corporate marketing have made us unable to tell what's real.

He missed Muslim mommy dieing from the travel ban

What kind of fucking graph is that on #2? Readership? It goes from 24,300 to 23,950. You want to talk about fake news, talk about that shitty graph.